200% of life

Why do we do it?

It’s funny - Everything is going great because you’ve been doing something that makes things great.

Sleeping well, eating well, meditating every day …

And because you’re feeling so great, you go:

“I don’t need to do that stuff any more”

What happens?

Slowly - and sometimes not so slowly - you go downhill to where you were before,

To the place that meant you wanted, perhaps needed, to make some different choices in the first place.

Up and down you go.

Up and down and around and around.

There’s no need.

You can stay on a level forever -

But you need to make those choices that mean you maintain that.

Here’s the thing:

So much easier to stay on the level than try and play catch up.

Catching up all the time is a drag.

Maintenance is awesome - cruising altitude, flying high.

All of life is good and easy and simple and fun.

Choices, freedom, fun, clarity, contentment.

Want to take on something ambitious?

Easy to adjust, easy to handle.

From catch up? Urrgggggh. Tough.

Don’t stop doing the work that makes your life great.


Your choices = your life


Go well, Arjuna






You know what I’m going to say:

A whole day for you to really start flying:


When two people go to war over something small

Home from holiday, Epic journey back from Cornwall to North Yorkshire.

The sooner someone invents tele-transportation, the better.

It wasn’t just carrying child,

It was carrying all the guff that goes with child.

And to a minimalist like myself who likes to travel anywhere with the bare minimum,

Who is married to a maximum-ist,

Who likes me to carry her stuff (since I’m not carrying anything)

And can't understand why I politely decline,

It was a real test of our relationship.

Actually -

I did alright. We did alright. I got over myself.

Funny though how it’s some things that wind us up and not other things -

My father in law?

Peaceful, quiet, solid man.

Gets all kinds of twisted when the dishwasher is not stacked properly.

Will unstack it to get that extra plate in.

We’re all the same - yes, even you there … there’s always something.

And when you throw tiredness and hunger into the mix,

Travel has the potential to really blow things up between two people.

Hence a buffer zone is useful -

A degree of internal space so you can decide if something is a battle worth starting up over.

That buffer helps with everything, not just travelling,


And tiredness and stress destroy it quicker than anything else.

An eyes closed practice of meditation, perhaps breathing, just doing nothing?

Gives you that buffer -

(my typing somehow always spells it “bugger”, oops…)

So you can make the choices you want to make.

And contrary to popular belief -

You may even lose “it” from time to time even if you meditate regularly.

But you do lose it less and regain it quicker.

Well worth practicing I say.

May even save your relationship one day.

You can thank me later.

Go well! Arjuna


Want to know how to practice?

This here is everything you need to know:



Give and take

Just went for a run. I'm in Cornwall, and so of course I'm scoffing cream teas.

Cos that's what you have to do in Cornwall.

And I love clotted cream, you see.

And in order to eat many of these delights, as well as the fish n chips and all that good holiday food,

I went for a run up and over some serious coastal paths,

To help my digestion and my appetite.


If I did nothing but ate at the rate I'm used to I'd be the size of a house.

Which is fine if I'm ok with being like that -

But I don't want to.

So balance.

Give and take.

Karma, perhaps if you like the meaning being used in terms of cream tea.

It's a necessary in every part of life.

If you're busy working and managing a family,

You need to take time to recharge.

Regularly - To recuperate and retune.

You can't keep taking from your internal "bank account" without giving some back.

Otherwise you fall over.

You don't fall over straight away, but you do start to get frazzled, don't you?

Life gets a bit serious and a bit fraught.

A bit snappy.

You miss out on the simple pleasures.

The things that make life profound.

So if you value your sanity,

If you want to choose to have a good life -

(And the good life IS your choice)

You need to stop and recharge.


Head this way and I'll show you exactly how:


Give and take - balance.

Do and don't do ...

Makes all the difference.

Go well! Arjuna

PS. Ascenders!

You have 2 weeks until your day is here.

Why not?

You give a day of your time, and it gives you so much more:


Difficult to practice

Had an email recently, It said that what I talk about is difficult to practice.

And I get that.

Being appreciative, accepting, self- loving, trusting, compassionate, patient, fun with a great sense of humour …

Is all tricky to do -

In and of themselves.

And if you already feel like you’re trying to be the perfect mum,

For example,

All of this can seem like another nail in the coffin,

Another load to add to your back,

Another standard to live up to -

Of all the things you have to do,

And are good at forgetting and failing at.

Do you know what I mean?

But here is the answer to all questions in life:

Get present,

And everything flowers from that.

Get full of your own presence and awareness,

And you become more of everything -

More alive, more calm, more content, more creative,

Less overwhelmed, frazzled, harsh and judgemental of yourself.

It’s a wonderful thing -

A “buy one, get a million things free” type deal.

So don’t worry too much about all the things you have to “be” (as well as do),

(Though if you realise you have a choice and can choose to be more appreciative? How wonderful)

Just get full of presence.

Keep it this simple,

And life transforms from that.

Hurrah for simplicity.

Here's a bunch of simple, different ways to be more present and mindful,

If you were interested:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb Go well! Arjuna


And Ascenders already have the ultimate tool in simplicity,

If you’d like a whole day to remind yourself, to inspire to greater heights?

Here you go!



Got sent a really nice quote, I’m a sucker for good words you see,


“One does not walk into the forest and accuse the trees of being off centre nor do they visit the shore and call the waves imperfect. Why then, do we look at ourselves that way?”

~ Author Unknown ____________

Acceptance is the basis for all goodness.

Ironically too - when there’s true acceptance,

That opens up the space for transformation,

For change.

Struggling with something?

Accept - fully and completely.

It’s the stepping back that means you can get peace,

And perspective.

Then you can go from there.


Good - go well! Arjuna


Need help with any of this?

Try this free guide, packed full of ideas:



Don't miss this day, just for you.

They don’t come along very often:


The one thing you might do …

If you simply stay with what’s happening right in front of you, Stay tuned into that -

Realise when you’re racing and getting stressed about it,

And come back to the level,

You’ll have a very happy, calm, effective life. True!

Losing overwhelm, thinking too much, reacting wildly, feeling guilty and regretting ...

The end to that begins right now.

That’s what it’s all about isn't it?

Living well.

Living well = attend to now.

Just now.

Keep it simple, ok?

Go well!



Want other tips like this one?



And if you Ascend?

A whole day for you to remember and be inspired about how simple this really is:


19 Things That Don’t Work

When I was a confused teenager (and adult actually), Full of angst and self-doubt,

Looking for a tribe to belong to,

Some kind of purpose to get behind,

I often wished there was a guide book to life.

Or some sense of “live like this and everything will turn out right”.

Ya know?

Many adults are still searching for that sweet spot too -

While you actually find that within,

And so there is NO book of guidance,

Here’s some things I see that clearly don’t work: ____________

1. Bottling stuff up, not talking Resentment then explodes spectacularly, taking heads off

2. Talking too much Because there is a time to move on and talking about it endlessly is a pain in the bottom for all concerned.

3.  Forgetting what is really important to you Leaving your priorities until last (which means never)

4. Taking stuff too seriously Good sign you’re getting too stressed and/or tired

5. Focussing on what’s wrong, what’s missing and totally missing all that is right and good!

6. Ignoring what’s wrong Sticking your head in the ground in the hope it will go away just gives you dirty nostrils

7. Being harsh with yourself Go on, whip yourself again and see if that helps

8. Holding grudges Eats you up quicker than a stomach ulcer

9. Maintaining ridiculous expectations of yourself (and others actually) You are you are you and while goals are awesome, take a chill pill. And who are you doing it for anyway?

10. Comparison Not so it inspires as in “well, if she can do it, so can I” but so it hurts

11. “Should” (Could and would should be there too)

12. Spending all your time in the past or the future Because life is happening under your nose

13. Worrying about what you can’t control As useful as hitting your head against a brick wall

14. Giving into fear and therefore not doing what you CAN control Not doing and avoidance isn't a path to happiness

15. Fighting, resisting, blaming Because that helps in the face of an undeniable reality ...

16. Gossip It’s only to make yourself feel and seem better - there could be other, better ways, ya think?

17.  Feeling guilty for doing stuff that recharges you Why exercise or close your eyes to meditate or read a book when you could be scrubbing the floor?

18. Forgetting to laugh Life's too short for laughing

19. Forgetting to speak out your gratitude and appreciation They can't read your mind _______

There you go ....

And so - what shall you do about it?

I would personally:

Get present, get truly mindful.

Then that will show you when any of the above pop up.

It becomes super clear.

Your regular practice to close your eyes teaches you how to live the best version of you.

Like a block of ice melting in a hot bath,

Your habits and pattens leave you.

But you gotta get in the bath regular so it happens.

Want more help on that?

You got it ——————> https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb

Go well Arjuna



No excuses:

A whole day for you.

These don't happen very often.


A champion of the world

A buddy of mine died during the week. A fellow Ishaya, he’d kept his cancer quiet, he didn’t want anyone to know.

I just assumed I would see him again this year, but no.

So much for assumptions huh?

A sterling dude with a huge heart -

He was built like many North American guys I know,

About as wide as he was tall,

Solid as a brick dunny.

I remember coming around a corner once and bumping into him -

Bouncing would be a better word for I hit this man wall and flew back some way.

Huge man, huge smile, huge heart, huge compassion.

He had an amazing journey.

He was an US soldier and did tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What he saw and did affected him greatly,

So much so by the time he stopped being a soldier he was “a bit of a mess” -

All the drugs and the doctors and the specialised counselling couldn’t put him together again.

As a bit of a last chance effort he learnt to Ascend,

And the more he practiced the more he found he could put his skeletons behind him.

His levels of medication dropped and dropped and kept dropping until he could quit everything the doctors had him on.

At that point - when I met him - I thought he was unstoppable.

The kind of guy who would live to be 100.

Full of energy, full of fun, full of love and lust for life,

The kind of life force that you often see in people who have had a second chance,

When given another opportunity they seize it and fully make the most of each and every moment.


I turn 43 this year.

There’s plenty of things I still want to do and get better at,

Things I want to experience and become.

I hope there’s plenty of future for me.

Yet I know,

I have no idea of how much time I actually have.

In this, it’s the simple things that mean a life becomes a Life,

Now - and not when I get x, y or z.

The appreciation, the gratitude, the love, the remembering to be alive and awake to this moment, the sense of presence and stillness at the core of my being …

Without those all the achieving in the world won’t mean anything.

With them, everything I do becomes satisfying, complete, full.

And then there’s room for more. Always more.

Whoever and whatever you are, no matter your history, you always have a choice.

It might not seem like it, but you do.

Find it, make the most of that choice - it is the one thing that changes everything.

It's the one thing that will make a difference, no matter what you do.

And so I say, with feeling,

Go well!


Super simple trick to staying super sane in a super busy life

Yesterday we talked about poop and how resentment can build from giving to everyone without giving to yourself. How crucial it is to take time to do nothing.

To recharge and get perspective and calm again.

I said there was another thing -

That you can do that means you stay level headed, calm and clear of a grumpy, snappy, guilt ridden, worrisome, super busy head -

Even in the busiest of lives.

Super dooper simple:

When you’re doing something, just do that one thing.

Do that thing without thinking about everything else you have to do.

Making coffee? Just make coffee.

Driving? Just drive.

Doing laundry? Just launder.

On the phone? Just listen and talk, nod your head and gesticulate (if you do that even though the other person can't see you).

On the loo? Just be on the loo.

Exhausting is it when you do one thing and think of everything else too.

You think it’s efficient -

“haha! I shall make tea and take the chance to think and plan and organise!”

Yet the result is you’re thinking ALL the time.

And that is exhausting.

It feels like you’re on the job 24/7

And you are - because you never stop, in your head at least.

Which is a huge factor.

One thing at a time.

Be in the same place as your body.

Busy as you may be, take mini-rests.

Walking between tasks?

Just walk and breathe. Walk and breathe.

Need to plan and organise? Make a time, sit down, plan and organise.

Don’t do it on the fly.

Then everything is simple and easy and manageable.

And you don’t get stress building up,

With your head becoming an unstoppable monster.

Unleashed in the small hours of the morning,

Or on your unsuspecting loved ones when they least deserve it.

(They always get it don’t they? I know that all too well from past experience)

Easier to stay on the level than try and play catch up.



If you'd like more ideas on staying cool, calm and collected?

Download this super quick to read, yet packed full of ideas guide here:


Go well! Arjuna


Small simple habits create something sensational.

You just gotta remember.


Ascend and need a day to remind yourself of the why?

Trying too hard, or just given up and what to jump back in?

Or perhaps you’re flying and you want to take it to the next level?

Don’t miss this: https://arjunaishaya.lpages.co/advanced-day/ 

Happiness is having a bad memory

I saw that ^^^ on a coaster last weekend. I guffawed.

Because it’s true.

Ignorance is bliss.

But not in the simplistic way you may think it is:

In reality,

What you focus on grows.

The ability to forget the bad and focus on the good?

Essential to happiness.

When I was depressed?

The other way around, it was.

(did that sound a little like Yoda?)

I forgot the good and could only remember the bad.

That’s why they say “think positive”

“They” being those people who say such things …

Because it’s a kind of mental and emotional fitness.

When you need it most,

It can come through.

But it’s totally true.

You direct your attention -

It doesn’t mean you’re being irresponsible and sticking your head in the sand,

Oh no,

You’re actually giving yourself solid perspective and foundation so you can deal with the bad simply and easily and with a light heart.

So give happiness a chance -


Go well Arjuna


How do you forget?

Easier said than done, I know.

Let me help.

Click here and you can download numerous ways:


You’re an Ascender and want a whole day to learn how to forget?

Here you go:


Make Sure You Enjoy This

A really cool thing about having a baby, Is all the strangers wanting to stop and chat.

As well as a oogle at bubba.

So many people love little bubba!

And they take the chance to give advice -

“Ooh, it’s colic …”

“Do it like this and you won’t have to do it like that …”

I think I said this recently but the best advice we got was to ignore all advice.

And make it up as we go along.

But one piece of advice has been consistent - as well as good:

So many people stopping and saying:

“Make sure you enjoy this phase”

Which is super smart advice.

You see -

We all look for the next best thing.

Which is cool, but it’s at the expense of now.

Especially with a baby that is true.

So many mums feel like they're little more than furniture -

And can’t wait for the bubba to be more independent.

The focus on when things will be different means you miss out on right now.

Now is - at best - endured -

Or at worst, struggled through -

Until some future moment that - let’s face it - MIGHT be better.

A life lived through endurance at best and stress and struggle at worst?

Constantly in the future, wishing for something else?

That’s no life.

No one wants that.

See what you're doing here.

See where your attention is -

Enjoy this phase, because this is it.

This here is life itself.

If you do tune into what’s happening right in front of you?

Whatever is happening gets simple and stress free, and even fun, no matter what mayhem and chaos it may contain.

The future might be better, but now?

Just dandy, thanks.

Good stuff,

Go well! Arjuna


Want to know how to enjoy each and every moment?

Free from thinking too much, free from overwhelm, regret and guilt, and enjoying more time in your busy day?

This free guide will help you in so many different ways.

Get a copy here:


Standing In Your Own Stink

You have to excuse me, I’m feeling a little feisty today.

This blog may seem a little harsh,

But in no way is it intended to be.


And in fact, if you are of a certain mindset you will actually find it inspiring,

So let's go:

Life is short.

It’s never seemed shorter.

Bombs. War. Soldiers on the streets of the UK.

Not sure where any of it’s coming from, what will happen next.

Uncertainty - as always - is always around, but it seems more uncertain than ever before -

Given that,

What do YOU want from YOUR life?

Are you interested in living a life that is worth living, squeezing the most from it?

Free of stress and struggle, full of freedom of choice, independent of being pulled like a monkey on a chain, dynamic and alive and fun … ?

Or are you happy to spend your time here on the planet small and pointing the finger at everyone else:

Blaming, judging, complaining and being fearful, stressed and miserable … ?

You see,

You HAVE to decide what you want.

And IF you decide to make the most of your time here, you need to realise something:


"I've never seen any life transformation that didn't begin with the person in question finally getting tired of their own bullshit.”

- Liz Gilbert __________

You are the source of all your problems.

And when you get tired of your own stories, then and only then can you move on from them.

Being sick of the negativity of your own mind is a good thing.

Getting tired of spinning around, thinking too much, flapping, reacting, being stressed and worried and anxious is a good thing.

Seeing all the past choices that you’re a bit ashamed of IS a good thing.

Because then you can do something about it.

And what a celebration that is,

For it is the beginning of freedom.

Well done you.

Go well! Arjuna


If you’d like help with this?

Here is a bunch of ideas:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb/ PPS.

If you did find this harsh, perhaps just take a moment and ask yourself:

“Why did I react in such a way?”

There might be something in it for you.

But if you’re not prepared to admit that perhaps you make your own choices,

And therefore you could be responsible for how you feel,

Then these emails won’t make you any happier.

Life is too short to read stuff that doesn’t enliven you in some way.

What Do You Remember?

Do you remember a moment in your life when you were really, truly alive?

A super memorable moment, when everything was just right?

It may have been scaling some mountain when you didn’t think you were going to get anywhere near the top.

It may have been spending time with some friends on a particularly fun and funny night.

It may have been “just” reading a little one a story …

And in that moment, all was well.

All was perfect.

I have such memories,

And of all of them, having my friend’s daughter grab a book and snuggle into the crook of my arm for a tale may well be the best of all of them.

Such trust, complete and utter trust that I could be trusted.

The thing about these moments is that I - and you in yours - were completely immersed in them.

Absorbed, absolutely present and here.

The future and the past didn’t matter -

They would take care of themselves.

The secret to having more memorable moments,

Free of overwhelm and anxiety and guilt and regret and all of that …

Full of aliveness and peace …

Is to be as present as possible.

To live life in the same place as your body.

To give yourself completely to now.

You will forget - it’s a habit to leave,

But keep on returning.

Show up to your life.

And you’ll get to the end of it and celebrate it as being packed with such wonderful memories.

Go well,



If you’d like to know how?

This free guide can really help give you some practical ideas:


Some Friendly Advice

When I found out I was going to be a dad I asked my friends what to do. I got two great pieces of advice.

First -

Throw out the rulebook.

Even though plenty of people will try and give you advice, ignore all such pieces of advice.

What great … err ... advice (heh heh) - 

It’s such a source of stress when you have a bubba that doesn’t fit into the box that rulebooks provide.

And that happens ALL the time.

Comparison is a killer.

Could be said that it's exactly the same with your life.

Second -

Never be afraid to apologise.

I like this advice A LOT -

I've noticed the best teachers are always learning.

The best leaders sometimes follow.

The best in anything are not perfect.

There’s nothing better than humility in terms of becoming better.

Pretending to be perfect and being afraid to admit mistakes is a recipe for going no where.

Awareness and presence are key in overcoming this - no matter what you’re doing.

I’ve noticed people are happiest when they’re improving.

So get rid trying to be perfect and just get better -

And be happy along the way.


Have a great day,

Keep the peace Arjuna


Here's 108 ways of being more aware, present and mindful for you -


Get Yourself To Bed

Guess what?! I was in bed at 8.30pm last night

No reading, no messing around

A quick chat with Sumati and then eyes closed

Ascension meditation …

Then at some stage I fell asleep

Guess what (again)?

I feel like a million pounds this morning.

Fully Human.

So I think I’ll do it again tonight.

Tiredness and exhaustion -

These are the cause of so many of your problems.

Just like your kids,

Without a good night’s sleep you’re toast.

Everything gets harder and more of a struggle, heavier.

Trouble is -

You don’t know that you need it.

The kids go to bed

(on time cos you know what they’re like when they head to bed late)

And then it’s YOUR time!


Reading your book, a quick Instagram surf, Netflix …

Before you know it, it’s midnight.

Sleep in the hours before midnight are the good ones.

That mean you feel great and free and happy the next day.

Not hanging out for the next coffee,

The next sugar hit (more chocolate?)

To keep you from falling flat on your face during the day -

To stop you from being that grumpy bugger -

Grrrrr …

I know it’s your time in the evening,

When you can chill and relax and do what you want to do -

And I’m not saying give it up totally.

But recognise when it’s not worth hanging out for the weekend sleep in to attempt to catch up.

Life is supposed to be simple and fun,

Proper rest and recovery will go a long way of making sure EACH and EVERY day is.


So make the most of the time when you can rest.

Good stuff!

Here's some many more ways to make sure your life is easy and fun - no matter the circumstances and the people within it:


Go well! Arjuna


Busy mum?

Here's a whole workshop day that will show you exactly how to get the deepest rest and recover in the shortest amount of time -

So you can be a great mum, not a grumpy one.

And if you’re quick - three weeks of follow up support and training to make sure it becomes a habit:


See you there!

A Life Of Compromise?

Seen the latest M&S advert? It’s cool!

I didn’t really think I’d like it, but I did:

Life is short - spend it well.

(And spend it well with us!)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYbh7PbYq5g They’re basically saying,

If it’s really a pain in the bottom,

Why do you put up with it?

Life’s too short -

For average jobs and average friends and average comparing yourself with every other person out there.

Don’t waste your time -

Jump in, seize the day, say no to everything that doesn’t make you better.

Live a life you’re proud of.

Now - That’s my kind of deal.

Not living a life of compromise.

The biggest compromise in my life?

It comes from between my own ears.

It’s the voice of judgement, the voice of fear and worry, the voice of self-doubt disguised as procrastination, the voice of regret that comes from when I don’t treat people they way I want to treat them …

I’m sure there’s more voices,

But I’m positive that you get the idea.

They used to control my life, I had no real way out.

Now I do.

If you want to do something about those voices?

Ascension meditation is what you want.

Though you missed out on the course for May -

Next one isn’t until July (28-30).

However if you go here,


You can download a very cool free guide to getting free of the compromise that exists between your own ears.


If you’re a busy mum?

I have a workshop day with other mums like you that will be just the ticket,

(and three weeks of online coaching - if you grab one of the spots before they go):

https://arjunaishaya.wufoo.com/forms/awesome-mums-/ Go well!



Best thing you’ll ever do?

Realise your choice for pain or peace,

Realise your choice for a life you’re proud of.

And it doesn't involve shopping at M&S if you don't want to.

Sued For Millions Over A Beach Party

Summer festivals - You remember them?

I USED to go,

When I was young and carefree and had no responsibilities …

Sigh …

They promised so much,

And delivered so much in terms of rain, mud and falling on your arse.

(I AM being SO glass half empty aren’t I?)

But I remember one festival where we decided to walk in and jump the fence.

I didn’t check the map, thinking my buddy had it sorted.

He promised a days walk, turning up just in time for New Years Eve

(this is New Zealand so it’s summer)

We took a day’s worth of food for the journey.

2 days later we turned up, starving and having missed it all.

We spent New Years Eve huddled together in a hut we found.

Ha. Teach us for being cheap huh?

You might have noticed the fuss about the Fyre Festival

My story pales in comparison to that -

It promised a luxury festival in the Bahamas at a premium price -

US$12,000 for some tickets.

And delivered nothing.

Just wide open sand and white bread and iceberg lettuce and misery and confusion.

The organisers made a monumental error of judgement.

And are now being sued for hundreds of millions of dollars.

Wow -

I don’t really get that suing business.

The organisers weren’t arrogant about it -

They sounded like they were genuine in trying to make it right.

I guess suing is to make sure they never go into business again?

So they REALLY learn the error of their ways?

That they’re so bankrupt that they can’t refund tickets?

And have to join the dole queue?

Anyhoo -


We all make them.

Sometimes the consequences are disastrous.

But by far the worst thing - by far - is the self-criticism and the guilt that goes along with it.

Even the littlest of slip ups can cause a barrage of mind attack.

Not useful at all, is it?

It’s one of the reasons I got into this game.

Simply to get perspective on mistakes.

To learn from them but not let my head go on and on about it forever.

To make amends best I could and then have an end to the guilt.

How about you?

You’d like that too?

To master your mind and be the best version of you, guilt freeee! hurrah!

Here's 108 Ways to do just that:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb/ Go well!


What Are You Doing Tonight?

Any plans tonight? I do.

I’m settling down in front of my computer for a little online training.

It’s for busy mums …

The struggles that they face -

And what to do about them.

First thing I have realised about being a parent,

Is how full on it is, all the time.

But I've also seen there’s a vast difference between being busy and being stressed and struggling.

The two don’t HAVE to go hand in hand.

Stress really is an unconscious habit,

A habit you can change.

When you know how, it’s really a simple process.

This training is what that's all about.

You CAN learn to be:

- super calm, super happy in the middle of all the busy-ness and mayhem - not think so much you feel like your head will explode with things to do - react (and regret) less and be able to choose your responses freely and wisely - end guilt, anxiety and comparison and be satisfied with “doing my best”, because you are - being good with taking time for yourself

So tonight (Thursday) at 8pm GMT,

Head this way and we’ll get into it.

https://business.facebook.com/MrArjunaIshaya Bring popcorn!

Looking forward to seeing you there,

Go well! Arjuna

A Sparkle In Your Eye?

Someone once said that people will forget what you say and do, But they’ll never forget how you make them FEEL.

It's very true.

You know when you meet someone just for a moment and they make such a lasting impression?

(In a good way)

When I first met my first Ishayas, I fell head over heels in love.

Total puppy dog follow them around.

Both were women, both were completely “ordinary” looking -

Yet completely extraordinary at the same time.

Don’t know if I can describe it, but I just wanted to be around them as much as possible.

They were calm but there was so much life in their skin, you could feel it -

It was as if by just being around them they reminded me of how to be like that too.

They were having what seemed like a LOT of fun,

With this sparkle in their eyes, they had a manner that said:

“Self-contained, completely content, nothing to hide, nothing to prove, nothing to fear, absolutely alive”

Which was like an unspoken invitation to me to be the same.

The weekend I spent with them wasn't so much about what they taught me,

(Which was amazing)

But how they were, how they lived and laughed, how they did each and every moment.

That’s what I still remember to this day:

How they made me feel.

Yup - your presence speaks louder than any deeds or words.

It’s not what you achieve but HOW you achieve it,

That’s what changes everything -

That’s what makes a lasting impact on your loved ones, on your community, on all the people around you.

And that’s what ultimately gives you satisfaction at a job well done,

A day well lived.

Remember that.

You can have that fulfilment and that impact (though you might not even know it)

It all comes back to your presence.

Your being.

You - not someone else’s way or manner or presence, but yours -

You - resting in yourself, alive to this moment.

Job done.

Go well, ok?



How do you DO that all the time?

How do you end reacting and being grouchy and stressed?

Two ways you can go about this:

If you're a busy mum who would like to handle her mum-dom

(like a kingdom but a mum-dom - get it?)

With nothing but style and panache:

A free webinar on Thursday 4 May at 8pm,

Click here for details and to register (it's so I can send you some homework and reminders)

https://arjunaishaya.lpages.co/cool-calm-collected/ OR

If you want something straight away as well,

This will help you get started:

108 Ways to free yourself of stress, guilt and frazzle and get super calm and super happy and super awesome;



What If You Didn’t Have Much Time Left?

I really don’t want to be too serious with this one,

But there’s a chance you might read it that way.

I want this to be an invitation to get more from life, not to be fearful in anyway.

With that proviso, let’s jump in shall we?

It came from a recent conversation with Jo about death and dying and how when she thought about her problems in relation to it ...

She got more free.

And she is bang on.

Carking it, checking out, knocking on heaven’s door, death and dying:

It can be a great giver of perspective of what’s truly important.

You see - when you get stressed what happens?

You lose perspective.

You lose life itself because you’re so busy thinking in small little loops, usually about small little things.

Around and around you think and life passes you by.

Strangely enough an awareness of death can be a giver of life.

It gives you clarity.

It makes you realise that you don’t have the luxury of messing around and entertaining stuff that isn’t helpful to you.

It makes you realise that you have to squeeze everything you want from life -

And not wait for conditions to be perfect.

And not wait for your happiness to be given to you.

That in the face of death, the simple things of life are so fulfilling.

That you can’t make your plans for the future or regret for the past more important than this moment,

Simply because your moments aren’t going to go on forever.

That fighting and struggling is one way of getting through life,

But getting present means you can flow and weave and dance even past the barriers and the sharp spiky bits.

It means your mind loses it's veritable death grip on you.

And why not?

It is Easter - rebirth, living again.

Giving yourself a chance to go once again, no matter what just happened.

The secret to mastery of life and death, over the negativity of your mind, lies in being present.

In this presence and awareness you can go for more, and not entertain a fear of less.


Become truly Sane.

Seize the day and all that, have a wonderful weekend with all the adventures you may have planned.

Keep the peace! Arjuna

PS. This might just be one of the best paths I have ever embarked upon:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb/ I'm not just saying that, it's given me way more freedom in life than I ever thought possible.