What you focus on, grows

I have a friend who is in Rwanda and the Congo teaching Ascension meditation to genocide survivors.

She was telling me some incredible stories, full of heart ache and pain, that these guys have been through - and because of that - how much they embrace the simple goodness of being alive.

Humans are amazing, in so many different ways.

What we focus on, grows.

When we focus on the important things, humanity really shines.

And I believe that’s the key - keeping what is important in perspective.

You have so much, and yet it is so easy to fall into a rut and a trap of focussing on what you don’t have. On what is wrong.

Compared to someone who has lived through war and genocide, you are golden.

If anything your only problem is that you don’t realise how much you have to be grateful about.

The trick is having a rock solid way of remembering and seeing clearly everything that is decent and great.

Of celebrating the goodness, the small miracles, of staying aloft of the negativity.

It’s not easy - because of the habits of your mind.

But it can be simple. It can become a choice.

A practice, a technique that you use to rise above all of the negativity - I would say - is essential.

But then I know what life was like for me before Ascension meditation, and I know what life is like for me now.

I am the same person - but I have a way of consistently focussing on what I want to grow in my life.

I have a practice that means the ability to remain positive and focus on the good has become second nature.

It is simple to remain present and alive to the life that is right in front of me.

I can hand on heart say that worry and doubt and fear is a choice.

Wouldn’t that be a nice foundation from which to live your life?


I’m not special - if I can, so can you.

If you want that, what you might like to do is join me on this weekend’s Ascension meditation course.

We begin at 7pm Friday and it’s going to be an awesome course.

The house is full but there is room for a couple more.

It will be my last course like this for some time - I’m not stopping teaching Ascension, no way, it’s too much fun, too transformative, but the audience is going to be a lot more niche, specific.

If you want in, click here:


Have a great day, okay?

  • Arjuna


Go on - if there is one thing you should do in this life, it is learn to meditate properly.

Don’t dabble, don't be doing with books, learn a solid technique, properly structured so you have it easy.

You want it easy, and it can be:
