"The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware." - Henry Miller
The result of meditation is the ability to not attach to the stuff in your head. It is the ability to be mentally fit, fluid and free.
You develop the ability to purely witness, to allow thoughts and emotions to come and go.
You develop the ability to choose what to focus on.
You gain the ability to enjoy every - every - aspect of your life.
Perhaps there is a negative thought or a worry or a doubt. Meditation isn’t about banishing it, it is about simply letting it be there but not getting wrapped up in it.
It is there, but it isn’t you. You don’t get lost in it anymore. Or if you do, you can choose to let go, simply, effortlessly, immediately.
Meditation in action is when you take this ability to not react to things in life.
So something doesn’t go the way you want it to. You are able to not be affected, to remain calm and clear and see what you can do about the situation - if anything.
You don’t get wrapped up in drama any more. You develop the awareness that being calm and at peace is much more enjoyable, and you know how to choose for it.
You give up your ticket to the rollercoaster - life becomes one steady, super enjoyable, very effective moment. Joy and contentment is the overwhelming response to life.
This is good, that is good, all is good.
From that calmness and clarity comes the ability to live the very best version of yourself.
All through a little practice. A little commitment to being that version of you.
You can do this, it is who you have been all along.
Stop, take a moment from trying to work stuff out or trying to control. Be present and alive to this moment. See the beauty that is here, see the good that is already in your life.
Why would you want to set aside time to meditate?
So you become aware, and in doing so, totally and completely alive.
It's worth it.