As Much Aliveness As Possible Please

alivenessMy goal is to live life with as much aliveness as possible. To squeeze every moment for all it’s worth.

To have grand adventures, to be able to tell deep stories, to laugh so much muscles will hurt.

What’s yours?

I think that’s why I get so excited seeing the Olympics.

It’s seeing someone’s dream come to fruition.

But I want that in all aspects of my life - I want aliveness, but everywhere.

I want success but I don’t want to lose myself getting it.

I don’t want to compromise my health and fitness for business either.

I also want to balance my family with what I love to do too.

How about you?

I know the single greatest thing that stops me from doing anything is always fear.

The single biggest handbrake to living a big Life (with a capital L) is internal.

Because its not really so much about WHAT you do, but HOW you do it.

I learned that early on - I could be kayaking on the river with my buddies, on a beautiful sunny day, and still be miserable.

Certain expectations weren’t being lived up to, and that made me grumpy.

No matter what, I just couldn’t be happy.

Now it’s different.

I’ve gotten great at choosing to be focussed and clear, giving my body the best chance to do what it could.

But better than that is that I’ve realised that I can be content and happy no matter what is happening.

I don’t need something to happen to make me happy.

It’s an internal choice.

And the thing that leads to Aliveness quicker than any big experience or possession or achievement.

These things are great - don’t get me wrong -

It's just it's all about the How you live, not the What.

It’s something I teach you in the Mountain Mindset Core course.

If you’re interested, get more info and daily emails like this one, right here:

Beyond that, have a wonderful day!

As always, you need anything get in touch Arjuna


How many people can say they lived a life free of regret and worry and anxiety?

Isn’t that a huge way to live life?

And so possible.

It’s just that no one prioritises it.

They think its the what, and they forget about the how.

Good lesson in that.

Lies The Government Tell Us

liesThey lie and manipulate and steal!! Sorry - I didn’t want to throw you into such drama and bitterness and conspiracy so soon into an email.

It's not really my style either.

But I’ve just had my heart broken.

I trusted and my trust was trampled on.

I just found out that flossing has no use whatsoever, according to recent proper dentist research.

With great care and perseverance I’ve flossed every day for the last 7 years.

All because I trusted my dentist at the time. And subsequent dentists.

If you can’t trust your dentist, who can you trust?

It’s just like the low fat health advice that’s recently been debunked.

It appears sugar will destroy your nervous system where as fat isn’t that bad (in moderation of course)

So who do you trust?

What habits do you have just because someone told you it was a good idea?

Flossing is one thing, but do you realise you have certain habits that you’ve picked up from all around you?

That a person is probably the sum total of all the people they have been surrounded by?

Chuck Palahniuk (author of Fight Club) once wrote:


“Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody I have ever known.” _____________

Interesting huh?

What I’m trying to say is question why you do things.

If you don’t know why, look deeper.

Is it because someone else has always done something?

And although you couldn’t pick your parents or your schooling, you can pick who you now hang out with.

Hang out with fun, inspiring people.

Hang out with those that are looking for new ways of doing things.

Seek out those that aren’t happy to settle for less simply because that’s what everyone else does.

And most of all, trust your inner voice.

It’s the way forward.

Take it easy out there - have fun!



Getting clear on what you trust, on what you know for certain can be straight forward.

It’s just that we’re never really taught how to do it.

The internal hows of living are left for us to discover.

If you’re interested, I can help!

I can give you the tools and the understandings and the support to gain inner clarity and focus so you can see your habits clearly.

Here’s the link to get all the information, and super daily emails like this one:

The Biggest Cliche Is True

biggest clicheThe biggest cliche that rings true for me about the outdoors is this: The best at anything is the one having the most fun.

I’ve had the opportunity of hanging out with some highly talented people in my time.

The ones that I seek out time and time again are the ones with the biggest smiles.

Really - I could learn so much from someone who is serious and grumpy, but why?

There’s no fun.

And that’s why I’m in the outdoors in the first place.

Sure, I love challenge and pushing my limits and adventures, but it has to be joyful.

Otherwise what’s the point?

Hanging out with fun people has shown me something else.

Taking anything seriously in any part of my life is just a waste of time.

It means I’m missing the point.

It means life is been squeezed into submission, into a little box, and only leads to greyness and limitation.

It means I’m thinking far too much.

And that’s always dangerous.

That’s the advice I would give young Arjuna:

Don’t take anything so seriously that you forget to have fun.

In fact, don’t take anything seriously.

Life is too short for anything else.

That’s probably the common theme to all people I teach to meditate.

They report back that it’s so much easier not to take things seriously.

To not think so much about “stuff”.

They get freedom from thinking too much.

Isn’t that cool?

If you’re interested in learning how you can have that too, go here:

You'll get daily emails like this one, and all the info on the course.

Keep the peace!



The whole purpose of human existence is happiness.

Aristotle said that.

If it’s not fun, don’t do it.

If you HAVE to do it, learn to have fun while doing it.


"Is That It?"

that itIf you have the suspicion there is more to life than what you are currently living … You are right.

Life could be quite good thanks, and yet there is always more.

... If you reach out and get it.

You can sit, pretty happy, doing “pretty” good, and yet never really live the fullest of lives.

I know this because young Arjuna was there. Ticked all my boxes on my “to achieve” list.

I lived in a beautiful house in the mountains of New Zealand,

Had an perfect job which was fun and gave me the right amount of money and time off,

A group of awesome and talented friends to go and do cool stuff with,

A river I could walk to with my kayak and play to my heart’s content (that’s some seriously good positioning there)

A fun hill I could run up and back after work, just over the (above) river,

And yet …

There was a nagging doubt, a lack of contentment, a feeling that I was missing something.

I realised that I had everything, but I was a bit hollow.

Internally I hadn’t mastered contentment,

or true appreciation,

or love for the simple fact of existence.

I was always chasing the next high, the next buzz.

Always after the high, I didn’t know how to avoid or manage the come down.

I didn’t have a solid relationship because I didn’t know how to relate to women on a good enough level.

In getting what I wanted I had become pretty selfish.

(and not selfishness of the good sort that benefits everyone).

I didn’t know myself well enough to be able to manage bad moods - I just took them out on the person closest to me.

And that gets old for them pretty quick.

Every where I looked it seemed that people were saying “you have the perfect life”.

And yet it didn’t feel like it to me, as much justifying as I tried.

It came to a point where I got frustrated and confused enough to do something about it.

No one teaches us this stuff, the internals.

School isn’t about what makes us tick.

Yet it is the foundation of the very best life.

It took me a little while to find the right tools and the right understandings,

(there is so much bonkers stuff out there)

But I found a way that is practical, down to earth and real.

You just do it, and you get results.

You fill up on the inside, you get the ability to deal with weirdness that lives in each and every one of our own minds.

(don’t tell me you aren’t a little weird - you are)

By doing this you have the foundation for doing exactly what you want to do.

You have the foundation for giving to all your loved ones the very best of you.

What greater gift?

I just wanted to tell you this story because even if one of you can avoid the confusion and frustration that I went through, then awesome.

Even if you’re not frustrated - good on you by the way - here’s a way you can have more:

Mountain Mindset Core

- the “just the facts” weekend version of Mountain Mindset.

I teach you the Bright Path Ishayas’ Ascension meditation and mindset techniques.

And they are the most powerful, complete set of simple tools for rising above limitation you will find anywhere.

To get mo' information, opt in here and also get super cool daily emails like this one:

Let me know how I can help. Just hit reply!

Keep the peace!



I guarantee Mountain Mindset Core will give you the tools so you become more clear, focussed, happy and content.

If you disagree, I will completely refund you

OR personally coach you one on one until you get the results you want.

That’s pretty good of me, is it not?

You can’t go wrong. Opt in here for more info:

A Slap To The Dark Side

slap to darkThere is a force within you that stops you. It stops you improving yourself.

It stops you doing different things, things where in the beginning you will definitely fail a lot more than we succeed.

It stops you living how you want to.

It even stops you from simply doing the things you say you love to do.

Before, if someone invited me on an adventure, somewhere new and different?

"Heckity heck yeah!"

Left to me to organise my own mission?


^^^ That is the sound of nothing happening, like air escaping from a balloon.

It’s the sound of excuses … “too much work” … blah blah blah, as I fall on the couch and do the same old thing or go do a lap of my well known local.

You could call it the comfort zone.

You could call it resistance.

It comes from within.

It can come from without too - your family maybe, your friends perhaps.

It shows itself in the outdoors, in sports, in business, in anything creative, in relationships.

It pops up everywhere.

It exists for sure, and you need to know it exists so you can get the measure of the little fiend.

A while back, I read a fine book by a chap called Steven Pressfield called “The War of Art”.

You may want to, too, if reading appeals.

It was a nice slap in the face.

If a slap in the face could be called nice.

Part of me loved it, part of me recoiled.

Here’s his point:

You only get resistance, you only need courage, when you are faced with something that is important to you.

If it wasn’t important to you, it wouldn’t bring up the resistance to it.

Make sense?

So if you find yourself attacked by resistance and comfort zones, let it be a sign that you are onto a good thing, and to keep going.

A kind of “feel the fear and do it anyway”.

Expect it, laugh the face of resistance (with a wry ha ha ha), and keep going.

I now know my comfort zone is set to, well, comfort - and I know I need to go further on it because going further gives me such a buzz.

So I do.

Awareness means choice, and freedom, and more life!

My next course is all about awareness, and retraining your brain, developing mental fitness and flexibility, giving you calm and focus and greater happiness …

All so you can go beyond comfort zones and resistance and all limitation and do more of what you love to do.

So you can live the life you dream of.

The next course is the very core of the longer Mountain Mindset.

In fact, I'm calling it "Mountain Mindset Core".

(Thought that sounded bad arse -

And since I teach you what is officially known as "the Bright Path Ishayas' Ascension meditation and mindset techniques", it's quite a mouthful).

Where Mountain Mindset is longer and I’m on your case a lot more (giving some amazing results), in Mountain Mindset Core it’s “just the facts”.

Short, and very sweet - over a weekend, the first weekend in November.

(I know - all of a sudden my calendar is packed - but it gives you plenty of time to get organised)

If you are interested, opt in here to get more details and sweet daily emails just like this one:

These courses aren't for everyone and so first make sure you’re prepared and up for it.

It’s simple - it just needs a little dedication and commitment.

And if you don’t have that then no worries, perhaps this isn’t for you.

But if you do?

Wow, you’re going to love what the course will give you.

Opt in here for details:

Till next time, keep the peace!



If you want to overcome this evil force that gets in your way?

It’s true, it exists.

The good news is you can overcome it, with the right tools and the right support.

Here’s the answer (and I guarantee it too):

Selfishness is Good

selfishHere's one thing I know to be true: Humans have life so back to front.

Rest and recovery is treated like a reward for hard work.

In reality,

Rest and recovery is necessary for working and living to the best of your ability.

It is a prerequisite for exceptional performance.

It is the right kind of selfishness.

When you’re at 100% everyone wins. When you’re not, no one wins.

The most efficient way of getting rest and recovery is:

a) sleeping well at night.

Here’s works for me:

No caffeine after 8pm, dark curtains/eye mask, eyes closed before 10pm, and no screens 30 minutes before sleep.

Them screens mess up your sleep chemicals.

And usually you’re too involved in a screen when you could be making your relationship deeper and stronger (in whatever myriad ways you can think of. Talking is one of them)

b) meditation

It’s a super recharge for your mind and body. A “defrag”, putting everything into it’s proper place.

If you can make it a habit to get a session during the day, you’re going to love it.

The bottom line is:

During the day, you have to stop.

And not just mess around on the internet or play Pokemon Go …

You have to get well out of what you are doing.

I strongly recommend that you close your eyes and meditate for at least 10 minutes, preferably more.

You have to find the time to recharge, resharpen, and restock your energy, your clarity, your patience, and your sense of humour.

No one else will do it for you!

99% of everyone else is on the same rat race, chasing their tails in smaller and smaller circles.

If you want more than that, you have to be prepared to do things differently from everyone else.

Even if that looks a little strange, like closing your eyes in the middle of the day - so be it.

Even if it feels a little selfish to begin with - so be it.


Don’t get sucked in. Do whatever it takes to remember.

There is a right kind of selfishness - All so you can give more, and enjoy it all more.

Don’t know how?

I have for you:

A free quick start guide to meditation for “athletes” - but not just athletes, anyone busy and active.

Get it when you opt in to receive my daily emails - just like this one.

Claim your free copy here: Jump in and tell me how it goes.

As always, if you need anything just email, I’d love to help.



You can, and should, claim your free copy of this quick start guide to meditation for busy and active people right here;

Opt in to receive daily emails like this one and get it free to get you started:

but it ain’t no magic pill.

You have to do the work. You have to practice. Otherwise you won’t get any good, now will you?

Any questions? Send them my way, let's chat.


Meditation - “How To” Quick Start Guide For You

guideYou may have no idea how to meditate. I know what that’s like. I wanted to, and people said it’s so simple, and yet - how do you even begin?

Good news is that meditation IS super simple.

What I’ve done is written a Quick Start guide to help you on that.

Just 4 pages of no nonsense “what you need to know” to get going Only 4 pages - who has time to read sooooo much guff these days when you just want to give it a try?

The link and more on that in a moment.

Now there are a ton of apps out there.

I’ve never used one so I can’t comment.

But I like the idea of not needing something external to yourself.

The great thing about meditation is if you get the right tool,

And practice it…

(That there is the most important factor …

Spending time actually DOING it)

You don’t need anything, you can do it anywhere, anytime.

The practice will give you rest, a sense of calm in the chaos, it stops you reacting, it detaches you from negativity, and helps you become present and focused and alive.

Now - What happens if you’re on the top of a rapid, or before a race, or about to walk into a presentation, or your have a second more of this and you’ll explode (and it’s not a good time to lose it)?

If you need to attach to your phone to dial up the app every time you want to do that,

You’re a bit stuck, aintcha?

Using something like the breath is an excellent way to begin.

Because you always have the breath, no matter where you are, no matter what you’re doing.

When you practice using something on you, you’ll always have that to come back to.

The core of the Mountain Mindset programme (Ishayas’ Ascension meditation) is the same - you just need to be able to think.

If you can think, you can do Ascension meditation.

And some thoughts are awesome in their power.

I only teach this face to face though - to make sure you get the subtleties and the simple nature of it. It’s well worth learning at some stage.

But back to the Quick Start guide.

I have just written it. It is brand new so you’re some of the first people to see it.

I’ve called it “for athletes” because I like working with athletes, and athletes need this stuff.

If you are doing anything physical, in the outdoors or otherwise, you need to learn to master your mind.

But if you’re not an athlete at all, no worries. It’ll still work for you.

Read it (it’s super short) then PUT IT INTO USE.

No use just sitting on your hard drive.

I’ve got a challenge in there -

to meditate every day for 28 days.

Because if you do?

You’ll be unstoppable.

If you don’t?

Your mind will be stopping you.

Same as always.

Want a change from “same as”?

(this is just for you guys because you take the time to read this. And if you’re reading this it probably means you are more than a little interested in being more awesome. And awesomeness is something I want see more of in the world - so, thank you)

Get your copy by opting in here: Any questions on anything in there, just email me (arjuna (at) I’d love to help.

- Arjuna

PS. If your friends want a copy?

Tell them it costs an amazing amount of money and you couldn’t possibly share it because it’s your secret weapon. Or something like that.

Then let them stew (a little bit).

But if they’re serious, tell them to sign up here and they’ll get a copy.

The link:

Funky Monk Athletes

monkOh, the bribery, The corruption,

The politics,

The drugs,

and the politics (did I already say that?)

and the drugs (I DID already say that)

That’s right …

It’s Olympics time again!

But isn’t it a spectacle?

I love it. I love the drama, the winning, the losing.

I love watching the faces of athletes upon realising a lifetime of effort and sacrifice.

Or not.

What I love most is watching the head games.

Such an important event, and everyone’s prepared as much physically as they can be.

The difference is all down to what goes on in the mind.

My favourite athlete there is Michael Phelps - the US swimmer.

He’s been dominant for so long - but now, his last games, and he’s come out of drug rehab

- not for performance enhancing but RECREATIONAL drugs -

Who knows what’s been going on in his head…

The ups AND the downs - he’s been a monk athlete for so long (over 16 years).

And that’s what they are.

Monks and nuns - totally devoted to one thing.

He said:


"If you want to be the best, you have to do things that other people aren’t willing to do.”


Too true.

But that’s got to wear on you after a while.

I’m not prepared to do half of what he does. Are you?

But by far and wide the exemplar of that quote goes to another swimmer, Yusra Mardini.


She’s part of the Refugee team.

Escaping war torn Syria in a boat - made for 6 but containing 20 - when the motor broke and water started to come on board.

She and her sister jumped into the water and towed/pushed the boat for THREE AND A HALF hours to get to Greece.

Have you ever tried towing anything whilst swimming?

Let alone for three and a friggin half hours in open water.


Sometimes if you want to live, you have to do things that other people aren’t willing to do.


Life will not stop for you because of your pain," says Mardini. "You have to move on.”

You are stronger than you think”.


This 18 year old girl - is she talking about physical strength?


Just mental strength, “mental toughness”.

Which isn’t really tough.

It’s just the ability to direct your attention to one thing, and ignore all the doubts.

It’s more like gentle, but complete, focus -

- Sometimes on winning a gold medal, sometimes it’ll be on getting out of bed in the morning.

Focus is super rare. Humans are so scattered, they simply can’t focus when they need to.

People are much too swayed by the the negativity in their heads.

That’s where I can help. Focus is one of the benefits of practicing what I teach.

And I’m looking at doing a weekend course sometime very soon.

Instead of 5 evenings spread over 4 weeks, would a short, core course over a weekend be of use to you?

If you're at all interested,

could you email me on arjuna (at) and put “weekend” in the subject?

No obligation, just if it’s of interest.


- Arjuna


Would you like a starter on how to meditate?

Just a quick guide to get you going?

I’ll have what you need tomorrow - for certain this time.

Until then -

What do you prefer?

Learning over a weekend (short, sharp, just the facts?)

or over 4 weeks (5 evenings - more time with me, more accountability, more guidance and coaching)

No obligation whatsoever - but if a weekend is of appeal,

could you email me on arjuna (at) and put “weekend” in the subject?


Deeper rest and faster recovery - here's how

restAwesome factoid about meditation I was telling you about… And proof that sitting around doing “nothing” gives you much much more than you might have realised.

When I was down, sick with man flu last week,

I took a big chunk of time to meditate because that always gets me better in a hurry.

Because - your body gets some serious rest from meditation.

One study I saw said after twenty minutes of meditation the levels of rest were TWICE as deep as those in the deepest sleep.

That kind of deep rest means your body can do some big time recovery and “de-fragging” (you know, just like your PC) right there.

Just think - if you’re sick, injured, or training hard, or just plain old been charging - perhaps up with the kids early in the morning as well …

How much will your body love that kind of rest and recovery?


(That’s Spanish for a lot).

More energy for your busy life, meaning you can give more - everywhere.

The great thing is meditation doesn’t take long to give you a big boost.

When I was an outdoor instructor I would often get ten minutes to myself when the next group was late or whatever.

I could have (re)checked the gear, but instead I would find a tree or rock to lean against, and get some quick “me” time.

Recharging, as it were.

It meant I had so much more energy, I was clearer too (not groggy, not relying on coffee and snacks to keep me going).

I was funnier too (well at least I thought so. I was having a good time - and that’s half the battle isn’t it?)

So close your eyes, meditate.

If you don't know how - hold on til tomoro - I have something that will help you no end.

Rest is just one of the many benefits that my guinea pigs are experiencing right now having had their first session of the Mountain Mindset trial.

The other is sleep. Deeper sleep at night than ever before, and well, also when you a super common experience when you begin to meditate.

Sometimes the body just needs to catch up.

If you are getting that when you close your eyes - it is not a problem, just go with it.

It’ll change.

Next course - interested? Just so you know - I’m looking at dates for the next course.

I’m thinking it might probably be a weekend course.

It’ll be the core of the Mountain Mindset trial but squeezed into one weekend.

So if you’re short of time, or busy evenings, this one is for you.

The Mountain Mindset programme for me is perfect because I get to spend 4 whole weeks overlooking your progress.

You get to have someone on your case (me!) - and that is actually super helpful. “External accountability” is what that is called.

And it works, it gets you results without you having to think about it.

But a weekend will work just fine too. Especially if you have the commitment, the inner motivation, it’s simple.

It’ll be cheaper too because of it’s short, sharp, “just the essentials” nature.

If you are interested in something like this,

What would be grand is if you can drop me a line (arjuna (at)

and in the subject just put “weekend”.

This is just to survey interest - no obligation whatsoever.

Til then,

take it easy out there! Arjuna


Just send me an email (arjuna (at) and write “weekend” if you’re interested in a weekend format - at SOME stage.

No obligation, just to see if a weekend would theoretically suit you better than a 4 week evening course.

And - thanks!!

Who Needs A Parachute Anyway?

parachuteYou don't need a parachute. It's just been proven.

And I’m excited.

Which means I’m probably feeling better.

Had some man flu over the last few days.

I wasn’t feeling super excited. But I did take some time to rest and heal up.

I’m not a fan of being sick because I can’t do stuff.

However I know if I push on though, the sickness just sticks around longer.

And sometimes even comes back stronger.


So I rested. Meditated on my couch - super good for rest, recovery and healing on a physical level.

Will tell you more about that later on.

That aspect of meditation and the mind is super exciting to me.

(I really am excited - I must be feeling better.)

I also took some time out over the weekend to read and to watch some inspiring videos.

Nothing like inspiration to give your body a lift.

With the Olympics coming there is no shortage of excitement and inspiration around.

I love the Olympics and the whole mind over matter nature of elite sport.

Will tell you more about that too.

(Got so much to tell you! I’m like a kid with a bag of sweets in his belly).

Saw that a guy has jumped from 25,000 feet WITHOUT a parachute.

Travelling at 150 miles/hour, he landed in a net sized 100 feet by 100 feet.

That’s some gonads right there.

Not only did he jump without a back door, no safety whatsoever ...

But he had to make sure he landed in the right spot.

That gave me a lift, for sure.

Considering I’m slightly (ok, very) terrified of jumping off heights.

Jumping off stuff requires a lot of mental vigilance on my part.

Can’t let the fear in for a second because otherwise it runs rampant.

But THE most inspiring thing I watched was this:

A guy, a paraplegic, (so paralysed from the waist down),

Who is a whitewater kayaker.

That’s taking jumping without a parachute to a whole different level.

Now - Being on the river is hard enough without hip and leg control.

But just getting to the river?

Where his wheels can’t take him?

His buddies carry him on their backs. Awesome.

It is so inspiring to me, on so many different levels.

So I just had to shake off my man flu and get going on some things.

That’s all from me, go well!

I’ll let you know how the guinea pigs on the trial are going later on.

AND when the next course is.

Take it easy out there,

If you need anything, have any questions?

Please just ask. I’d love to help.

Especially now I’m feeling better


PS. The link to that paraplegic kayakers video I was talking about is right here:


What are you watching that’s inspiring you?

Why I broke my number one rule

sickSo yesterday I was sick as a dog.

Could not be bothered even showering.

“Yuck” says wife.

She’s right (for once).

Still not feeling that hot, actually.

I know from experience that when you’re low, it’s important to protect your energy.

To rest when you need to.

It’s why I did just about nothing yesterday.

It’s also why I practice what I preach every day.

It’s why I close my eyes and meditate.

Because it gives me more energy and clarity, and truthfully:

It gives you MORE time.

So why did I email you when I really can’t be arsed?

When I needed to rest?

Because it’s actually kinda fun to declare it.

It’s my way of not taking myself seriously.

You know?

When you feel rubbish and get to laugh at yourself and it just takes the load off?

It means you don’t fight it, you don’t think you should be feeling “great” when you’re clearly not.

But also I know the power of doing the one most important thing anyway.

Even when you really can’t be bothered.

What I also found was that the thought about something is ALWAYS so much harder than the reality.

So I decided to give it a go.

You know that trick right?

Just do it for 5 minutes and see if you REALLY can’t be bothered…?

(Works with everything)

The result?

I wrote 2 emails in 15 minutes.

I had a little whine, AND got the job done.

Now I’m off for a shower.

Because it’s way past time.

And I actually feel like it now too.

Mindset and attitude and thoughts?

Fascinating things they are, are they not?

Want a simple and powerful way of overcoming the limiting aspects of your own mind?

Last chance!

Be a guinea pig in my new trial programme!

Tonight is the night we start.

And if you’re a good fit, you can begin tonight if you wish.

But you can’t join late.

So don’t wait.

Details and application form when you opt in here:

Not to mention daily emails like this one - keeping you inspired and set up for the day.

Keep the peace.


PS. I’m excited about the Mountain Mindset programme beginning.

The guys are going to get so much from it.

And I get to try out a few things that I’ve been mulling over for a while now.

Before I bring them into action to the “public”.

Here’s where you get more info, and daily emails, if you want to be on the cutting edge of calm, clarity, contentment and confidence:

Awesome, it will be.

I can’t be bothered

fluffyFeeling fluuey today (auto correct says fluffy —-> definitely not feeling that)

Can’t be bothered doing ANYTHING today.

Sore head, sore joints, snot.

You know it.

Here’s what is true:

Stuff only goes sideways when you’re tired.

Anger, frustration, depression.

All of that.

You have to protect your personal energy.

Then things can stay on a level.

Not get screwy.

Take time out - (you CAN do this - you’re not that irreplaceable)

I’ve got a zillion things to do before Thursday (tomorrow as this goes out!) and Mountain Mindset begins.

But I have to take it easy otherwise I’ll have nothing to give.

So sometimes, you gotta yourself permission to rest and do as little as possible.

You can’t charge every single day, because you’ll burn out.


Just give yourself permission to be blah.

Be okay not being okay.

Laugh at yourself, watch a comedy.

I’m going to watch a kayaking video or two, too.

Just cos I love it.

It feels like laziness to me.

What I would do, if I were you, is check out the Mountain Mindset trial.

Thursday 4th August at 7pm we do begin.

Shortly in other words, very shortly.

There is a seat available.

You want it?

Opt in and get all the info, and then you can tell me why you'd be an awesome “guinea pig”:

Take it easy,


PS. Look after yourself!

Then you can look after everyone else.

When you’re at 100%, everyone wins.

Here’s how:

“Let It Go!” (Arggg! Not Frozen)

let it goWhat does “let it go” mean?

Not the horrendous “Frozen” song - I’m sure that is played in hell.

My nieces are actually (temporarily) overcome by devils sent to torture me as they sing it to me.

But the “let it go” that some are guilty of casting about, empty, here and there.

Like saying “just breathe”

Or, “Just drop it”

It’s great advice, but if you have no idea of actually HOW to do it, it’s completely useless.

So here you go:

Letting something go involves the ability of focussing on something else.

Because you can actually only focus on one thing at a time,

(Which means you can tell your lady friends who insist otherwise that multi-tasking is a complete myth and only results in tornado shaped humans …

… In other words “spinners”  or “flappers” - i.e. not very effective at anything except speed of motion and exhaustion).

Because you can actually only focus on one thing at a time,

You distract yourself from negativity or stress by bringing ALL of your attention to something different.

Stress and anxiety and all that simply exists in you because you continue to give it attention.

Like a vampire it exists because you open your life blood to it.

Either because you think stress is important and useful (it’s not).

That worrying helps (it doesn’t).

Or you simply don’t know how to not be that.

“Let it go” is valid if you have the tools to perform a distraction on yourself.

To take your attention off the thing that is causing trouble.

And putting it on something you CAN do something about.

“Just Breathe” is actually good advice, if you do it.

Deep belly breaths are a wonderful basic tool for coming back down.

Being present is great advice too, but sometimes it’s the hardest thing in the world.

That’s where practice comes in.

Because the more you do it, the better you get at it, and the more it becomes your default way of being.

Having a tool that works is everything.

And the tools like I’m teaching in Mountain Mindset are the best tools I’ve found, anywhere.

For making you calm, clear, content.

Able to focus, and ignore doubt and fear.

“Let go” of all negativity and reactive limiting patterns, whenever and wherever

To go and do what you want to do, without your mind stopping you.

There is still space around the “Mountain Mindset” table that I’m looking for volunteers for.

If you want a chair apply here:

But do it immediately, as space is extremely limited, AND time is running out.

I can count the days left on one hand.

For more information opt in here, and also get daily tips and inspiration via my emails like this one:

Take it easy out there

- Arjuna

PS. If you’re interested do so quickly, because the first session is on Thursday coming - 4th August.

And you can’t join late.

Which means you’ll miss out.

And that would be a shame, wouldn’t it?

The one thing you could have done that would change your life, and you didn’t.

More info and daily emails like this one:

Heavy Metal Mischief

heavyMy wife bought me a large chunk of heavy metal for my birthday.

Not Slayer, no.

Don’t know if they still count, but I'm not talking about nothing to do with music

(I’m so culturally irrelevant these days)

She gave me a huge kettle bell.

(A large heavy thing you simply pick up and put down.)

I love them.

They make you strong and trim with great core and even a bit more flexible.

Number one WHY? for lumping these things around is I don’t want to get lardy,

and now I’m well into my forties that requires constant vigilance.

AND kettle bells make being in a kayak easier.

I’m stronger and have more endurance so paddling is simpler.

I don't have as much time as I used to, so when I get in my boat I want to make the most of it.

I can do more for less effort and have more fun.

A bit like having mental fitness.

Now “What IS mental fitness?” I hear you ask.

Good question.

Mental fitness is the ability to not let your thoughts stop you doing and getting what you want.

It’s the ability to:

- focus on one thing and not be distracted from it.

- be mentally “tough” - ignoring doubt and worry and just keep moving forward.

- simply “let go” - just drop stuff that’s causing you stress and overwhelm

- be flexible and adapt to unexpected change, not be stuck whining about it

- go further and faster than ever before physically

- not let your fears paralyse you, instead giving you courage to go beyond any limitation

- fully apply all of yourself and your abilities to whatever is in front of you

- laugh more and stress less

- be present and feel so alive in this precise moment in time

- tap into the Zone at will - with heightened skills and perception, and big smiles

It’s the internal strength of character that is the foundation of everything that you feel and think and say and do.

Just as kettle bells allow me the physical fitness to do more with less puff,

all day long - whether in my kayak or climbing up a hill,

Mental fitness is the same -

life means less stress and more fun, more creativity and intuition, more calm and contentment and confidence.

Do more for less effort and bigger smiles.

After all, isn’t that what life is about?

If you want a mental fitness training programme …

One that outlays a treasure map to mental strength and flexibility,

Gives you everything you need to know,

No thought, no guess work,

You just have to walk it.

The plan involves a straight forward equation of:

Do the work (simple, fun, effective), then enjoy the results …

For as long as you keep using the map.

Now - I need some volunteers to provide social proof of HOW good it is.

But we start very soon (3 days) so go here and opt in and I'll give you all the info, AND send you daily free coaching emails with tips, motivation and bad jokes:

Any questions?

Let me know, I’d love to help


PS. Mental fitness makes sense when it’s explained doesn’t it?

No longer do you stress and struggle and puff and flip out in reactive ways.

You're not mentally lardy.

You're clear, calm, content, present and alive and able to ignore doubt and fear and bad moods.

Life is great.

Want some?

Go here for the info and I'll send you daily email coaching as well:

Don’t sit on this or you WILL miss out.

Two Game Changing Secrets

secretThe two greatest things you can learn to be - In life and in the outdoors, in any sport or physical situation, at work and at home,


The two things that will change you life forever,


a) be calm no matter what is happening around you,

and ...

b) be focussed only on this precise moment in time.

When you’re calm you don’t get tunnel vision. You can see clearer.

You don’t get overwhelmed, you can focus on the things you need to pay attention to, NOT the things that you don’t.

Does that make sense?

So often people’ll pay far too much attention to what goes wrong or what MIGHT go wrong, rather than what they can now do about it.

What you focus on, grows.

Indeed ^^^

Staying calm is the key to dealing with whatever is thrown at you with your maximum ability.

The second thing is:

When you get present you can meet the need of this moment.

You can apply your whole being, all your skill and fitness and intuition and reflexes and creativity - in other words - EVERYTHING to what is in front of you.

Even if that is "just" a conversation with your partner or your kids.

(Notice how what are actually the most important things in life so often get reduced with a "just" ...?)

Right here, right now.

Trouble is, people spend most of their day focussed on trying to change the past or predict the future.

In that, all their power is taken away to dial into what needs to happen now.

There’s so much lost energy spent on the past and in possible futures.

And you simply miss out on what’s happening right in front of you.

If you live like this?

You have NO ability to focus when you NEED to focus.

You can't switch off when you NEED to switch off.

So - practice - master staying cool and calm,

AND get the ability to direct your focus wherever you want it to go.

It will change your life.

I'm serious about that ^^^^

For the best possible foundation in these two secrets,

The greatest in tools that make being calm and focussed so simple.

The support and accountability to keep you on track,

And over 4 weeks of coaching …

Here you go -

You DON’T have any time to mess around now,

If you want a seat, apply NOW.

Or miss out.

For more information on this trial, AND free email coaching, opt in here:

Take care out there!

- Arjuna

PS. Two small secrets,

Two small ways of “operating” in the world,

Yet what a huge fundamental difference it makes in your life.

Many people never learn to master their own heads, and never live the life they want.

Are you one of them?

Opt in here for everything you need, including daily email coaching:


Failed? Or Research For Next Time?

failedDon’t base how committed you are to doing something on momentary success or failure.

An attitude of “well, I’ll keep doing it as long as I am good at it” will never result in anything.

Everything that you do will have good and bad days -

Days when everything seems to be swimming along magically and other days when nothing seems to go right.

If you quit because you don’t appear to be “any good” at something in this moment, you will never get better.

All learning has phases of seeming “good” and “bad”.

Don’t quit when you hear that voice.

As a baby you weren’t any “good” at walking. Did you quit?

Consider any top athlete - say the tennis player.

How many times do you think they practice a particular shot? Millions of times? Probably, right?

No matter what, they are out there practicing - in all conditions and in all circumstances.

They’re in it for the long game, they want to master a skill and they know it involves committing to a process.

They’re in it for constant improvement.

They’re not in it to be “good”, they’re in it to be “better”.

So - Remove any idea of “doing it good” and “doing it bad” from the equation.

Ditch any idea of failure and success.

Instead, become interested in “how can I do it better next time?”

Enjoy the process.

A wise man once said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Enjoy each and every one of those steps for what they are.

That way, no matter what, you’ll make the next step and the next, and you’ll reach the top before you know it.

When you frame each and every action in this way, as part of a continually evolving process (= an attitude of constant improvement based in complete contentment of this moment) long term commitment is easy, the path is enjoyable, and greatness is guaranteed.

Makes life so much easier.

The tools and understandings to make your mindset one of “better” rather than “failed again” are simple yet not widely known.

I’m teaching them in Mountain Mindset

- which goes live in 5 days -

And if you’re up for helping me out as a volunteer to help me test it, apply here:

Opt in and I'll send you more information, and daily free email coaching:

But don’t mess around.

5 days, clocks ticking.

Have a great day. As always, if you need anything, I'm here.

- Arjuna

PS. Nothing here today.

Just apply if you’re interested, because otherwise you’ll get nothing too.

Heh heh, I like that one…

More info on this trial, and FREE email coaching:

Swearing At Foreign Police Is Not So Smart

you CantDid you see the Ju jitsu guy from New Zealand who got kidnapped by policemen in Brazil and taken to a money machine so he could be relieved of a chunk of cash? Go Rio! he wrote.

He’s not competing - his sport isn’t at the Olympics.

But when you go to something like the Olympics you don’t expect to have to deal with the flora and fauna of the country you’re in. It’s just about competing. In theory.

Unlike the outdoors where an expedition means that sometimes you get into some dodgy scrapes just getting to where you want to start.

Some friends told me of bribes to various officials when they were getting around deep Turkey in order to get to the river to go kayaking.

At one point when talking to yet another official, deep in frustration and sick of it all, one member of the party yelled, “You c*nt!”

Luckily the official smiled at him and said “Yes, I can”.

Heh heh. Close shave there, me thinks.

The getting there is all part of the adventure though, isn’t it?

That kind of trip requires a different mindset. It stretches you, it makes you a better person.

Think you have a limit? A line where enough is enough?

You always get asked for more on expedition, in any kind of travel.

Even if that’s just getting to say, Wales or the Highlands, come to think of it.

But in overcoming a limitation within yourself, of knowing no matter how shattered you may be, you can drag up a little more …

In doing that you do MORE than find hidden depths,

You chip away at the very idea of ANYTHING being too much or too big.

You see “enough” is a mental choice that you make.

Which is fine - your choice is your choice …

IF you are aware of that choice AND are happy to say that this is enough for you, for the moment.

But whatever, in facing “yourself” when you come home the dramas there are always smaller.

They’re the same, but in perspective. They don’t play on your mind like they did before.

You have reordered your priorities, and worrying and being frustrated slips well down the list.

Nothing’s changed - only you have.

Now - it is possible to constantly “grow” in the sense of your mindset and perspective.

It takes a regular practice but it’s simple.

You don’t have to travel to Rio or to Turkey - as fun as that is - to get it.

You can develop a bullet proof mindset, strong but fluid, able to change and adapt - without even leaving your house.

SO that when you do leave your house, you can do more with bigger smiles.

Stronger mindset, bigger choices, better life, more fun, cooler stories.

It’s a great equation.

Want that?

Go here for a seat at the course that will give you it.

Volunteers needed to help me test it.

Time is ticking. Don’t sit on this one.

For more information on the trial, and free daily email coaching, opt in here:


PS. Apply now, because if you delay,

I might find the guys I want to work with.

And you’ll miss out and be disappointed.

I hate disappointing people.

So don’t make me disappoint you.

For an application form, more information on the trial, and free daily email coaching, opt in here:

OK? Cool.

Being Great Versus Being Good - part 2

DCIM101GOPROG0572636. I was saying yesterday that the biggest difference between a Great athlete and a Good athlete is this:

The Great athlete doesn’t think too much.

Great simply does, where Good over thinks.

Great can flow and deliver smooth skills with fast, intuitive reactions anywhere, anytime, no matter the situation.

Good just can’t.

Maybe when there are no consequences, but definitely less and less consistently as the pressure starts to ramp up.

Now Great and Good both exist within you, already.

The trouble is tapping into that, it’s learning to be in a Great mindset more often.

In other words, if you want to be Great then you have to learn to not think so much.

The biggest tip I can give you for switching off the mind, is to not switch it off.

Counter intuitive, I know, but have you tried stopping your mind?

Hard work, indeed.

The best thing to do to increase your performance and fun factor in the outdoors and all aspects of your life …

Is learn to watch your thoughts.

To let them run but not be them.

By closing your eyes you can notice ideas and thought streams coming and going.

Let them run.

Simply come back to watching when you notice you get caught up in an individual stream.

By practicing this - if you do it effortlessly - you start to relax and settle down.

You learn to be aware of what your head is telling you, and are able to ignore it.

The mind will start to lose momentum, it won’t run as fast.

But that doesn’t really matter in that you will have discovered something very significant:

If you can be aware of your thoughts it means you aren’t your thoughts.

You are something far bigger than that.

You are not your thoughts.

They are simply an option, not the truth.

Learn to watch and ignore them.

Freedom from the limitations of your mind lies right there.

And you can set the scene for being Great everywhere.

Play with that, practice it and see what happens.

This is one of the introductory skills we get into in the Mountain Mindset trial that I’m looking for volunteers to help me test.

The trial builds on this quickly, giving more simple yet more powerful tools that bring great results, fast.

I’m excited about it - the tools and the understandings for a Great mind.

If you’d like a place, get more information and free daily email coaching here:

Have fun, Arjuna

PS. Just no longer thinking so much would be so pleasant, wouldn’t you agree?

Just having something that enabled me to switch off was a serious blessing.

I like to sleep!

Rest and recovery is a big thing - and can’t really happen when your head is hammering away.

Unless you learn how to deal with it.

Try what I suggest above.

And if you want something even simpler and more powerful, opt in here.

I'll send you all the details, and you'll get free daily email coaching:

Good Athletes Versus Great Athletes

great goodThe difference between good athletes and great athletes? Good athletes think way too much.

Great athletes can switch their brains off and fully let the body do what it needs to do.

The reason you train, the reason you practice anything, is so you can do it without thinking about it - automatically.

The biggest problem, the thing that gets in the way for most people, is over thinking.

And in a competitive situation or a situation where you could get hurt the stakes are only higher.

You tend to fall back into your default mode.

Which, if it’s over thinking, you get only more of.

The anxiety ramps up, the self-doubt kicks in, the body tenses even more and you lose that beautiful relaxed powerful fluidity.

The mind reflects almost immediately in the body.

The best thing you can do is learn to switch off certain thoughts.

One way of doing this is positive thinking, of noticing when you are being negative and finding a way of switching it around.

This kind of “glass half empty” versus “glass half full” has a dramatic effect on your body and is something that we will go into in great detail in the Mountain Mindset trial that begins August 4th.

Another way of doing it is positive visualisation of a skill or a pressure situation.

You become as calm as you can be and visualise success over and over again until that becomes your brain’s default “vision”.

Visualising is rarely a problem for people, it’s:

a) getting as calm and relaxed as possible and yet b) staying focussed and not drifting from the visualisation.

Getting to a calm, relaxed yet focussed state is also a big part of the Mountain Mindset trial. The volunteers in the trial will get the tools that bring them into this state, effortlessly.

The biggest tip I can give you for switching off the mind though is to learn not to switch it off.

It is to do something else entirely.

And just because I’m a big tease, you’ll have to wait till next email to find that out.

This one’s gone on long enough.

If you’re interested in being a volunteer to the trial and getting these sweet tools and practices that will stay with you for life?

For the details, and daily emails full of tips and inspiration like this one:

We’re start in less than 10 days so don’t delay now…

Any questions?

Fire away, I’d love to help - Arjuna

PS. If you want to be a great athlete, not merely a good one, the mind is the next step.

Learn to get freedom from thinking too much (and about the wrong things) and everything else falls into place -

In the outdoors, at home, at work, everywhere.

Go here to get more info about being a volunteer for my trial and getting these powerful tools for life:



Unstoppable Bastards

unstoppableUnstoppable Bastards That is the actual name of a programme I was helping teach a part of last week.

Awesome huh?

There were 6 guys, all top performers in some aspect of their lives, and yet they were on a programme to give them more.

More what?

Unstoppable Bastards is all about, well, being unstoppable -

Getting what you want from life, without being one-dimensional.

There are many who are a success say in business, but their relationships are shaky.

Some are brilliant at their sport, but have no way of converting that into cash.

People are usually pretty good in one or two aspects of life.

Very rare is someone who is awesome in one.

Rarer still is someone who is awesome everywhere.

But what else is life for but to explore greatness?

The premise of this programme is that great men are never born.

They are shaped because they want to grow, to become more.

With the right tools you can become more.

And teaching some of those tools is where I came in.

I spent three hours talking about the mind, mindset and giving them some meditation tools.

It was a lot of fun and feedback was great, I think they got a lot out of the session.

Let’s hope they keep practicing, because the magic happens when you regularly apply it.

There were a ton of questions, many about becoming different or losing their edge or their passion or their drive.

It was great to put all that straight.

Meditation is so misunderstood, which is a shame as it’s the greatest thing anyone can learn to do.

But it’s so poorly taught in some places people get turned off before they can really appreciate its true power.

The only thing you lose though meditation is limitation.

It gives you the ability to be more you, not less.

If I only had one word to describe what meditation has given me?


Being real.

Not hiding or feeling insecure or full of self-doubt …

… like I used to spend a lot of time being.

But content and secure in exactly who I am and what I want to do.

The greatest thing talking with these guys - some of them great players in their worlds - was that they all have a some version of self-doubt …

And it comes up often.

I was a little surprised, but they were so open about it.

But they are in good hands - what I taught them combined with the rest of the programme means that whiny little doubting voice will be well and truly ignored.

When you ignore it, it just shrivels up and dies.


SO if you want more authenticity, realness, and the ability to ignore self-doubt and fear meaning greater performance and more fun?

Go here for more information on the upcoming trial, and inspiring daily emails like this one: It’s 5 sessions face to face sessions together with over 4 weeks of close coaching, support and accountability from me, and the rest of the guys on the trial.

If you’re ready for the next step? Have a great day! Arjuna


If you’re not ready for a whole course, no deal. You can get a lot from these emails you can put into practice straight away.

But if you want a 4 week kick start to the best version of you in the outdoors and in all of life?