He was a right pain in the arsk

I once worked with a guy who was always late, always getting into arguments, always a sloppy worker. It was a construction firm and he was always being called back to redo his work.

He had what is technically known in the trade as a “bad attitude”.

Funny thing was, I got on really well with him. He used to give me a lift to work every now and then and found his company genial.

He just hated work. He hated the bosses, he hated the systems and the processes, he hated his pay, he hated the building, he hated everything about it.

And it showed. He really was a awful worker.

One Friday on the way home from work we went out for a beer, and he grilled me about meditation.

I talked and talked at length about learning to be the boss of your mind rather than letting the mind be the boss of you.

I said happiness comes from being able to focus and be present.

But I also said that happiness and calm comes from focusing on what you want, not what you don’t want.

Everything good comes from the ability to choose what you put your attention on.

Critically for him, I think, I said happiness and fulfilment comes from your attitude. From how you approach what you do.

Things don’t make you feel a certain way, you choose your response to things.

Why choose to hate what you do, when you do it every day?

If you can’t get out and do something different, why not choose to focus on the things you like about it?

You can choose to “have” to go to work, or you can choose to have a sense of “play” about it.

How can you make what you do a game?

Small choice, huge difference.

It’s the same tasks, the same people - you may have the most serious job in the world - but your approach will define how you feel about it - and how you perform in it - completely.

And so it was with my friend.

The very next Monday he picked me up and he was a different person.

Gone was his “bad attitude”. I swear I saw him whistling through his day, a tune on his lips.

He still didn’t like where he was, but he changed his attitude to it all.

That in turn changed him and his work.

It wasn’t something he suffered through, it actually became something he could enjoy.

It was the most remarkable turn around I have ever seen.

All because he really saw what his choice was, and he jumped in and made the most of his choice.

Why don’t you give it a go?

If you're interested in something that will give you both a better attitude and mindset, AND the ability to focus and be present, then Ascension meditation is for you:


Remember, if you want to repeat the course - which will always be free - send me an email to book a seat.

If you’re learning for the first time, you’re in for a treat.

But don’t wait too long, there aren’t an infinite amount of seats. I keep numbers relatively low so I can make sure you get everything you need.

Jump in here:


Enjoy yourself - you'll always have that choice, - Arjuna