My worst clients … and my best clients …

This isn’t an expose or anything saucy like that. I’m just preparing for a course I have next week with the British Army.

They are my best clients, simply because I ask them to do something and they do it.

Occasionally someone will ask for clarification, and then we go.

The dream client is the one that just follows the plan.

A good coach or teacher will give you the precise plan you need to take you where you want, and all you have to do is follow the instructions and reap the rewards.

Such a simple system, yet when did simplicity ever get in the way of self-sabotage? Not often enough!

They are also great clients because they laugh, a lot.

I have never laughed so hard as having dinner with those guys.

I said they were also my worst clients?

Well, that was only because I didn’t know how to teach them in the beginning.

You see, they have such excellent poker faces.

Often times I just can’t tell if it’s making sense or not.

I guess (and I’m guessing) years of training and being yelled at by someone looking for a reaction will shut down those reactions pretty quick.

Which is all good - I’ve had to adjust my teaching style and not rely on “reading” people, but creating a means where I can get feedback.

So it is all good.

I think your worst clients are the ones that make you a better teacher.

You could probably apply that to everything you do, if you think about it.

The worst people can be a chance to bring out the best in you.

The lightening bolt I got was that sometimes the best help you can give anyone is simply to say no.

It’s been very difficult for me to say no to anyone, but I have gotten used to it.

The best help is to decline to help them in the way they want to be helped.

If that makes sense …

The best teachers I have ever had have been so because they made themselves unnecessary.

In other words, they help you stand on your own two feet.

That’s what I want to help people to do.

Sometimes clients don’t want that, and hence the power of “no”. We’re not a good match.

And so there you go.

Lessons a plenty for you.

If you want a simple plan that you just follow that brings you ever increasing levels of focus, calm and happiness …

That give you a tool to stop worry, doubt, anxiety, all of those loops in your head in their tracks …

That you can use with your eyes open so you enjoy each and every moment …

Then I fully recommend this one:

Ascension meditation is the one thing I have done every single day since 2003.

I think that is impressive in itself.

It’s easy and simple, fits into your life with a minimum of jostling, and it just works.

You want to get on the course.

Book your seat here:

Have a great day, be a good human.

- Arjuna