I'm getting married in 4 weeks time, but I have no ring!

In just over 4 weeks I’m getting married. Hurrah! So many things to do and plan and all of that. And you know what?

I still haven’t bought the ring.

I bought “a” ring, but not “the” ring.

Thing is, I have no idea what the fiancee likes.

I’ll walk past a shop window and think, “she’ll like that”…

And so I subtly and smoothly steer the lady past the window…

…and subtly and smoothly mention that particular item of clothing “looks good” in a subtle and smooth attempt to survey opinion,

At which point the fiancee will make motions like throwing up and funny gagging sounds will come out of her mouth.

This, I have learnt, means “no you are wrong, and a fool for thinking so. You have no style”.

I have learnt from repeated application of this process that I don’t know what she likes.

And of course - the ring - an expensive and life-long lasting item needs to be just right.

Imagine my panic.

Well, imagine my panic if I wasn’t applying my super Zen Ascension meditation techniques…

How can I get down on one knee and propose without a ring in hand?

Simple. Just propose when my heart was about to burst, impromptu-ly.

Impromptu is sometimes the best - no rehearsal, just seat of the pants jump in and see what the moment needs.

As you may suspect…

…it was a disaster…

In that I was smooth and suave and romantic as a blubbering, hiccuping 41 year old man can be when he’s trying to speak…

…but a success in that she said yes.

We actually went out post-proposal and found a huge, ginormous dazzler in a shop in Spain for the very reasonable sum of…

3 euros.

Four completely real CZ stones in an authentic look alike gold band (that hasn’t worn off yet) for 3 euros! A bargain!

I thought - naturally - the ring situation was resolved, but apparently not.

She wants “a real one”.

And so we’re shopping.

The upside of this for you?

Hopefully it’s a moral in cheap never lasts, or satisfies, or something like that. Especially where wedding rings are concerned.

But it’s true. You will never regret investment in something that is of value to you.

(How much is being calm, clear and content worth to you?)

So if you want to help yourself, and a brother out (I need to pay for the ring), book on to the Ascension meditation course.

Right here:


After the webinar will do, if you’re waiting and seeing what I'm like - which is fine and totally understandable (details in the p.s.)

Go well! Arjuna _________


webinar - Sunday 10th 8pm (UK)

The secrets of a monk: meditation and mindfulness and mindset for being effortlessly unruffled.

Cool as a cucumber in all situations. How to practice the least to get the maximum results.

Find real freedom of choice - rather than having your buttons pushed and reacting.

Some fine help on ditching stress and struggle and living a life that is 200% full:

100% enjoyment and efficiency in everything you do 100% calm, contentment and inner fulfilment

Register for the webinar here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9161850336915870209