Be like Rob - just do it!

How y’all this morning? Been hanging out with some Texans via Skype, and I do love the accent. I’m sure the fiancee will get used to it soon enough.

My good man Rob Fowler wrote to me yesterday, and I was as proud as a new father, proud as can be, proud as punch.

You see, he came along to an Ascension meditation course about seven weeks ago.

He was skeptical, but willing (one of my favourite type of lab rats).

Doubt is a wonderful thing…

…as long as you’re willing to prove it to yourself…

i.e. “does this work? I’m not sure. But how will I know unless I practice for a period of time? Hmmmm…. Therefore I will practice for a period of time and then make a decision”.

= Smart!

You can doubt and do nothing, and therefore gain nothing, you just stay there, a little stuck.

= Not so smart.

You see, the more the person doubts, but is willing to give it a go, the bigger the smile when they get the pay off.

Rob’s smile is huge at the moment.

Skeptical was he, but practice he did do, just as I suggested he should.

The result? =============

“There have been times when my head is crammed with thoughts, but no matter how I'm feeling I know things will look a darned sight better after Ascending. I love that you can't do it wrong!

Suddenly I feel there are endless possibilities in my life… I had been in somewhat of a rut… but now feel I have so many options and choices in what to do and where to go… It's almost overwhelming.

I'm continually surprised by all this!”


I knew it. I told him. He trusted me enough to listen, learn, and then put into practice.

He is now set for life.

He has something that will continually grow and surprise him,

shaping his life by giving him very real freedom,

very real choice, no longer held back by self-doubt and limitation,

or stress and struggle and mental and emotional suffering.

Meaning he won’t get stuck in any more ruts,

Life will never be “so-so”.

Just living life exactly as he wants to, as fully as can be, squeezing the most out of every single moment.

So I’m super proud of him.

For being willing to do something different. To trust a stranger enough to put aside doubt and follow the so simple instructions.

And to reach out afterwards and get the help and support and guidance that is always available to the asker.

Be like Rob!

If you’re still not sure - just try it.

If you don’t like up to 30 days - I will give you your money back, fully.

Or I coach you personally like I do my private one on one clients until you get the results you want.

But don’t dilly dally, don’t sit on the fence any longer.

Time, and seats, are short.

Sign up here: Have a superb day! Arjuna “proud of my boy” ______


If you want more info before you jump in - I’m hosting a webinar on Sunday 8pm (UK time).

I got all sorts of goodies to share with you, and yet still just a taster of what I’ll be teaching over the course of the Ascension meditation weekend. It's going to be great.

For the webinar, register here: