The one thing you can stop doing that makes all of life better - for everyone

Here I am in my home office, coffee in hand, Ishayas’ Ascension meditation done for the morning.

I feel great. I feel set up, ready for my to do list, ready for all the stuff the day will present.

I love feeling this way, you know? Switched on, clear - not foggy, present and alive - not worried or scattered in the head. Makes the day super simple, and so much more enjoyable.

The thing I have noticed about people is some people you want to be around. You really enjoy their company. They lift you up and inspire you while relaxing you at the same time.

It’s a curious feeling, but its of complete contentment, acceptance and yet also of possibility. Good people are great to be around. Then, of course, there is the others that you don’t want to be around.

To make sure you are the type of person other people like to be around, in fact that help other people without saying a word, is pretty straightforward …

…though like all things needs just a little persistence.

And doing this one thing means you also create more peace, clarity and happiness in your own life.

This one thing I would say without a doubt is to stop complaining completely.

Even if you think you’re a pretty positive person, see where you are overly dwelling on what you think is wrong.

You see complaining is useless. Whining and moaning and whinging just creates more of the same.

If you can do or say something to fix a problem, go ahead and do that. But above all things, see if you can give up complaining about it.

Instant better life, instant better person.

Enjoy your day!

  • Arjuna

PS. If you’re interested in joining us for a weekend to learn the Ishayas’ Ascension meditation, there is a weekend here at Ascension HQ coming up.

The best tools to become more aware of your blindspots, more relaxed, more clear and present, more alive.

Come - it’s the one thing that will help every part of your life.