It turns out there are quite a few things to do to arrange a wedding. I thought it was a suit, a dress, a ring or two, and a bit of a party.
What I’ve found is that the demon, as always, is in the details.
The list appears to be unending, and the day is coming quickly (Saturday)
So -
1. Apologies for the break in your usual email service. But I’ve been busy! I’ll get back to you asap (after the nuptials)
2. I can really really see how people say weddings can be one of the most stressful times of your life.
I also see why people just throw money at an organiser to do it all and end up in debt for the next 10 years paying the wedding off.
The old me would be huddled in a corner right now, rocking back and forth, murmuring to himself, strugging with so much to do, so many people to chat to.
But the new me - with the foundation of calm and clarity provided by my Ascension meditation practice - is feeling cool as a cucumber.
You see many people practice when they enter a state of emergency.
A challenge hits them so (if they’re halfway sensible) they start to close their eyes to deal with the stress.
The approach I recommend is to practice when life is easy…
…so when disaster strikes (not that I’m comparing marriage to a disaster), you sail through it.
The challenge becomes simple and straightforward...
Not complicated and pressured and too much work and overload resulting in arguments with your lovely wife to be.
Makes sense doesn’t it?
It’s the difference between managing stress and ending stress.
Do you see?
Why merely manage something when you can finish it??
I know what I prefer.
And you?
I think you know how you would prefer to live.
How about starting now? Take it easy, and talk more soon! - Arjuna