Tune your instrument

I have several professional musician friends and one pointed out to me something I wanted to share with you. Musicians always tune their instruments, before every performance, before every practice. Always.

If you consider for a moment, your mind is your primary instrument. It is the thing that you do everything with. Everything.

Why don’t you “tune” your mind, first thing in the morning?

Why don’t you tune before any “performance”? Before you do anything of significance?

Why not tune at night, to have an enjoyable evening, to have a deep sleep?

Because the average human doesn’t know the importance of putting the mind in tune.

They think the way the mind is, is the way the mind is.

Sometimes you’re lucky and everything is firing.

Sometimes you’re unlucky and you fall apart.

Sometimes you fall apart so much it takes quite some time to put yourself back together again.

And that, to be frank, is not a nice experience.

What if it need not be about luck?

What if you could learn a systematic method for tuning your mind, making sure it plays sweet harmonies, and not discordant misery?

You’re not an average human. You’re reading this for a reason.

What do you want from your mind, and from your life?

If you're like me you want more, everything in fact. You’re a searcher.

I have what you are looking for, the very thing that - with a modicum of commitment on your behalf - will allow you to tune your mind perfectly.

When the mind is in harmony, you can really begin to live.

When you leave it to luck, you’re bound to struggle and stress.

And it’s time to make a decision whether you will, or you won’t…

If you’ve been sitting on the fence about finally figuring out how to leave stress and struggle and self-doubt and self-sabotage behind,

How to be a source of real comfort, inspiration and joy to your partner, family and friends,

To be so present and focussed the limitations of your head become irrelevant,

and each moment comes so alive, so rich and fulfilling,

then fence sit no longer:

This is the last course that I’m doing in this way for the foreseeable future. Things are changing, I’ve got some exciting plans to do things differently.

Sign up here: https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/ascensionmeditation/

As always - stay present, and full of peace!

Have a great day Arjuna __________


Webinar - your place - Sunday 10th April 8pm (UK time)

If you want to meet me in person first before jumping on the course, fair enough.

Here’s your chance. And I’ve got some new approaches and perspectives I thought I’d share at the same time.

It’ll help make a meditation practice so much easier and simpler, and a life so much easier and simpler.

And will just be a hint of what I’m sharing on the Ascension meditation course.

Register here for the webinar: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9161850336915870209