How do you make a better tomorrow?

I was recently asked a wonderful question:

“As challenging as 2020 has been for just about everyone, did I think humanity was learning anything? Was the collective consciousness growing, evolving, becoming more elevated, more wise and loving?”

I honestly have no idea. I certainly hope so.

However, to flip the question:

Have the recent challenges of life made it more urgent for YOU to become more accepting, clear, wise, understanding, courageous, truthful, aware, attentive, and present? 

To steal Gandhi’s great well known phrase, is there more urgency for you to become the change you wish to see in the world?

We often wonder when someone “will do something”; we are easily dismayed at our politicians, our neighbours, our families and what they do or don’t do; we even shake our fists at the sky screaming “WHY?!” at some uncaring deity up on high … 

… but the great challenge is, and the great change happens, when YOU start to do something.

In this entire world, the ONE thing you can reliably change is you.

But how? 

How do you create a better tomorrow for you and your loved ones?

1). Start today.

Truly. In fact, don’t even make it about today – make now as good as you can. Just now. That’s all that’s required – just this, here, now. Make this complete, at ease, alive.

2). Go within.

Choosing to be the best version of you and becoming more consciously Good, more often, is an inner journey. Find a regular way of connecting with your soul, of making it come alive, of listening to your inner wisdom, to be present to what is here.

My way of doing that is the Bright Path Ishayas’ Ascension. A super simple, enjoyable practice to get familiar and solid in that connection. I fully recommend you learn and practice … or at least practice something!

3). Make it a priority.

It’s not a luxury, a to-do when you get around to it, it’s a necessity.

As the foundation for everything you do and say, your being is critical. Make it first and last in your day. Then it has a chance of actually happening.

4). You will be tested.

You will hit tough times and completely forget. NO DEAL. Practice when the going is good so it becomes easier when the going gets tough.

Tough times in life aren’t a “if”, they are a “when”. They will happen and your intentional practice means you can style through more and more easily.

5). You will forget.

How do you stop forgetting?

Remember now.

Make it a priority to simply get back on the horse of presence, now. Don’t worry for a second where you’ve been, and why, simply remember now.

6). Enjoy yourself.

When you stop having fun and start taking things seriously, that’s a reliable sign that you’re forgetting and starting to get lost in stress, negativity and overwhelm.

Step back, find enjoyment, go again.

Just one step in the right direction, with the intention for many more to follow, makes it happen.

You create a better tomorrow by making now as good as you can. And it’s the one thing you can do … just now.

Good luck, enjoy!

Go well,
