My mother in law's attitude

This won’t be your typical mother in law joke email. Sorry about that.

It's just that I can't complain. Quite the opposite, actually.

I’ve got the excellent good luck (is it luck?) to have amazing parents in law.

They both teach the Ishayas’ Ascension meditation. Which makes things super easy, and fun, and loving between us.

It’s my wife’s mum’s birthday today.

She is truly an inspiration. I’ve known her for longer than I’ve known my wife, so I have a lot to thank her for in that department.

She has also taught me so much about life, and the difference an attitude makes.

The fundamental thing that I’ve learnt from her comes from her approach that nothing is wrong.

Nothing is wrong - only an attitude makes it so.

She lives her whole life as if the whole of creation wants to show her how to have a better life.

When something happens that is unexpected, it isn’t wrong, it’s just that she doesn’t see the good in it yet.

She’ll exclaim “how fascinating!” rather than get down in the dumps that things aren’t working out they way she expected them to.

She’ll stay so present, because only the future will be uncertain. The present moment is the only certainty.

Of course she makes decisions and plans - but it always based around excitement and possibility rather than fear and worry.

Isn’t that an amazing attitude?

And it really works for her - she’s had some serious health issues to really test the strength of that attitude.

Living with cancer for over ten years and staying away from fear is a marvellous example to me.

It’s one thing to say this stuff, it’s a completely different one to live it. And she lives it supremely well.

Puts my little troubles in perspective when my whiney little head kicks off.

Your attitude makes an incredible difference: You can see the glass as half full or half empty.

One perspective creates fear and worry and stress, one creates hope and possibility and joy.

Life is going to happen in mysterious ways anyway, you might as well enjoy it.

Anyway - that’s my little tribute to my mother in law, an inspiration and a guide in so many ways.

Now an attitude like that doesn’t happen over night - it takes persistence to be present and see the good in this moment.

Your limiting attitude habits will be the opposite of that so it takes a little practice to overcome those habits.

Simple though … just replace one with another.

Simple, but perhaps not easy ...?

Learning the Ishayas’ Ascension makes making a solid attitude so straight forward.

Honestly - having a practice like this makes life super simple, an obvious choice.

You want that too?

I can't recommend strongly joining us to learn: Have a great day out there. Make it so. Arjuna

p.s. Learning to be present and have the greatest attitude is not only simple, you get to repeat the course as many times as you like for free.

This means you have a lifetime of support.

Not bad huh? Jump in!