200% of life

Happiness Is Like Push Ups, But With Less Sweat And Pain

Did you know...? Thinking too much, anxiety, worry, anger, fear, stress, actually negativity in general …

All of these things are just habits.

They are something you’ve learned to do in response to things that you don’t like. The more you react in a certain way, the stronger that “way” gets and so the easier it is to respond like that.

It becomes a habit, a reaction.

It’s a bit of a bottomless cycle, a slippery slope.

But the good news is that it is just a habit.

You can create another habit.

The even better news is that you don’t need to work out why you get stressed, or anxious, or not respond to life in the way that you want -

Just make a different choice.

A habit is simply a strong pathway in the brain.

Want a new habit?

Make another pathway. Do something else that takes you in another direction.

A little known key to life is what you put your attention on, grows.

The more you do it, the more the new habit becomes stronger and more “slippery” for your attention, the old one less so. You become incapable of behaving like you used to, simply because all your attention is on the new way of being.

Happiness and calm is way more attractive to the mind than stress.

If you give it a chance it will become your default.

Good news indeed. I believe it was Aristotle who said:

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.”

In this way, happiness and peace is a lot like going to the gym -

You don’t need to believe push ups will make you stronger and healthier, you just need to do them - with good form and regularly - and the results are obvious.

Regular practice, then, is everything to being "happy calm".

What kind of practice?

Meditation - all the way.

Because it retrains and rewires your brain to stop giving so much attention to what causes you stress and unhappiness.

It makes you present, it makes you more positive, it makes you "anti-fragile".

You need to give it enough time to create a new habit, for it to become stronger ...

But the more you do it, the more your life changes and so the more you keep wanting to do it.

It becomes self-propelling and motivating.

But you need to start. And you need the commitment to follow through.

Grab a buddy and make a pact, set aside a time each day. Just close your eyes and do it. Remind yourself to see everything as being half-full. Be as present in this moment as much as you can.

If you need any assistance in this, let me know. I know some good ways.

For real I do. In fact if you’re serious and want a super simple, yet very powerful meditation technique you can get going on today, head here:


- Arjuna


Happiness is indeed much easier than exercise.

No sweat, no aches and pains, no weird diets.

You can wear your lycra to meditate in, if you want, if it makes you feel like you’re doing something.

But really you need nothing.

You can meditate in the bath if you like (though a rubber ducky helps).

Or even at work …

All you need is a means of bringing your attention back and refocusing.

Ooh - here’s one great means:


Like Lemmings On Skis

A slippery slope indeed ...

You can distill the cause of ALL of humanities problems (outside of chemical imbalances) down to a few things.

One of these things is not being present.

People are so much in the past and the future that they spend virtually no time in this present moment.

We think too much.

Thinking is useful - but you might recognise that an excellent tool sometimes (perhaps often) takes over and becomes a tyrant.

If you’ve ever had trouble sleeping at night you’ll know this.

If you’ve ever tried to banish a worrying, anxious or fearful thought pattern you’ll know this too.

If you’ve ever had your kid tugging on your sleeve and telling you that you’re always distracted you’ll know this.

We're never present, here, in the one place where life is. Where, since there is one thing at a time, life is manageable.

As children we were taught to start thinking but never taught to switch the damn thing off.

Like lemmings on skis, we were pushed down a slippery slope and never showed how to turn, how to halt.

The result is your head gets faster and faster, more and more preoccupied with things that you can’t control.

You get tunnel vision - you lose touch with your senses, your awareness.

You start to become trapped in patterns and habits of thinking,

You become more and more stuck in the past and the future,

With little ability to absorb yourself in this present moment when you want and need to.

The exception to this is when you’re doing something you love.

The reason I got into meditation and this mind training was I realised that my head got quieter when I was in the outdoors.

The worries and doubts and to do list all were put aside -

All for the experience of being immersed in what was in front of me.

For me that was kayaking or snowboarding or climbing up a steep hill somewhere.

My head got quiet and I realised I was never happier than when my head was quiet.

I needed so little to be satisfied and content.

For you? That may be tiddlywinks …

But you love it (at least partially) because it brings you to a state of focus and presence.

It brings you out of your mind tunnel.

You can let the head go.

Now -

It’s good to recognise it’s not so much what you do but how you do it.

If you can do one thing with utter immersion and enjoyment you can do everything the same way. ^^^

It all begins with watching your own head, the thoughts and feelings within, and where they want to take you.

Enter a meditation practice.

Meditation is never about stopping your mind -

That is such an important point, because that ^^^ is hard work indeed; impossible for long periods.

Meditation is about becoming aware of what your head is telling you, and making another choice.

Just to watch, to not follow, to come back to that awareness.

To see what is there beyond thought and emotion.

To rest in the field of your own aware presence.

All the do-ing in your life becomes balanced with some time not doing.

Just resting and watching, and learning to halt, and breathe, and wait, and simply be - aware, mindful, present.


Then you can go again. Because you’re recharged not drained. You have clear perspective not foggy, limited vision. You have more aware choice - not reaction.

Keep it simple.

Close your eyes, but do the same with your eyes open.

See the difference between what you can control and what you must let go.

Be the difference between day-dreaming all day long -

- and having the crisp, sensory, intuitive way of living when you’re present and focussed on what is in front of you.

It is a habit, just a habit.

But one that when mastered means you master the causes of all your problems.

You can sail through tough times.

It’s well worth doing.

If you’re interested in doing this properly ... if you'd like to be free of needing apps and such things … if you’d like to master your own mind and have an incredible life from that basis,

Then delay no longer. Opt in here and get a FREE Quick Start Guide To Meditation and get going with mastery.

You can't lose:


Go well! Keep the peace. Arjuna


If you ski without knowing how to stop, better wear a helmet.

And one of those back braces.

Why A “Pretty Good” Life Can Be A Curse

It may be an odd thing to say -

But bear with me.

I get to meet a fair few people.

And the one thing that motivates like nothing else …

... is suffering.

Everyone I’ve met who is determined to live the very best life possible - 

The basis of that being a solid foundation in being calm, clear, focussed and able to take nothing too seriously …

Has usually experienced some degree of difficulty in their lives.

Which means they haven’t wanted to go back there.

They’ve wanted to find a way out of suffering, for good.

And fair enough too.

It’s a wake up call.

When you realise life sucks, you don’t want to hang around.

It motivates you to do something different.

It’s the same reason I’m here.

Sometimes a pretty good life means you have just that - it’s pretty good.

Nothing comes and shakes your tree enough that you’ll decide to make it really really good.

And that there is a shame.

Average is pretty good.

But why not go for amazing?

It’s actually pretty simple to have a bullet proof mindset,

To have true stability and calm and happiness - no matter what is happening in your life.

And therefore enjoy each and every moment,

Bringing the best version of you to your relationship, your family, your work, your sport, to all of life.

It just takes a touch of dedication and persistence.

To keep going until you master your own mind, your reactions, your choices.

And sometimes that commitment only comes from such a wake up call.

(An alarm is never nice - but it certainly gets me out of bed)

So if life is tough at the moment -

If it’s not going your way,

If it seems like everything is going wrong, falling down around your ears,

Or maybe it’s just a bit hollow. It doesn’t make sense.

Maybe you have everything but there’s a nagging doubt at the back of your mind of “Is this it? Is this all there is to life?”

Then you may actually be in a great place.

A place of awareness.

The dawning of awareness sometimes hurts.

But ultimately it’s a wonderful thing.

Because there is no choice without awareness.

Even if you become aware of yourself and what you’ve been doing or how you’re living -

And it seems like you come up short,

Then wonderful.

I mean that.

Because now you can do something about it.

The lights have been switched on and you’re no longer stumbling around in the dark.

Now you can get to a place where you don’t let life define you or your actions or your feelings any more.

Now you can make better and better choices. Choices you can increasingly be proud of, not ones you regret.

Choices that mean you define life - and not the other way around.

Does that make sense?

I hope so because you CAN get to a place where that one day you’ll look back on your past,

And be GRATEFUL you were in a bit of a hole -

(I’m serious)

Because it made you live the best life you could,

Rather than sleep walk through life.

So go well - chin up, keep going. Head on up.

Small steps, you’ll get there.

If you opt in here I'll give you a head start and we'll continue the conversation.


Take it easy



Of course suffering isn’t necessary.

So if you’re not hurting don’t panic.

Sometimes it seems it’s useful.

(or maybe it’s just my glass half full approach)

But only so you never go back there again.

In reality you can use anything for motivation.

To be a better parent and/or partner, to make sure you get to the end of your day and regret nothing, to make sure you can be super productive yet stress free and still laugh your way through your day …

There’s a million reasons why you might want to do the work to make sure you have an amazing life.

What are yours? And what are you going to do about it? -

The Stink That You Can’t Wash Off

Had the meter reader guy come in yesterday and, sheesh … The bloke had a bad case of body odour.

Like serious.

It lingered long after he had left.

Left an oily coating on the walls.

So aggressive it stained my teeth.

I don’t want to make fun, really I don’t. 

I know for sure that my breath can be volatile at times.

Due to me doing some intermittent fasting -

(Basically skipping breakfast, no eating until early afternoon, as part of my health and fitness regime.)

And that can cause my good lady Sumati to turn away.

At least she lets me know - so I can get a banana or something in me to fix fasting breath before I go and be with people.

But - and here is my point:

There is a kind of “stink” that no one really talks about.

And that is the stink of stress.

You see, it doesn’t just affect you -

Like a personal hygiene problem you might have grown so accustomed to a certain level of stress and struggle that you don’t notice it at all.

But the people around you certainly do.

Your kids, your partner - they know.

They may not be able to put it into words, but they know.

How does that work?

You ever walk into a room and it’s obvious that’s there’s been an argument?

You can almost feel the tension, the sparks left over.

And vice versa - you know it when you walk in somewhere or are with someone and you instantly relax, you’re comfortable.

It’s more than nice - it’s a relief.

I remember this one more senior guy I used to work with.

I was new, and loved being around him because he was unflappable.

We had a pretty dynamic job as outdoor instructors, busy, long, physical days -

And he was so awesome because his level of calm meant even when things went unexpected  -

(which they did, often) -

He didn’t freak out which meant … I didn’t freak out.

I could deal with the challenge, and all with a smile on my face, simply because he had carried this “no problem” attitude right there beside me.

Talk about a mentor - I wanted to be like him.

It was never what he did that impressed, just how he did it.

How he carried himself probably made more of an impression on me that anything he said -

And made me look for a way of becoming like that too - which led me to learning Ascension meditation a few years later.

Now, here's the thing:

You CAN be like that guy too, no matter at what point you’re starting from, and for the sake of your loved ones you SHOULD.

You'll be like a breath of fresh air in their lives.

Taking care of business, dealing with the demands of your day, and yet coming home and fully there with everyone, big smile on your face -

Everyone wins.

Part of it is attitude, part of it is meditation, part of it is learning - or having the courage - to make different choices (or make the same choices differently).

That’s why I set up a programme that’s not just meditation.

It’s using the awareness and clarity that comes from meditation in all parts of your life.

Go here if you’re interested, opt in and I'll give you a super simple meditation practice you can get going on AND we can talk more about it:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane/ Go well! Arjuna


Why would you go without breakfast?

You see, I LOVE food - But if I just ate and did nothing else?


So, enter fasting and exercise - a necessary tradeoff -

All so I can eat pretty much what I want to eat, just in a concentrated period.

Seems to work well (for me) to help keep the dad bod at bay.

Also clears the body (and the senses),

And it isn’t harsh at all.

Harsh is a waste of time. And a waste of life.

I’ll tell you more about that next time …

Why Your New Years Resolution Has Already Failed

OK, so I’ll get to the point because it is Sunday, and you have fun things to do - Right after you read this excellent email from me, that is …

Factoid for the day:

90.8% of all New Year Resolutions will fail.

Chances are your resolution has already failed:

Almost a THIRD of all resolutions won’t make a seven days.


You see, people have great intentions -

But they don’t set up the systems to make sure they succeed.

Everyone has started something and then quit.

Am I right?

How do you start something and make sure you keep doing it?

Here’s a few things I have discovered in teaching the Ishayas' Ascension meditation over the years:

All resolutions, whether made in the New Year or not, take regular doing.

If you don’t do them, they don’t happen.

So that’s the first reason trying to change yourself fails.

Sometimes it’s too big. It’s too much change at once.

The change is way too “chunky” and not bite sized enough.

You need easy and simple.

So make a change plan where you make small, achievable goals,

That relate to easy things you can do, even on your worst day,

But then build on that success so what is achievable to you gets bigger.


Measure your improvement, not your distance to your main goal.

Make sense?

If you’re always looking forward you’ll never realise how far you come.

Look back and be successful, look forward and you’re always got further to go -

Which CAN be demoralising (but indeed, not necessarily so).


Get a reason for changing that you are invested in.

Why do you want to change? What happens if you don’t?

Remind yourself of your why, otherwise you may just lose motivation when the dip comes.

The dip always comes - the initial buzz stops, the motivation drops, it becomes too hard - so you stop.

Expect the dip.

Lastly, which may well be the biggest thing …

It’s also why Weight Watchers ads say you may lose up to seven times more weight with them than doing it alone …


i.e. get someone on your side to make sure you do what you said you would.

You can create audacious change if you have accountability.

Get a buddy, a coach, join a group, tell your partner and get them to remind you why.

Public announcements and updates are excellent for this.

You’ll get support - but you’ll also make some people guilty too.

Which may mean you get some funny comments.

No deal - it’s not about you, you’re triggering them.

Keep going!


Because excellence is just a habit.

It’s making sure you do something enough so it becomes a ritual, a non-negotiable part of your day.

And that’s when you ENJOY doing it for it’s own sake, not just for the change you want from it.

It’s the same with learning to control your own mind,

To switch off from work (or doubt or worry) when you want and need to,

To have an incredible relationship,

To get a handle on stress and struggle,

To really be there as your kids grow up,

To have more balance and way more fun - no matter what.

A simple meditation and mindset practice is everything to having that.

Opt in here and I'll give you one, free:


Go well, Arjuna

PS. Have fun out there, alright? -

The French Are Getting Some, Are You?

It’s a fine, sunny morning here in Richmond, Breakfast with Sumati, exercise and Ascension meditation are all done, coffee is in hand.

A good start to the day I’d say.

Found out recently that French workers have started getting legal protection from too much work time due to mobile phones.

Very useful things them phones.

I love mine.

The problem, as you will know if you have a work phone, is being switched on all the time.

So even if you’re at home or on holiday, you feel like you should be checking those emails.

Which means even if you’re with your family, you’re not really.

You’re still at work.

Because you’re thinking about it, you’re not present with them.

This is a huge thing for me because I realise now how much I used to be absorbed by work, and it DIDN'T make my life better, at all.

It made it worse.

“I wish I spent more time at work” -

Said no one ever.

Yet there is a pressure to feel like you should.

If you’re self-employed?

The pressure is probably greater.

Cos the buck stops with you.

But here’s what I’ve noticed.

Unless you have one of those very rare species for a boss -

The enlightened kind who realises they can’t squeeze you all day and all night and still get excellent work from you -

And therefore tells you to go home and switch off, completely -

You have to be the one that makes sure you do - for yourself.

Rest and switching off is not a reward for hard work.

It’s a necessity.

Take the time to do it. No checking just to “make sure”.

You’ll tell yourself it’s only a little bit -

But it’s the thinking about it that counts, that adds to the pile of constantly being "on duty",

That wears you down,

That means you have no energy or time to exercise,

That makes you grumpy and reactive,

That means you’re not present and miss out on seeing your kids grow up,

That means your relationship goes stale underneath your nose, because you’re not there.

You need to find a way to get balance in all aspects of your life.

You actually CAN sit on a chair with one leg -

But it’s exhausting.

Solely focussing on work means you’re going to fall on your arse sooner or later.


Give to your work, but also give to your family, your health and fitness, your sense of fun and adventure, to the sense of connection to your purpose for being here.

Give to all of it.

Then you’ll have a life that nurtures you, that is enjoyable, that is wholly and completely satisfying.

Not just a mad race on the hamster wheel of work and sleep and eat.

You don’t want to be a fanatic about just one part of it.

Good stuff!

Go well - you CAN do this. Arjuna


I know you’re busy, so you need something that fits into your busy life.

A programme to get balance and learn to switch off, especially from your own head, has to fit into your life, not the other way around.

My goal is to keep this supremely simple, something you can do even on your low days.

Like to know more?

Opt in here:



What They Don't Want You To Know

I found out something huge today - Something not of great importance in terms of world peace but of great “hmmmmm…” none the less.

Did you know you can replace your iPhone battery?

Isn’t that awesome?

I thought you had to throw those things away when the battery stopped working so well.

Granted, being Apple it’ll cost, but not as much as a replacement. And it’s a little bit greener.

Why didn’t anyone tell me sooner?

Perhaps because they want me to buy a new phone. Well, I'm onto them.

But the first question I asked was -

What else don’t I know?

That’s a can of worms isn’t it?

Some things I don’t know are merely on a interest level.

For example, it was only recently that I discovered that giraffes fight by throwing their necks at each other.

It looks brutal - huge giraffe necks whipping against each other. Youtube it!

Other things that I don’t know can make a real difference.

This game of life - for me - is about self-discovery.

Gaining greater awareness of yourself.

You see, in awareness you have choice.

If you don’t know, you can’t do anything about it.

If you do know, you can start to consciously shape the way you think, the way you feel, what you do, what you say -

And all of that changes what you get -

In your career or business, with your partner, your kids, your health, your sport.

When I first got into this kind of thing it was a bit shocking.

Because the more I looked, the more I saw stuff I was a bit ashamed of.

All those habits and patterns and stuff meant sometimes I behaved in ways I didn’t like, at all.

I saw I had two choices:

I could turn back, and forget that I could actually be quite ignorant.

Or, I could keep going and make some real change in me so I could actually be the person I wanted to be.

So I could have the life I wanted to have, with the impact I wanted to make.

Meditation will give you that awareness so you can have step into that potential ^^^

Meditation techniques like the Ishayas’ Ascension will actually rewire your brain so it’s harder to slip unconsciously into reaction and stress and limitation.

But no matter what you do, you still have the power of choice.

You still have to make the choice to perceive something different, to be more patient, more compassionate -

You still have to realise when you’re focussing on the negative, when you’re letting yourself get wound up, when you let your mind run away from you.

Awareness is a wonderful first step, but then what?


Choice is key.

If you want to do this, you can.

Just keep making the choice.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. And then another one …

Go well!



Join me, if you’d like, and we’ll get you what you need to make greater and greater conscious choices, and be the best version of you.

It’ll be fun, straight forward so you can do it on your less best day, and totally rewarding.

Opt in here for more:



2017 End Of World Panic! (Pull Yourself Together Man)

Is the world going to hell in a hand basket? I don’t even know what a hand basket is, but I did hear the phrase on the Simpsons a long time ago.

You can trust the Simpsons.

But it would seem at the moment there’s very little you can trust for sure.

It would seem the world is falling apart in a rapid way.

Just this morning I opened my newspaper as I like to do when I sit on the loo -

And there was mayhem.

(In the news, that is).

Wars and diplomatic tension and politics and embezzlement and voting controversy and hate and trolling -

All on a scale seemingly like never before.

Just like the morning before and the morning before.


So much to a happy new year, a fresh beginning and a chance to start anew, huh?

It might all end before I get a chance to renege on my first new year resolution.

What to do?

I don’t know.

Well, I do know one thing.

Get a grip on yourself.

No, really - I’m trying to be funny, but NOT in an old school “pull yourself together”, "take a cold shower and man up” kind of way,

But do get a grip on the part of you that panics, that worries, that thinks the worst, that falls apart when the going gets tough.

Don't let that mindset sabotage your life.

Do make the most of each and every moment.

Do get a grip on real stability and security.

The only place you can find that is within yourself.

When the airplane is headed for a crash landing you put your own oxygen mask on first, then you can help others.

Then you can see clearly, with perspective and with a degree of calm, what to do, if anything.

You need to do this because it's always been this way.

The world has always done crazy.

I think I mentioned this before, but I remember my Dad being made redundant so many times in the 80s.

The first time was such a huge shock to him - he thought he had a job for life.

Now we’re kinda used to zero hours contracts.

Things change, sometimes they change fast.

What are you going to do about it?

Going on precedent, 2017 WILL have some tough moments.

That you can guarantee.

How YOU deal with those moments?

That is the uncertain bit.

Practice calm, focus and clarity now while the going is good.

Practice taking nothing seriously now while it’s easy to laugh.

Get going on your meditation practice and get control of your crazy mind.

Learn the Ishayas’ Ascension - you won’t regret it.

Something so relaxing and enjoyable and that is still good for you, transformative even …

That’s what you want, isn't it?

Go well! Arjuna



Let me know how I can help you.

I do appreciate the fact that you take the time to read through to the PS, so how can I help?

Let me know. Just email me and quickly tell me what you think your challenges will be in 2017.


Want to know more about the very fast path to getting good at this meditation and mindset stuff, while not taking a single part of it seriously?

Opt in here to get regular more:



2017 Has Been Cancelled

Ready for a New Years Motivational? Nah…

It’s been so nice doing absolutely nothing.

Eating, drinking, reading, board games, chatting, a little tree chopping, some kayaking, a load of just closing my eyes and snoozing and meditating.

I’m still not really ready to jump back in.

I can’t be arsed still.

So much for a new year “Lets Go” speech, huh?

But I know the juice will come.

If you can arrange your time even a little I think it’s important to respect these times when you don’t want to push.

There’s a fine line isn’t there?

You have to do the work to get where you want to be, but if you REALLY can’t be arsed it might be a good idea to take a break.

I figure that way you can recharge and come back with a full battery.

Inspired and full of energy as opposed to a coming from should.

My wife was a bit antsy last night saying she thinks she should be doing something.

This is at 7 months pregnant and therefore puffing like a steam train whenever she climbs the stairs.

She’d spent 2 weeks before Christmas charging - painting a room and preparing the house for all the relatives.

Not to mention all the cooking and shopping for food and drink.

So I knocked her on the head and made her lay down with a cup of tea and a book.

(no, not really).

I don’t think going all the time is a good idea. I don't think you can, can you?

Juggling a million balls at once is a nice trick, but not really sustainable.

We used to do meditation courses in the country close to London.

And the people would come the front door and you could actually feel the speed they were operating at.

Freakish fast.

It wasn’t that nice to be around actually.

But - by Sunday they would be sliding out the door, super relaxed.

Less haste more speed as my nan used to say.

The secret is to take breaks before you need to.

To rest and recover and recharge before you feel exhausted, and grumpy, and/or depressed.

Regular Ishayas' Ascension meditation is such a life saver - and one you probably won’t realise until you practice regularly.

(Or stop practicing for a little while …)

It gives you the ability to be the very best version of you.

Topped up and ready for action.

Or - totally disconnected so you can really switch off and be away from work (or whatever you need to switch off from at the moment).

And get some perspective and clarity, and real sense of fun back.

Just do it.

(There you go - knew I could find some motivation for you - heh heh)

Go well, keep the Peace!

Arjuna : )


As always if you need any help, just ask. I’d love to help.

And if you’re serious about jumping in and really coming to grips with your mindset, your attitude, your thoughts and emotions then you're in the right place.

There is a simple and easy and enjoyable way.

Meditation is the answer and it need not be boring nor weird. It can fit into your way of living and being.

Opt in here if you’d like to know more:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane/ -

When Death Comes A Little Closer

I’ve noticed that men of a certain age are a little reflective after some recent news. George Michael dying at 53 …

Hardly old, now is it?

The one thing I know is that I don’t want to get to the end of my life …

And not do the things I really wanted to do.

Apparently it’s one of the biggest regrets of elderly people.

Wasting time on what appears important, and not giving enough to the essentials.

It can manifest as spending too much time in the office.

Working to support your family is important - but balance is essential.

Otherwise you just end up like the stereotypical father figure.

Never there.

Thankfully it’s slowly changing, I think men are waking up to the fact that they don’t want to repeat the same cycle.

But it still seems like so many still do.

And it’s not so much the amount of time, but the quality of that time that is the most important thing.

It’s also the bringing home the stress and the thinking about work.

So even at in these holiday times,

Which are blissfully quiet as people seem to hunker down and relax (at least in my town).

When I talk to people there is still the thinking about work.

Which means you’re home but not really there.

It was something I used to do so much.

I was lost in my own head in a future or a past moment.

And partially why I wanted to learn how to meditate:

So I could be more present, and not think about things that weren’t in front of me.

Because I realised how much it took away from life, from my enjoyment, from my ability to give to my loved ones.

I realise how I was missing out on the essentials of my life.


After a morning spent with the extended family, young and old all working outside -

Doing some jobs and working up an appetite so we can sit down to another huge lunch,

Then go see Rogue One, the new Star Wars film together this afternoon,

I realise how good I have it.

The ability to really be fully here with everyone is so enjoyable.

So satisfying.

And probably more important still, I’m not fending off work from taking over my head.

It’s not trying to sneak in.

My Ishayas’ Ascension practice has given me the ability to really focus on the here and now so other stuff just doesn’t come up any more.

Which is awesome.

Because if I do happen to leave this planet at an earlier than desired age, like George,

At least I will have filled my time with presence and enjoyment.

At least I will have done my best to prioritise the essentials over anything else.

And not spent it stuck in my head worried, thinking needlessly about “stuff” that I have no control over, or that isn’t in front of me.

Full life begins with full presence.

You can have that.

You can.

It’s just a matter of practice.

Go well, -Arjuna


Opt in here if you’re interested in learning about how to get more Life from your life:



It’s All Over!

The big day is done. All the roast potatoes are eaten.

Dishes? Done or in the sink “soaking”.

Kids? Exhausted from their 5am getup on the big day.

Presents opened, chocolate tree decorations consumed, hangovers (perhaps) now in full flow.

I hope you had a great time. Life is there to enjoy, is it not?

So what next? As you send your in laws off and on the road (with a sigh of relief maybe?)

As life returns to “normal” …

As you get a moment to yourself, away from everyone else,

Why not take a little time and have a look.

How do you want normal to be?

What do you want standard operating to entail?

How do you want to be in your relationship? In your job or your business? In your health and fitness? In the things you love to do?

Are you going to do the same things (and get the same results)?

Or are you going to try and do things differently?

Who will help you? What will hinder you?

And what’s your plan?

So many questions I know …

But it’s traditional at the end of the year isn’t it?

To take stock and to see what worked, what didn’t work.

Important too.

Otherwise you just get the same.

And if the same is fine with you, then well done.

If not?

You can do something about it.

It takes so little and you gain so much.

As do the people you love.

Because when you’re at 100% everyone wins.

But when you’re not, no one really does.

And why not?

Why not indeed.

I gotta go - the river is a calling.

Go well!



I know seeing what you want to do is one thing, but the how is another thing.

If you need help with either the seeing or the how-ing, opt in here:


Hot Or Not? How To Get Effortless Blue Steel

All going well as the last few dark days of winter tick over?

I’ve just been into Darlington town, mayhem that it is.

Don't worry about me, I'm all shopped. Everything sorted, I’m just in town to spectate and partake of a pork pie.

Got something for my good lady wife that isn't a kayak.

I don't know why she doesn't want something as useful AND aesthetically beautiful as a whitewater craft, but there you go.

It is her only fault.

On my journey I happened across the most grumpiest man I have ever met.

Hate this town he said.

It's rubbish. It stinks, like a sewer bad. Newcastle is far better, apparently.

As my brother would say,

(and I love this expression so excuse me if it’s a little lowbrow) -

He had a face like a smacked arse.

He really did.

So I did what I usually do in such a situation -

I ran off as quickly as I could.

As soon as I made myself scarce, I realised something.

Since I am fully Christmas ready, I have a look of serenity on my countenance that says I am experiencing shopping peace.

Needing nothing, I am free of the bonds of suffering.

Now - I am a monk of sorts and so of course I do try and look incredibly tranquil most days -

Image and public relations are important, after all - it’s what you look like that counts most, is it not?

Actually I do believe I am being facetious … waggish and jesting and all …

Of course it’s not how you look, it’s all about how you feel.

You don’t have much choice in how you look, you’re just born that way.

But you do have a choice in how you feel.

Then (and what I realised with my Newcastle man), how you feel changes how you look.

It does - true!

The internal choice is an excellent beauty regime.

Internal contentment, clarity and calm affects your external physicality.

So (to get to the point):

If you want to be ridiculously good looking and throw down effortless Blue Steels a la Derek Zoolander -

You need to meditate, since meditation (and in particular the Ishayas’ Ascension which I do love), is a very fast path to internal steadiness and joy.

In order to give the gift of your hotness this Christmas,

And be irresistible to that certain someone …

Then focus on the good.

Feel good, look better.

But you’d better get to it - you only have 4 days left! Arjuna

PS. What else is important?

World peace or something?

PPS. Confused about where to begin with being calmer, or more focussed, or more content, or more happier?

Or confused how to continue? What to do? What if this and that happens?

Doing it but not sure? Or not doing it so you need help making it a habit?

I can help, for sure. Me and you can make all of this rapid, effortless and enjoyable for you.

Let’s talk turkey (and other things) when you opt in here:


I’ve got the itch

I’ve got the itch. And it isn’t from my merino thermals.

(Merino isn’t scratchy actually)

Feels like I haven’t been out kayaking (my favourite thing the world to do, next to eating) for ever.

All these social occasions in the lead up to Christmas means when it’s raining I’ve been chatting,

But now I’m free, it’s not raining.

Rain means water for the rivers you see.

For a kayaker, I can’t tell you how frustrating that could be.

Frustrating if I wasn’t meditating, that is.

Meditation has definitely taken the edge off.

But maybe I should take up mountain biking?

So - Addiction.

Are you addicted to something?

I know I have been overly addicted to kayaking.

You may snigger in your espresso, but I’m serious.

Even though it was a “good” addiction it actually took away my enjoyment of the times when I wasn't kayaking.

Frustration and even anger was a real thing either when I couldn't be kayaking, or when I judged my performance to be less than.

Which told me a good thing had gone too far.

We all have something we “need” to do.

But where does a need become a hinderance?

I think that line has to be self-defined.

I bet if you look closely you can see for yourself - where something innocent (or even not so innocent) becomes a drag and a handbrake.

Surfing the internet is one thing.

Yet I’ve spent hours looking at trivial stuff on an evening which means my sleep isn’t as good as it could be, which means I’m grumpier and foggier the next day, which means …

I’m sure you know what it means.

And for what?

Trivialities. Stuff that really isn’t important.

That’s why I like the idea of having rituals.

Things that you do that are non-negotiable must haves in your day.

Because these useful boundaries mean you have more freedom to achieve what you want to achieve in the day.

Even - and especially - if that goal is to feel clear and calm and focussed and happy.

Because then you can be a better partner and parent and friend.

And you enjoy being in your own skin more.

And you are better at coping with the pressure of work, in fact you even thrive.

But these rituals will show you where you are addicted to things that don’t serve you too.

Which is always nice - without awareness you have no choice.

These rituals will make dealing with your addictions easier, lighter for sure.

Rituals will even show you where you are too rigid and become addicted to your rituals, becoming harsh and stiff in your being and your living.

Which is awesome. Flexibility is always good too.

So what are the non-negotiable’s for you?

What rituals will allow you greater freedom?

What things would you like to do, that will make everything else easier?

Set them up, put them in place, get going on building that solid foundation for whatever else you want.

You won’t regret it. I know I haven’t.

Take it easy now,



My rituals?

The one that gives the biggest pay back is my Ishayas’ Ascension meditation practice.

I’ve been doing it every single day since 2003, which may tell you how much it gives me.

If you’ve been struggling with meditation, perhaps doing it, or even knowing what to do, perhaps even with rituals in general?

Opt in here if you want me to make it all so simple for you:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane/ -

The Rise Of The DIY King

Like any good husband there are times when you’re expected to step into the unknown. That noise in the kitchen late at night.

Asking for that refund on something you know was bought at least 12 months ago.

Wheeling the bins out in the rain.

And babies. Children in general. Where did I put that manual??

Another huge area of the unknown (for me at least) is DIY.

Now if you have met me, you will laugh, as it is very apparent that my DIY skills are non-existent.

As a man, and compared to MacGyver who turns out is actually my father in law, I am a DIY joke.

You just wouldn’t want to give me a hammer and a nail, for example.

Unless you wanted quite some time to amuse yourself watching me hit everything except the nail.

So it was with some trepidation I was asked to step into “a few days” of DIY in the form of painting a room.

I’ve discovered after three days that painting isn’t as much about painting as it is about “preparation”.

This is the liberal application of sandpaper to fingers and other sensitive skin in an attempt to remove paint that wasn’t prepared properly by the last DIY goof.

Given the house I’m living in is 300 years old it looks like there’s quite a few layers of DIY dodgy-ness, which is somewhat reassuring to my ego.

But I have learned! Oh, I have learned well.

Father in law, as expert, has shown me the right way of doing it.

And practice of these right things is setting me up on the road to perfection.

I am experiencing improvement, which is what all humans love.

I’m not quite the DIY King yet - claiming the painting portion of that title will take at least a few more days, but I am enjoying getting better.

Now say you want to get better at something - perchance being more at peace.

Calm when chaos is breaking out around you.

Ignoring “those” thoughts and focussing on something beneficial to your person.

Being more happy and content, for absolutely no reason.

Realising that although you have thoughts, you are not them.

All of these things come from practice.

Mastery isn’t achieved in a single bound.

Usually it takes many many hops and skips and sometimes shuffles to climb any mountain.

Practice, practice, practice. Practice the right things.

Practicing being more present and positive is a great start.

Practicing the Ishayas' Ascension meditation is huge.

Nothing happens without practice.

And make sure you know where you have come from - that will help enormously because then you can measure improvement.

Everyone loves improving.

Awesome. Gotta get back to it.

Need anything? DIY tips? Let me know, I’d love to chat. Arjuna


If you want a very fast path to leaving stress, confusion, distraction, and being too serious behind …

So you can be more calm, focussed, happy …

And a better athlete, a better partner, a better parent, better at your job or business too?

I have an email list that will make you very happy.

Opt in here:



Don’t Trust Your Feelings - They Be Sneaky

feelingsFeelings are sneaky things. I wouldn’t trust them. Trusting them leads to sooooo much drama. But before I get warmed up and into this -

Witness my favourite youtube video of all time, Beaker of the Muppets singing “Feelings”.

I think you’ll like it too:


Feelings …

They’re not dependable source of information, really they aren’t.

You have a good nights sleep - you have one set of feelings.

You have a bad nights sleep - you have another set.

Mercurial is the word.

Changeable, and fast too.

How can you trust something that changes so much?

You can’t.

Trust something that doesn’t change.

If you have been meditating …

... better still - if you’ve been Ascending - you’ll have or be developing an experience of the presence and awareness that lies beyond feelings.

Let that be your anchor, your stability, your point of reference when your crazeee feelings and hormones and mind tells you otherwise.

Do you know what’s even worse than a feeling?

An expectation.

An expectation that you should or should not be feeling something.

Ooh boy, that really is a can of worms.

I was talking about relationships the other day.

One reason I’ve ruined so many great relationships was simply because I wasn’t “feeling” it.

I was looking for the feeling of excitement, of new, raw, “let’s tear our clothes off right here in the kitchen” passion that’s there at the beginning of each relationship.

When that fades and a more subtle, perhaps mature (like a good blue cheese maybe?) kind of love comes in, I was left adrift.

“I should be feeling something - and I’m not. Let’s look somewhere else for the excitement again”.

Enter the hamster wheel of chasing the ever elusive highs.

It’s a trap.

Feelings are a trap.

Same with people when they come to meditation.

“I should be feeling peace and calm and focus every single time I sit to meditate”.


Often, just like going for a run or being in the gym, it's not what happens during, it's what happens after.

Its the longer term, apres-exercise effect that you want to be focussing on.

There is so much life beyond feelings.

See them clearly, see that you aren’t your feelings, or your thoughts.

Anchor yourself in what is beyond those and you’ll find super real clarity and stability.

Why would you want that?

So you can kick arse and live life they way you want to. Without a handbrake.


The best way to get that (really, honestly) is learning and then practicing Ascension meditation.

Here you go:


Take it easy, OK? Arjuna


Feelings are different from intuition.


Just as Swaledale blue cheese (yum!) is WAY different from, say, brussel sprouts (shudder).

Before you get a little excited and tell me I’m talking trash.

But most people totally confuse and conflate the two.

(Feelings and intuition that is).


How To Mess Up A Relationship - Just Ask Me!

messI was just in Birmingham. For some insane reason the wife and I decided to go to the centre of town where the German Christmas market was in full swing.

There was only about a million people on the streets.

Basically it consisted of a long shuffle dodge shifty as we made our way up one edge of the street and back the other.

Then escape to a Vietnamese noodle shop for some space. Whew - Awesome noodles too.

Madness huh?

I don’t know about you, but I like people. I really do.

But crowds and hordes and mayhems of people?

Well, that’s something I’m not so keen on.

Lesson truly learnt (to be forgotten for next Christmas market or Edinburgh festival time).

I did get plenty of opportunity to witness relationships under pressure.

Hoo boy.

I know it, because I done it - all of it.

You want to know how to make a mess of a relationship?

Just ask me. I’m an expert

But I learnt.

And am doing the best I can to learn how to make my relationships even better.

So gather closely:

Here’s the most amazing thing we do:

When we got together with our partners we were all over them.

The reason why?

We clearly liked what we saw.

What you saw you liked, it was good.

That attraction meant you wanted to spend more time with them.

Good, good, good.

The reason relationships get shaky or even end is this:

As we spend time with the other we start to notice what we don’t like.

If you don’t catch it, you focus more and more on what you wish you could change.

(And sometimes you try to change them - with varying degrees of karmic whiplash.)

Bad, bad, bad.

If you feel like your relationship is a little stale, all that happened is this:

You stopped noticing what you liked and therefore you stopped saying.

You stopped the gratitude, the appreciation, the small things to say “I love you”.


So add some pressure and the relationship blows up.

Or even just over time you stop the loving and either you or they jump ship.

Moral of the story?

Get a solid foundation.

Focus on what you like about the person.


And then you can, if need be, be honest.

7:1 ratio apparently.

7 positive comments to every 1 “please do this” comment.

So you want lots of loving, and an easy, peaceful, happy time of it this Christmas?

Imagine you’re trying to win them, every single day.

It’ll make things so good for you, in every way, you won’t want to stop.

And you can thank me later.

Take care Arjuna


So you are busy, far too busy for an Ishayas’ Ascension class where you’ll learn (amongst other things) the basis of how to have a better relationship.

That can wait until the New Year.

But crucially, time is of the essence - you don’t want to wait.

If you’re up for it, I can help on a one to one basis.

Go here to get in touch:

https://arjunaishaya.wufoo.com/forms/arjuna-ishaya-oneone-meditation-coaching-enquiry/ -

The Secret To Eternal Life (And Six Pack Abs in Seven Minutes A Day!)

eternalActually no, I don’t know the secret to eternal life. Or six pack abs in seven minutes.

I wish I did.

But I do know the secret to an amazingly happy, full, satisfied, purposed packed and fun life.

You might be tempted to think that this secret lies in stuff.

Stuff - you know …

Stuff that you can buy or stuff that you do, or even in stuff that you achieve.

Don’t get me wrong - Stuff is great, I love doing and achieving and having such stuff.


The secret to an amazing life is not to be found in stuff, things, doodads nor six pack abs, eternal life, money, health, relationships, or even lolz cats.

The secret of having the very best life is actually very simple.

Well - it’s simple to say, not so easy to do.

Only because so few people are doing it.

You might say this secret lies in not confusing stuff for happiness or contentment.

OK so -

Life really amps up when you create a solid foundation.

This solid foundation consists of:

- Being present - Being positive

Lemme explain a touch because they can be misconstrued.

Being present is as simple as being in the same place as your body, immersed in the task that is in front of you.

More effective (and fun) than staring out the window wishing you were on the weekend, or being on the weekend and thinking about what you have to do next week.

It’s important to plan for the future and learn from the past, but don’t do that ALL the time.

A moment is all that is required for that.

Spend the rest of the time being in the same place as your body, in this moment.

Because that is what happens when you do what you love to do.

You get out of your head and into this moment.

And you love that. So there's no reason why every thing you do can't have the same degree of presence.


2. Be positive.

It’s important to be real. To clearly see what the situation of your life is in relation to where you want to go.

From that basis though focus on the good, not the negative. Look at how far you’ve come, rather than on how far you have to go. See what you can do, don’t fight what you can’t.

Stress and struggle come from an excessive focus on what is wrong or what’s lacking.

You see so much of what is wrong it overwhelms you.

So focus on what is right, what is good, what you can do.

That goes for your job, your relationships, your health, everything.

There you go -

Get present, get positive:

The secret to an amazing life.

The secret to being present and positive lies in meditation.

It is the one thing that will bring that to you quicker than you can sing your favourite Taylor Swift song.

If you have one.

The simplest, most powerful meditation?

The Ishayas’ Ascension.

Let me know if you’d like to learn - just hit reply.

Keep the Peace out there, ok?



I know you’re getting busy.

Social calendar is in full swing.

But look after your peace, your calm, your levels of fun.

That is your choice. Don't let it be taken away from you!


Why Do Monks Drink Coffee In The Morning?

monk-coffeeOK - I like coffee. Just one, maybe two in the morning, it is the last of my morning rituals.

Ascension meditation, exercise, coffee, then five or ten minutes to take stock of the priorities of the day.

First priority:

Keep the peace.

No matter what happens, don't take it seriously.

Stay present, stay here, don’t over think.


Second priority:

Remember to love and appreciate my wife, to add to my relationship, to all my relationships.


Third priority:

All those jobs and stuff I need to do.

Rituals that build you up and give you clarity are important, crucial even.

They mean you go on the right foot.

You’re saying to yourself, and the world:

“This is what is important. This is how my day begins”

Throwing yourself into the urgent things is a recipe for disaster.

You can do it for a while, but you will find yourself getting ground down.

Slowly but surely, because there’s no foundation to your action.

You’re always chasing your tail.

It feels like it too.

Putting out fires, rushing and reacting.

There’s no means to get perspective.

There’s no means to maintain calm, clear confidence.

There’s no means to build towards what you want.

There will always be urgent things that need doing yesterday.

Yet do the important things first or ASAP, even if you have to get up a little earlier, and you’ll find the urgent things get done easier.

You know I think meditation is the best ritual for all of life.

It’s the one thing I do every single day without fail.

It is the one thing that gives me infinitely more Life.

It is a sweet treasure - really.

I know it may be confusing on how to get going.

There are many, many different ways; there is so much information - some of it rubbish.

If you need help just get in touch with me.

I can help, I’d like to help.

No matter your past experience I can help make it supremely simple, practical, effective and enjoyable.

Just get in touch and we'll chat.


Keep the Peace! - Arjuna


Whether you are a beginner or have been meditating for some time you’re going to love Ascension meditation.

It makes it all so easy, so simple.

Here’s where to get a seat on the last course of 2016:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/ascensionmeditation/ -

Grown Man Throws Tantrum

grown-tantrum“What do you think about this one?” It’s a tricky question after 3 hours of wandering around stores mean you feel more like the living dead than a human.

You know it - one bathroom tile shop is kind of interesting.

4 shops, not so.

And it’s raining so hard outside you know you’re missing out on some quality kayaking.

And your feet hurt, and you’re hungry, and a coffee would be nice too …

Well, it all adds up to a potential for relationship strain, a bit of stroppiness and frustration and boredom doesn’t it?

It could even mean an grown man reverts to teenage style grumpy grunts, or worse -

The grown man could throw a tantrum.

It’s happened before, I’m not proud of it, not at all.

But it did happen.

The good thing to report is that I’m still married.

The relationship is still on a solid foundation because I have a secret weapon.

So do you, if you know it exists - and how to use it.

The fact is that:

You are in control of your own boredom and frustration.

You are in control of whether you are thinking about doing that thing that you want to be doing …

Or you quit that and get really present,

In the same place as your body,

Focussed on the task so it’s as straightforward and painless as possible.

Communicating like an adult, not a sullen teenager.

And then shopping for bathroom tiles means there are minimal casualties.

And you remember you actually do have a sense of humour and so it becomes kinda fun.

Because you are in control of what you put your attention on.

You are in control of what you let annoy you.

Having a tantrum is for babies.

Yet that’s what I see so many adults doing, in their own way:

Throwing their toys out of the cot.

The Christmas season will mean the malls will be full of sullenness and drama as things get cranked up.

It’s not really necessary at all, is it?

It’s definitely not a good look (trust me).

We all have to do some things that we’d rather not do.

But when you’re full on with them these things then they become easy, and actually kinda enjoyable.

So remember your secret weapon - don’t give away your sense of fun.

Don’t be bored and frustrated.

Definitely don’t slip into being a big baby.

Awesome - have a great weekend, ok? Arjuna


You may well be interested in my meditation and mindset evening course that is coming super soon.

One of things we’ll be going over is some real, practical tools to not lose your sense of humour or your sense of joy.

To stay away from the dreaded boredom.

In fact I believe if you use these techniques life will never be boring again.

Here’s where you go for more details,

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/ascensionmeditation/ or email me with questions. -

What A Shame - So Close And Yet So Far

what-a-shameI have the privilege of meeting and working with a large amount of people. Sometimes it’s just to grab a coffee and a quick meditation based coaching session to see if they’d be a good fit for going deeper into what I teach.

I love it.

Though I’m amazed though how many people are looking for some kind of magic pill.

I have a sweet, simple, powerfully transformative programme - but it does take practice.

We all have certain habits that prevent us from living the life we want.

These habits take a little momentum and work to overcome.

No big deal, just a little time and awareness to practice something different, in the opposite direction.

But I chat with some people and they’re not even interested in practicing.

Even when their lives are a mess - and they use those words - and they’re honest in telling me they want to do something …

Yet when it comes down to it, they don’t.

Maybe it’s the way I approach things, maybe I make transformation appear too simple, I don’t know.

(Actually it is simple - it take no guess work, you just do what I tell you. And that looks like the hard part)

But I think it’s such a shame that someone would get to a point where their lives could change, and then they back away.

Sometimes it’s more comfortable to stay the same.

I’ve realised this:

If you come to a point where you know you want an end to stress, anxiety, depression;

Where you want more peace, more life, more calm;

You are indeed fortunate.

So much of humanity is chasing the next shiny object that will bring their happiness.

Or they’ve given up.

This is the way it is, they think.

“Can’t complain”, as they stuff the dissatisfaction down once again.

If you actually take steps to get what you want from life:

Well - then you’re so blessed I can’t tell you.

Do what it takes - every single day - to have that more, whatever that maybe.

If that’s going to the gym and eating right, do it.

Learning to laugh more and take things less seriously? - Get cracking.

Getting out of your negative thoughts, being more positive and present with your loved ones - do it!

Do whatever it takes, every single day until you master it.

Meditation is one of the greatest things you can do, full stop.

It need not be complicated, in fact the best meditation tools are simple and straight forward.

It need not be weird - weirdness is not compulsory. In fact, it needs to fit into your life and your beliefs so you’ll actually do it.

What to learn how?

I have a course for you, coming up very soon before Christmas.

You’ll love what it gives you:


Simple, easy, enjoyable but NOT a magic pill.


Go well! Arjuna

PS. Christmas? I know. It’s MILES away.

Tell that to the shops … it’s every where!

It will be here before I know it though.

This WILL help, hugely with the whole season:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/ascensionmeditation/ -