Wife Pride

I’m so proud of my wife. As part of her after-baby classes she was videoed “interacting” with bubba -

So she could get some feedback.

The teacher was impressed -

And now the national organisation is going to use the clip as an example of great baby interaction.

I asked what she did that was special - 

“Nothing” said she.

But she is also an Ishaya and an Ascension meditation teacher and so I know what was special.

What was special was that she is truly present with bubba.

Sumati can focus her attention like a laser.

(Which I know very when I’m in trouble)

But the thing is, kids really respond to you being present with them.

And it’s not only kids - everyone does.

When you listen, when you’re really there, when you’re focussed on the person in front of you, everything changes.

Every single great interaction with anyone that I have ever had in my entire life -

From a teacher to a masseuse to a shop keeper -

All of them were simply but completely present with me.

The worst ones?

They were doing the same job, but “they” weren’t there.

MIA, in their heads, thinking and being somewhere else in space and time.

The moral of the story is if you want better, closer, more alive and connected relationships?

We’re talking romantic, family, friends … professional too,

Making all of life easier and more “full” and more fun for you?

Show up for them.

Be there.

Fully listen and be present.

The simplest thing, but so rarely done.

Know the theory but want help doing the practical?

Here are a bunch of super simple ideas:


Go well! Arjuna


Connecting with people is important to me,

It really is, it makes life so much … richer I guess is the word.

Life is to short for poverty of the soul, is it not?


The news of the bomber yesterday in Manchester, Why?

It's so easy to lose it into rage and confusion and fear.

I have no answers why stuff like this happens to innocent people,

But I do know what the question is - for me at least.

"What can I do?"

In my small sphere of influence -

What can I do to spread understanding and acceptance and compassion?

What can I do to end ignorance and fear?

What can I do to grow and nurture what is good and right about life?

It's so easy to get stuck in a loop of merely surviving, of getting through life.

Events like these are a reminder that I don't want to merely survive,

I want to make sure I leave this planet a better place than when I found it.

And I know for sure whatever I say or do, the foundation for that begins within me first.

Take care, Arjuna

What Do You Remember?

Do you remember a moment in your life when you were really, truly alive?

A super memorable moment, when everything was just right?

It may have been scaling some mountain when you didn’t think you were going to get anywhere near the top.

It may have been spending time with some friends on a particularly fun and funny night.

It may have been “just” reading a little one a story …

And in that moment, all was well.

All was perfect.

I have such memories,

And of all of them, having my friend’s daughter grab a book and snuggle into the crook of my arm for a tale may well be the best of all of them.

Such trust, complete and utter trust that I could be trusted.

The thing about these moments is that I - and you in yours - were completely immersed in them.

Absorbed, absolutely present and here.

The future and the past didn’t matter -

They would take care of themselves.

The secret to having more memorable moments,

Free of overwhelm and anxiety and guilt and regret and all of that …

Full of aliveness and peace …

Is to be as present as possible.

To live life in the same place as your body.

To give yourself completely to now.

You will forget - it’s a habit to leave,

But keep on returning.

Show up to your life.

And you’ll get to the end of it and celebrate it as being packed with such wonderful memories.

Go well,



If you’d like to know how?

This free guide can really help give you some practical ideas:


Some Friendly Advice

When I found out I was going to be a dad I asked my friends what to do. I got two great pieces of advice.

First -

Throw out the rulebook.

Even though plenty of people will try and give you advice, ignore all such pieces of advice.

What great … err ... advice (heh heh) - 

It’s such a source of stress when you have a bubba that doesn’t fit into the box that rulebooks provide.

And that happens ALL the time.

Comparison is a killer.

Could be said that it's exactly the same with your life.

Second -

Never be afraid to apologise.

I like this advice A LOT -

I've noticed the best teachers are always learning.

The best leaders sometimes follow.

The best in anything are not perfect.

There’s nothing better than humility in terms of becoming better.

Pretending to be perfect and being afraid to admit mistakes is a recipe for going no where.

Awareness and presence are key in overcoming this - no matter what you’re doing.

I’ve noticed people are happiest when they’re improving.

So get rid trying to be perfect and just get better -

And be happy along the way.


Have a great day,

Keep the peace Arjuna


Here's 108 ways of being more aware, present and mindful for you -


You Already On Monday?

What day is it today?

Everyone knows it’s Sunday -

But you may well be on Monday in your head.

It’s what I used to do.

Couldn’t wait for the weekend,

So I could do all the fun stuff I had planned.

Then I actually spent a big chunk of Sunday thinking about all the things Monday would bring.

Wasted my own weekend by being at work in my head.

Future surfing - Don’t do it.

It'll get here soon enough!

Overwhelmed and feeling like there’s too much to do and there’s no time for you?

You have to get out of your own head.

Full enjoyment begins in being completely present.

Stay in the same place as your body.

Otherwise you just miss out on life.


Go well out there, ok?



Want some ideas on how to get out of your head, be more mindful and present?


Easy Way To Get Out Of A Funk - And Quick

Feeling a bit down in the dumps? A bit cranky?

A bit anxious?

A bit depressed perhaps?

Maybe you’re feeling frustrated or irritated?

Do you know what one super effective and quick way to get out of your funk is?

Would you like to know?

OK - 

When you realise you’re heading into it all,

And your usual strategies to get out aren’t working so well -

Find a way to give to someone else.

Anyone at all - just give:

Be kind, get up and go and make someone else’s life better or easier or lighter in some way.

It will completely get you out of your story,

And shift that mood completely.

So kindness means not only someone else wins -

You do too!


And it need not cost any money whatsoever.

Great stuff.

Now just don’t take my word for it -

Go and DO it.

And have a wonderful weekend.

Keep the Peace! Arjuna


Want some more tools and strategies and ideas for a good, mindful, alive life?


Experts Have Said This Is THE Most Important …

It was one of those lists - You know, you’re on the internet,

Surfing aimlessly, heh heh -

And up pops:

“Experts say …”

(Usually a large amount of rubbish)

This time it’s something like:

THE “12 critically important and vital things to prioritise in your life”

I can’t quite recall,

But I am a sucker for those lists.

One point struck me though -

The author said he thought one of the most important things for him to fill his life with …

Was kindness.

He did qualify it by saying it’s not about being a walkover,

But rather treating people exactly how he wanted to be treated by others …

If not better.

I thought -

How wonderful.

If the only thing I am remembered for is kindness, then I’ll be happy about that.

Hopefully there’s more, but kindness is a great start ; )

I realised a long time ago that being aware of my actions and words leads to greater and greater kindness.

The times when I’ve gossiped and been snarky were all when I was completely unconscious.

Unaware and asleep to the result of such words and deeds.

And to be honest -

I’ve also been trying to be cool, to be liked by others.

Do you know that?

That kind of making ourselves feel better by slagging someone else off.

(Rather than actually talking to the person concerned about our problem).

Yup, we’ve probably all been there.

Awareness -

Such a huge thing.

It means you can make different choices:

Being positive and looking to build the people around you up? Amazing.

Coming to a place within yourself where you have nothing to prove and nothing to hide? Such a solid place to live from.

Gossip and bitching? Urggg.

Trying to impress others? Like I spent a large amount of my life doing - always fruitless endeavour.

Awareness of these unconscious habits and deeds and words is the way out.

Overcoming your baser nature is what the inner game is all about.

Being kinder starts with being more aware.

Awareness, awareness, awareness.

That is the answer to everything.


(and there’s no end to it either - wahey!)


The author of the list also mentioned honesty -

Saying honesty was a form of kindness WHEN the person wishes to hear it.

Of course -

When honesty is forced upon someone, no one wants to hear it. Right?

When you’re open to it though, it’s very welcomed -

So much so you start seeking it out.

Because clear honesty makes you more aware of yourself.

And in that you can’t lose.

That's me, and my thought for the day.

Go well! Arjuna


How do you get more aware? More mindful?

This here is packed full of ideas:


Get Yourself To Bed

Guess what?! I was in bed at 8.30pm last night

No reading, no messing around

A quick chat with Sumati and then eyes closed

Ascension meditation …

Then at some stage I fell asleep

Guess what (again)?

I feel like a million pounds this morning.

Fully Human.

So I think I’ll do it again tonight.

Tiredness and exhaustion -

These are the cause of so many of your problems.

Just like your kids,

Without a good night’s sleep you’re toast.

Everything gets harder and more of a struggle, heavier.

Trouble is -

You don’t know that you need it.

The kids go to bed

(on time cos you know what they’re like when they head to bed late)

And then it’s YOUR time!


Reading your book, a quick Instagram surf, Netflix …

Before you know it, it’s midnight.

Sleep in the hours before midnight are the good ones.

That mean you feel great and free and happy the next day.

Not hanging out for the next coffee,

The next sugar hit (more chocolate?)

To keep you from falling flat on your face during the day -

To stop you from being that grumpy bugger -

Grrrrr …

I know it’s your time in the evening,

When you can chill and relax and do what you want to do -

And I’m not saying give it up totally.

But recognise when it’s not worth hanging out for the weekend sleep in to attempt to catch up.

Life is supposed to be simple and fun,

Proper rest and recovery will go a long way of making sure EACH and EVERY day is.


So make the most of the time when you can rest.

Good stuff!

Here's some many more ways to make sure your life is easy and fun - no matter the circumstances and the people within it:


Go well! Arjuna


Busy mum?

Here's a whole workshop day that will show you exactly how to get the deepest rest and recover in the shortest amount of time -

So you can be a great mum, not a grumpy one.

And if you’re quick - three weeks of follow up support and training to make sure it becomes a habit:


See you there!

Grumpy Buggers Everywhere

I like happy people. They’re fun and easy to be with.

However for some reason this morning has been the day of grumpy buggers.

They are in my face today, oh boy!

All just curt and snappy and “why Arjuna why?” and all the rest.

“What did I do wrong?”

That ^^^ little voice used to eat me alive.

I used to run myself ragged over thinking and falling over myself believing their reaction was ALL my fault.

Trouble is, that voice was more than just about wanting to help people be happy -

Fundamentally it’s about wanting to be liked.

^^^ That is a big one, isn't it? ^^^

Although I still love to make people happy,

And I like to be liked

(who doesn’t?!)

I’ve recognised that I can’t make all of the people happy all of the time.

I’ve done the running around trying to make people like me all of the time too,

And I can’t.

Try as I might.

Which is such an easier place to live from.

I know I’m not perfect and I make mistakes -

If that makes people grumpy then I do try and make it up to them,

But I’ve seen that the only person I can be responsible for is myself.

And that takes a load off my shoulders,

Trying to be responsible for everyone else’s happiness and trying to be liked is a recipe for exhaustion and stress …

And unhappiness.

I know a lot of people do this -

Their own happiness depends on someone else’s response.

It’s hard work. Really tough - impossible actually.

But getting over that?

You have to see that little thought pattern that means you feel responsible for their happiness …

As well as the underlying cause of NEEDING someone to like you.

You have to see when you starting to think about this,

And distract yourself from getting caught up in it -

Get out of your head and get present to this moment.

When I was starting out in this game I used to use my breath a lot -

Taking some deep breaths is a wonderful anchor,

It stops the head building up momentum.

And that’s the key - catching it early.

So being aware of your tendencies is a great thing.

A huge step forward, you know?

Awareness is a great great thing.

Go well!



It's a HUGE thing, stopping feeding that NEED to be liked.

Huge - because it changes all of your relationships.

It really does.

I have a free guide to getting rid of all this limiting patterns that cause you stress, struggle and unhappiness.

There's 108 ideas - but don't worry - it's not an effortful read.

It's simple enough to scan, deep enough to return to.

Head here if you'd like a copy:


Questions? Just ask!

A Life Of Compromise?

Seen the latest M&S advert? It’s cool!

I didn’t really think I’d like it, but I did:

Life is short - spend it well.

(And spend it well with us!)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYbh7PbYq5g They’re basically saying,

If it’s really a pain in the bottom,

Why do you put up with it?

Life’s too short -

For average jobs and average friends and average comparing yourself with every other person out there.

Don’t waste your time -

Jump in, seize the day, say no to everything that doesn’t make you better.

Live a life you’re proud of.

Now - That’s my kind of deal.

Not living a life of compromise.

The biggest compromise in my life?

It comes from between my own ears.

It’s the voice of judgement, the voice of fear and worry, the voice of self-doubt disguised as procrastination, the voice of regret that comes from when I don’t treat people they way I want to treat them …

I’m sure there’s more voices,

But I’m positive that you get the idea.

They used to control my life, I had no real way out.

Now I do.

If you want to do something about those voices?

Ascension meditation is what you want.

Though you missed out on the course for May -

Next one isn’t until July (28-30).

However if you go here,


You can download a very cool free guide to getting free of the compromise that exists between your own ears.


If you’re a busy mum?

I have a workshop day with other mums like you that will be just the ticket,

(and three weeks of online coaching - if you grab one of the spots before they go):

https://arjunaishaya.wufoo.com/forms/awesome-mums-/ Go well!



Best thing you’ll ever do?

Realise your choice for pain or peace,

Realise your choice for a life you’re proud of.

And it doesn't involve shopping at M&S if you don't want to.

Robots Taking Over

Remember when you were young and the future was going to be full of labour saving devices? We’d be sitting around sipping cocktails while robots did everything?

Well … we’re here!

The future is now.

We’ve got some cool stuff, but where’s them robots so I can go kayaking all day long?

And how come we’re busier than ever??

It’s actually the latest badge of honour - 

“How you doing?”

“Oh you know - super busy, like crazy busy …”

Importance and social standing these days in the rat race is based on how frantic you are.

No one has any time any more, especially for “frivolities” like mental health and happiness.

Hmmm … you know, maybe that’s the thing.

Your internal state is treated like an “extra”;

A “when I get around to it” …

A "nice to have" ...

And yet 50% of all sick days are due to stress.

Attention spans are dropping hugely - from 13 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds by 2013.

(a goldfish's is 9 seconds so they beat you ...

and they're way better at holding their breath under water)

Anxiety, depression, panic attacks - all more and more common. Even in kids!

There’s no focus, no ability to ignore a particular thought pattern - or to hold one -

People just BECOME whatever goes through their heads.

We are busier than before but finding less and less happiness.

Before I became a dad I had the perfect answer to that:

“Prioritise your peace - make time for you”

Now I am a dad I realise that is easy to say and harder to do.

But it’s no less important. It's actually even MORE important for parents.

Because your internal state of being isn’t a “frivolity” …

It’s an essential.

It is the thing that makes the difference between effectiveness, fulfilment and enjoyment …

And stress, struggle and misery ...

The difference between being the struggling you and the great you.

Running on empty? Not good …

You might be able to carry it off for a long long time,

But when something even a touch big comes along?

You are thrown way off,

And it takes a long time to get back on your feet.

Take the time for you to recharge and take stock.

To nurture what you need so you can be full on.

You need to carve out the time -

Even if it’s just 10 minutes a day.

You have to.

You have to.

It’s not selfish.


Go well Arjuna



How - it's easy to say, but how?

Go here, it's a FREE guide that will tell you all:


The Meaning Of Life At 3am

Do you know what I noticed the other day? At 3am on my early morning nappy call?

Groggy and bleary eyed though I was -

Sometimes you're hit with great clarity at the weirdest times aren’t you?

This was one of those moments.

Bubba, on the nappy table,

Half naked,

NOT caring an inch.

About the time,

About the poo,

About anything.


No self-confidence issues,

No self-doubt, no self-criticism, no perfectionism,

Just hanging out.

She doesn’t get all wrapped up in that.

She just meets the moment as it is.

Quite the little philosopher.

We have chats all the time.

“This is what is happening”, she tells me.

“It is what it is …”

“And I am what I am”.

No hiding, nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to fear,

Just legs in the air

(I only put that in cos it rhymed)

Sure -

You might say she’s not that productive.

She doesn’t DO much.

(But I can tell you she definitely does in the nappy department)

Indeed she has nothing to do -

And that is where the doubt and self-criticism comes in, doesn’t it?

When you’ve got responsibilities and goals and external pressures and stuff like that.

I DO see your point.

The point I want to make back at you -

Is that none of us were born with self-doubt,

Or harsh perfectionism,

Or regret,

Or judgement.

Were we?

I think not.

Somehow it was learned.

If it was learned, it CAN be unlearned - even with your life as it is.

It can.

The first step is wanting to do something about it.

The second step is awareness.

Being mindful of those loops of habit.

Getting full of awareness and presence means you’re not unconsciously supplying momentum to said loops.

They fade away.

They do, I promise.

All from creating another habit,

One that is creating a new type of relationship with your mind.

And that's what we do here.

If you want that?

I think you'll really like my FREE guide.

108 ways to being less self-doubt full and more just you

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb/ Makes life so much easier.

Go well! Arjuna

PS. Bubba doesn't REALLY talk to me

She is talented, but not that talented

Just before you have thoughts about stealing her away and forcing her to join your performing genius circus troop

The Daily Adventures of the Skeleton Foot


I love the weird news.

Makes me feel not so weird -

I can procrastinate for hours like this, you know …

Latest favourite weird thing?

A girl lost her lower leg to cancer.

She asked if she could keep her foot -

Had it cleaned, treated and wired together,

And now her foot skeleton has an instagram page detailing it’s daily adventures.

How awesome -

Having a sense of humour in the face of some awfulness.

What an excellent step forward huh?

“I decide whether I’m happy or not, NOT cancer”

Life can be a bit of a bugger sometimes,

Cancer, losing limbs - probably one of people’s biggest fears, right?

But not taking any of it seriously is a super leap forward in terms of dealing with it.

Also is an excellent early warning sign that you’re getting loaded down,

Stressed and struggling and need to do something different -

Losing that sense of humour is in some ways worse than losing a foot.

Hey - it’s never what happens to you that affects you,

But how you react.

How you deal with it.

That’s what you have control over.

Claim your own happiness, don’t wait to be given it.

Don’t let circumstances take it away from you.

Prioritise and protect it.

It is one of the greatest things you can possess.

Because when you work out how to choose for it,

To get it with it being caused by anything?

No one and no thing can take it away from you.

No one and no thing.

And perspective and clarity and anti-stress come thrown in for free too.

Truly the one of the best things you can have.



Right here is what you need, FREE stuff!

108 ways to lose stress and struggle and get calm and centred and more time in your busy day.

MORE time?


Keep the peace!


Sued For Millions Over A Beach Party

Summer festivals - You remember them?

I USED to go,

When I was young and carefree and had no responsibilities …

Sigh …

They promised so much,

And delivered so much in terms of rain, mud and falling on your arse.

(I AM being SO glass half empty aren’t I?)

But I remember one festival where we decided to walk in and jump the fence.

I didn’t check the map, thinking my buddy had it sorted.

He promised a days walk, turning up just in time for New Years Eve

(this is New Zealand so it’s summer)

We took a day’s worth of food for the journey.

2 days later we turned up, starving and having missed it all.

We spent New Years Eve huddled together in a hut we found.

Ha. Teach us for being cheap huh?

You might have noticed the fuss about the Fyre Festival

My story pales in comparison to that -

It promised a luxury festival in the Bahamas at a premium price -

US$12,000 for some tickets.

And delivered nothing.

Just wide open sand and white bread and iceberg lettuce and misery and confusion.

The organisers made a monumental error of judgement.

And are now being sued for hundreds of millions of dollars.

Wow -

I don’t really get that suing business.

The organisers weren’t arrogant about it -

They sounded like they were genuine in trying to make it right.

I guess suing is to make sure they never go into business again?

So they REALLY learn the error of their ways?

That they’re so bankrupt that they can’t refund tickets?

And have to join the dole queue?

Anyhoo -


We all make them.

Sometimes the consequences are disastrous.

But by far the worst thing - by far - is the self-criticism and the guilt that goes along with it.

Even the littlest of slip ups can cause a barrage of mind attack.

Not useful at all, is it?

It’s one of the reasons I got into this game.

Simply to get perspective on mistakes.

To learn from them but not let my head go on and on about it forever.

To make amends best I could and then have an end to the guilt.

How about you?

You’d like that too?

To master your mind and be the best version of you, guilt freeee! hurrah!

Here's 108 Ways to do just that:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb/ Go well!


May The Fourth of what?

Totally confused: All day yesterday -

People saying “may the fourth be with you”

4th of May

Stars Wars day?


Yeah I missed it too

Though if you have star wars fans in your family

You couldn’t have missed it.

You would understand.

Is it only males that are Star Wars people?

I guess I’ll find out when Bubba grows up.

May be this is a new departure into a whole girly world of pinkness and unicorns for me?

I’ll let you know how she turns out …

Understanding is important, crucial even when connecting with people

The fact is a great amount of women came last night

To an online training for busy stressed out mums and how to be cool, calm and collected

Even in the midst of it a busy family life

If you missed it, it’ll still be up for a little while (head this way if you want to see it)

Interesting though -

I came in for a bit of criticism before hand

One lady said “I had no idea what mums go through”

And that is absolutely true.

Yet - I’m super good at listening so I’ve learnt a lot over the years

Understanding IS key so you can start talking and support

But yet, to be honest, despite the challenges of life being vastly different to different people,

Say a soldier to a mum …

The solutions are really quite similar.

Sometimes though if you’re offered a solution,

It will mean DOING something different

And that there can be threatening,

Because you can no longer blame anyone else.



If you’re a busy mum and interested in DOING something about ending stress and struggle and wot not?

This a great way to get started:

And we'll keep chatting about this stuff so you can really get to grips with it.



Fire away!


What Are You Doing Tonight?

Any plans tonight? I do.

I’m settling down in front of my computer for a little online training.

It’s for busy mums …

The struggles that they face -

And what to do about them.

First thing I have realised about being a parent,

Is how full on it is, all the time.

But I've also seen there’s a vast difference between being busy and being stressed and struggling.

The two don’t HAVE to go hand in hand.

Stress really is an unconscious habit,

A habit you can change.

When you know how, it’s really a simple process.

This training is what that's all about.

You CAN learn to be:

- super calm, super happy in the middle of all the busy-ness and mayhem - not think so much you feel like your head will explode with things to do - react (and regret) less and be able to choose your responses freely and wisely - end guilt, anxiety and comparison and be satisfied with “doing my best”, because you are - being good with taking time for yourself

So tonight (Thursday) at 8pm GMT,

Head this way and we’ll get into it.

https://business.facebook.com/MrArjunaIshaya Bring popcorn!

Looking forward to seeing you there,

Go well! Arjuna

How Much For Dirty Jeans?!

You know when you buy clothes on eBay - (I don't but Sumati does)

And they arrive in the post, unwashed and smelly …

It’s all a bit “yuck” … ?

Well this takes the cake:

Just popped up on my newsfeed:

A pair of jeans that you can buy right now …

That are completely covered in mud -

Absolutely covered …

As if you got a farm labourer to wear them for a week of digging out the muck heap.

They are seriously dirty.

The best thing though?

If you DID actually want a pair of these designer filthy jeans?

They will cost you £331.

Apparently you can buy authentically “pre-stained” underwear to go with them as well …

(My joke - excuse me but lack of sleep is causing a little chaos)

A couple of things here:

In the fashion world, much like the sporting world, or politics … (or every social circle come to think of it) -

You can find people with ZERO lack of confidence and NADA self-doubt.

Just gonads -

You wouldn’t be second guessing yourself trying to sell dirty jeans at that price would you?

And then -

Fashion itself.

Trends …

Not only wear this, but do this, eat this, THINK this …

Why do some people not look beneath the surface?

There’s so many ideas of the right way to do something,

Just because this book or that celebrity guru or your neighbour said so -

But it doesn’t make it correct for you.

Sumati hates reading bubba raising advice.

There’s SO much of it -

And when she’s exhausted it ALL makes her feel like she’s doing it wrong.

That’s why we both got into this game.

This inner game -

Of learning to ignore doubt and worry and “I’m no good thoughts”

And of coming to see what is right for us, as individuals, as a couple.

This I know this for certain -

When you have your own head well trained,

It makes all of life so much easier.

And fun.

Life has to be fun.

If you’d like to know how,

And you’re a busy mum -

Then come along on tomorrow (Thursday 4 May) at 8pm

I’ll tell you how:


See you there! Arjuna

Poo Everywhere!

There I was - sleeping in. Bank Holiday Monday.

Bubba was quiet last night so I took the “not often have chance" to start my new book,

And it was amazing, so I kept reading and reading.

Love that:

Reading late, chatting with Sumati, kicking back and just doing NOTHING -

All because today’s agenda (was) a long big fat nothingness.

That was the plan at least …

Until bubba’s nappy exploded at 6am.

She was in bed with us …

Sumati shrieks as yellow poo somehow escapes the nappy and jets everywhere,

All over the sheets, all over Sumati,

(At least I stayed untainted)

Ahhhh …

There goes my sleep in, up in smoke.

What happened to my life?

I used to have one.

Now it’s nothing but constant nappy-ness.

Can’t remember when I was last in a kayak, on the river.

Sigh …

Guess I should have read the small print, huh?

(I’m being dramatic … I do love this, even though it keeps me on my toes)

This ever happen to you?

Not the poo, but the much looked forward to plan vanishing before your eyes?

I bet.

A fact of life, huh?

Perhaps if I never planned and looked forward to anything I would never be disappointed when it doesn’t come through?

Nah - that’s not the way.

That would be BORING!

Being flexible is the way,

And being rigid is what leads to stress.

It’s holding tight that hurts.

You ever heard of that Buddhist idea of “non-attachment”?

—-> Has very little to do with having no possessions,

And everything to do with not holding tight to life.

The way forward to end stress and flow like a calm, silent happy ninja through the night?

Make plans, have ideas, possess things -

Just don’t let them possess you.

ALL of life gets better then you do.

You actually enjoy stuff WAY more, WAY more.



Go well, and flow like water …

(that’s my Bruce Lee impression)




It’s always the next question.

“But HOW do I actually do that Arjuna?”

Well it all begins with getting a relationship with presence and being, now.

It's actually super simple when you know how.

Takes some practice, but doesn't anything?

I’m doing an online training for specifically for busy mums on HOW too -

Join me, Thursday 4 May 8pm GMT



Nothing Better Than …

I don’t know what to tell you. There’s not a lot to say.

You may scoff,

But this is the sum total of your life.

This moment.

It's not some kind of bus stop on the way to another, better moment,

This is it. When you get present, when you tune into this moment in time -

No matter what your body is doing.

Busy with things,

Or sitting on the couch with a cuppa.

Here you are.

The whole secret is in being.

You may have heard that - a lot.

It’s become somewhat of a cliche -

“We are human beings, not human doings”

But the secret to being super free of stress and sabotage and guilt,

Living in calm and clarity - “centred”

Able to handle anything with style …

To be fulfilled, content and super alive:

Is to “be” while you “do”.

To not lose yourself in the busy-ness and the chaos and the ups and downs.

This is the game of life.

Not just being.

Not just doing.

But merging and becoming the two.

200% of life you might say -

Inner and outer goodness coming together.

There’s nothing better than a life lived as such.

If you don’t know how?

This Thursday - 4 May at 8pm GMT

I have a online live training which will be especially relevant if you are a busy mum.

How to be a great, on it mum without losing yourself to impossible standards, guilt and to do list franticism.

Just takes the right understanding and the right practice.

Head this way if you’re interested on Thursday at 8pm.

https://business.facebook.com/MrArjunaIshaya Go well!



Let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to cover.

Getting Yourself Familiar

Do you know what? I remembered something this morning.

It’s one of those cool things that makes a lot of sense.

But first -

Some of you know that I am a monk.

A modern day monk for sure,

With a family and a house and a penchant for pork pies and coffee and cups of tea.

I like music, especially old reggae dub … and I love to cook, while listening to said music.

(In fact with Sumati being on bubba duty I’m doing a lot of cooking.)

A full participant in this life -

Not hiding out in some cave somewhere.

Which is what I liked about the Ishayas.

The only reason I became a monk -

(Because it sounded full on before I really knew what it was all about)

Was because I was tired of my own head getting me down.

Sick of ruining my own party.

I used to be an outdoor instructor you see, and even though I tried to escape into the hills and the rivers,

My head came with me.

Couldn’t shake it.

Tried to - but it always came back, like some random dog full of ticks and a bit of foam hanging out it’s mouth following you home …

So I thought:

“There has to be more to life than this”

And so I jumped into doing something a little different from what other people do,

In order to find it.

This is what I can report back,

And it ties nicely into what I recalled this morning:

It’s only and will always be about remembering.

It’s all about a slight tweak into what and how you live and do things.

You don't need to change much at all.

You need gain no special knowledge because you already have what you need to free yourself of anxiety and worry and doubt.

You see, you are so familiar with the contents of your mind.

It’s addictive - you can’t let go of your own head.

You think you are your thoughts -

But you’re not.

You are the awareness and the presence that is aware of thoughts.

The secret to freeing yourself of all the erks you is becoming familiar with that awareness and presence once again.

You just forgot, that’s all.

And that there is what the Tibetan word for meditation means:


Making friends with yourself once again.

A lot easier than straining and trying and controlling

Searching and going somewhere …

You’re already there.

Stop. Make yourself familiar with what is already here.

Keep it that simple.


Go well! Arjuna

If you'd like to know more on HOW to do this easily, this is a free download that will give you tons of ideas on how: https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb/

Then of course there is my webinar to get busy mums free of the frazzle,

Getting a balance between your family's life and your own,

Staying clear and calm and struggle free no matter what is going on around you:

Thursday 4 May at 8pm (GMT).

Register here and I'll send you homework and reminders: https://arjunaishaya.lpages.co/cool-calm-collected/