Did you have a great long weekend? Loved mine.
I spend it doing my taxes.
I love doing my taxes so much that every year I leave them to the last possible moment.
I’ve found that avoidance is the key to maximum confusion as I throw receipts in the air, Scrooge Mc Duck style.
And I love being confused.
No, not really…
But instead of leaving them, I sat down and did them this weekend.
What I found was that the thought about doing taxes was much worse than the reality.
When I finally sat down it was actually okay.
It was actually nice to get things in order. To sort and file and organise and come up with a number.
You ever find that?
Something you’re not looking forward to doing, and so you avoid and procrastinate, and then you finally get round to doing it…
… and it’s not that bad. You may even see the positive in it.
Funny huh?
The mind can make hell out of anything.
Here’s a rule for life:
It’s never about the thing, it’s always about your relationship with it.
If you realise that, nothing can make you miserable because your realise that you have the power to get miserable, or not.
Wouldn’t that be a great way to live? Knowing that you choose everything?
Indeed, it is.
Now, what does freedom of choice take?
A simple mental exercise program. Sitting down and becoming stronger in what you focus on.
It doesn’t take much, just closing your eyes regularly.
The simplest, most powerful way of getting absolute freedom of choice that I know of is the Ishayas’ Ascension meditation.
The more I do it, the simpler it gets.
If you want in, the next course here in Richmond, North Yorkshire is 24-26 June.
I’m not teaching it, but some good friends who I strongly recommend as teachers are.
I’ll be around though if you want to say hi, it would be nice to catch up and chat.
The link to book is here (and accommodation is available if you’re from out of town):
Whatever you do, be aware of what your mind is telling you. It makes such a difference when you are aware. In awareness you have choice.
Take care Arjuna
PS. So you don’t miss out, that link again is: http://www.thebrightpath.com/courses/first-sphere-richmond-mini-retreat-option-also-available-richmond-north-yorkshire-2016-06-24
Having something that will help you deal with your own mind is so crucial.
It means you won't hurt yourself unnecessarily.
I’ll tell you about a study that showed people would rather shock themselves than be alone with their own thoughts.
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