You can’t do it

Impossible expectations and standards…

So often I hear from - especially mums - that they are sooooo useless because:

They can’t live up to the crazy mad standards they’ve set for themselves.

Like they’ve ditched the healthy diet they’ve been cooking for their kids - once

And fed them, I don't know, something SHOCKING, like fish fingers, from Iceland


Because they ran out of time,

Now they feel awful. Over the top awful.

Other mums seem to do it, and with style, and looking like they just stepped out of the salon, with a perfectly tidy house -

And running a small business on the side, seamlessly.

Yet they can’t, and they don’t.

I’m all for setting goals and standards, don't get me wrong.

But make sure they're achieveable.

Look at why you want to do what you want to do:

What’s important is setting a goal or expectation that is realistic, and fun, and you WANT to do it -

Rather than you NEED to do, because if you don’t achieve it you’re terrible, and useless, and stupid.

Sometimes too the best thing you can do is take a break.

Go easy.

You see - I have been so harsh on myself in the past,

And it just doesn’t work.

It doesn’t.

You become grey and joyless.

It isn’t fun and it isn’t effective.

So - slack off a touch.

See your mind and your thoughts and all this stuff around setting all these impossible standards.

WHO are you doing it for?



Or is it to impress someone - maybe your mum?

Maybe those women at the school gate?

Comparison is a horrible game.

Do you REALLY want to do it?

If you don’t, quit it.

If you do, make sure you keep it enjoyable and go to it.

Don’t take yourself too seriously either.

Kills everything.

Good stuff -

Like to learn how to deal with all of these impossibilities?

Which are your OWN expectations and assumptions and result in SELF induced pressure?

Honestly, the best way I know how is to learn to Ascend,

And then practice the simple, fun, relaxing, rejuvenating and calming techniques,

Take a chill pill AND be more effective.


Here's a bunch of FREE ideas on how to end stress and pressure:

Go well,



It’s all about your attitude.

Your attitude can make or break anything.


Overwhelming tasty tasty crisp desire

I like crisps.

More than any other snack -

Even sweet and salty popcorn,

Which is pretty darn tooting tasty.

And which I do get possessed over,

Grabbing handfuls and throwing into my face like some deranged Cookie Monster,

Elbowing everyone else out the way like a horde of senior citizens swarming a tea shop as tasty, tasty goodness fires up my taste buds.

(I was once run over in a tea shop by a bus load of seniors. A story for another day)

I could eat bags and bags of crisps and never stop.

Habits -

We all have things that we love to overindulge

Things we wished we didn’t do so much of, or at all

Things we wish we could change about ourselves.

Am I right?

Yes, I am right.

I am aware of my crisp addiction.

If there is an open bowl, I know I have to maintain the “half a step back” …

That sense of perspective and long term clarity to know I need to tread carefully and choose carefully.

So I don’t stick my face into the bowl and inhale every last one.

And then feel a little sick.

And remorseful.

And Sumati is angry with me cos I’ve snarfed all the crispy loveliness, again.

Resulting in: “I wish I hadn’t done that, again.”

Half a step back means I get perspective and clarity, and a foot on the brake.

You know it - for example,

When that anger comes?

And you’re able to take a half step back and not fly off the handle,

But deal with the thing in a reasonable manner?

Feels good, doesn’t it?

As opposed to losing it and then regretting it later.

Doesn’t feel good.

So: Common question I get:

How do I take a half step back and make the right choice when my habits come along?

Well, a question for you:

How to get good at, say, playing the guitar in the future?


You have to practice now to get good then.

The practice?

Half step backs now.

Learn to detach from your head now while the going is good,

So when you’re challenged, it’s easier and simpler.

Exercise choice now so you can choose to form the habits you want.

So your habits don’t run you.

You run your habits.


That's what a free life is all about.

Giving you the tools and the guidelines so you have very real, very free CHOICE.

To do the things that you want to do, rather than being ruled by your habits.

Get my FREE guide and I'll tell you how:

Go well!



Addictions and habits and beliefs?

They can be changed, simply.


If you want to know how, hit me up, I’ll tell ye.

Or this will do the trick:

Hands free holiday

Just got back from holiday in France -

What a nice place - sun, surf, lemony tarts, wine …

Best thing?

I left my mobile at home.

SO good to put the phone down and not "have" to respond to people.

It was a physical relief to not use it - and I'm not really on it that much to tell you the truth.

It was so good I’ve extended my “on holiday” mode until, well, just about right now.

Crucial and vital to completely switch off.

And you know what?

I missed out on NOTHING.

Nothing urgent, nothing huge, nothing crucial.

And I found that even if people are asking for stuff -

If you leave them a few days they usually find out they can do it for themselves.

I think that since we’re so contactable people stop thinking.

They ask first and then realise later.

We think we need to be in contact ALL the time, and it’s not true.

Also - and I get it -

There’s a fear of a flood of messages upon your return.

Or missing out on something important, or some JUICY news …

And since maintenance is easier than catch up, you stay contactable, in touch, all the time.

But you never actually totally let go and relax -

You’re on the job always.

You never fully switch off, relax and recover.

And you can’t be with your kids and your partner totally.

I still laugh when I remember the story of a mum telling me that they were at the beach,

Mum was on her blackberry, again …

And daughter grabs the phone and chucks it in the ocean.

That woke mum up to how much she was ignoring her kids.

That made her realise what damage “just one more thing on the phone” was doing.

Heh heh.

Phones are great -

But you have to see your addiction to them.

And addiction of any sort is never good, it is always limiting.

You may think, I’m not addicted …

Well prove me wrong and put it down for just one whole evening.

Don’t check it for any reason -

Go on, money where your mouth is.

While it is fun to be connected,

You get so much more from periods of time being unconnected.

I’m not talking always and forever - just for a bit of time, every day.

Switching off, totally resting, recharging, getting away from ALL stimulus,

(Unless that’s the interpersonal type of stimulus - THAT there is A OK for your well being, if you get what I mean)

Connection with REAL people too …

How nice that is.

Your choice though, this whole life is your choice.

I think that’s what Ascension has given me big time:

Balance, clarity - the ability to see what I need, to see addiction,

To have the tools to put addiction and habits to one side,

To really connect with my life, right in front me.

If you don't know how to Ascend, well you're missing out!

But the best immediate and FREE thing you can do is read (and put into practice) this -

108 free ideas of switching off and being without stress, more alive and connected than ever before.

Claim your copy here:

Go well!



My French is terrible,

I keep lapsing into Spanish.

Haha, that is confusing!

$185 paperclip … ?

So I see you can buy a PAPERCLIP for $185.

You could argue that it IS designed by those super stylish and oh so clever people at Prada,

AND is made of silver,

AND isn’t actually JUST a paper clip,

(even though it is a direct copy of one, just a little larger)

But is a money clip,

Therefore it is worth every penny.

How very nice …

But for what reason does such an object exist?

It’s like the gold pizza you can buy, and eat.

And - I’m not actually against people spending their hard earned dosh as they like.

However, I do scratch my head in amazement sometimes


Humanity works so hard to make money to buy things …

(now you are human, hopefully, so let me me address you personally - )

You work so hard to make money to buy things,

That you think will make you happy.

The things you buy are wonderful -

But don't totally satisfy the itch of “not quite satisfied …”

And therefore you work harder to buy more things in the hope that these things will give you what you want.

In the process, getting sick and stressed and grumpy …

Anxious and worried and resentful

And hating the journey along the way.

Not enjoying this moment, now, right here, right now -

Because you’re too busy looking for the future,

Where it will be better.

This moment - now - is, at best,

A bus stop, a waiting room, a street corner

That is to be endured while the better brighter hope comes along.

Get off the treadmill of future hoping for happiness.

Get off the treadmill of waiting for life to start, sometime.

Work hard and buy all the silver paperclips you like …

But get present, and don’t lose now.


If you do this?

So much enjoyment, so much Aliveness.

The end of struggle, the end of torturing yourself.

I promise.

You want that?

Here's a FREE (and short, easy to read) download that'll tell you everything you need to know to have that more:

Go well!




I think someone spiked my coffee.

Feisty or what?

So - Are you in?

Are you excited about more Life?

Great, there is no end to the more you can experience:


Perfectly happy thanks, fulfilled, at peace, nothing lacking at all?

Well done you. 

I'm not sure I believe you, but good on you anyway.


The END of boredom?

You ever had a most amazing experience?

Or even “just” a really cool one?

Of course you have -

(If you can't remember one, but would LIKE to have one or more - hang on in there and I'll explain ...)

Those moments when you were alive, so full of presence, so immersed in what was happening,

You forgot all your worries and dramas just for a moment (or two)

Super content, super satisfied - you were so far from dissatisfaction there didn’t exist any such thing as dissatisfied …


Me too.

I would find those times a lot in nature -

Snowboarding down a steep, wild, powder slope.

Walking back up and doing it all over again, and again.

Kayaking some mad river that took a helicopter to get into -

And it seemed like I knew what the water would do half a second before it happened.


Such aliveness and ease and fun …

You know?

You’ll have these moments, these fond memories -

Maybe they’re something wild and intense,

BUT sometimes they’re not.

What used to blow me away about these experiences,

What used to CONFUSE me about them -

Is that sometimes I would feel SO happy and complete JUST doing the dishes …

(And I really used to dislike doing the dishes)

How could these moments be wild and intense,

But ALSO pop up when doing something as mundane as housework??

Learning to Ascend, I now know why.

The core thing is not WHAT you are doing, but HOW you do it.


The more present, the more absorbed in the task in front of you?

The less you use it as a chance to think about something else?

The less you wish you could be doing something, anything else?

The more likely it is to be completely satisfying …

Totally Alive,

With total contentment.

The end of boredom is right there.


And it all stems from a choice.

Your choice to show up to what you are doing.

Fill your life with memorable moments -

Notice when your head wants to take you away from what is right in front of you,

And instead be presence itself.

The end of boredom, the end of drudgery -

It all lies in your hands.

Want that?

Sure you do!

Who wouldn’t!

This is the way to getting it, and it's FREE for you to download:

Go well



Just tell that to your teenagers next time they tell you they’re bored

heh heh.

Rambo paints to be happy

OK - famous people …

Easy life, right?

Everything on a plate.

No struggle, no stress …

Need something? Just buy it.

All good …

Except when you’re chasing the wrong carrot -

Like 99.9% of the rest of the world.

What am I talking about?

Well - let's take a step sideways for a moment.

You see Sly Stallone is apparently a well sort after painter.

His paintings are actually well regarded - and not just because they have his name attached.

Now, how on earth did Rambo get into painting?

It ties in nicely for you and your life, here:

I remember reading Sylvester Stallone saying that he thought fame would solve his problems,

They solved some, but brought a whole host of different ones.

And never gave him what he REALLY wanted,

Which was freedom and happiness.

Sly found that not in fame or fortune, but through simply painting.

He found the zone, and being present -

And therefore freedom from his mind, and resulted in large amounts of happiness

All through being in the here and now.

Getting clear on what carrot you’re chasing after is super important.

If you chase the wrong one you can end up travelling very far and getting very frustrated as to why life isn’t giving you what you want.

I was the same.

I thought having my “achieve” list ticked would equal contentment and happiness.

I had my life as I wanted it, exactly …

House, money, friends, perfect job with plenty of time off, perfect location for kayaking and climbing and snowboarding,

All good, EXCEPT -

It didn’t equal satisfaction.

Which resulted in torture for me.

Confusion, hollowness, depression, “what am I doing wrong?”, “what’s the point anyway?” all going through my head at 3am in the morning.

Poor me, you may say.

A first world problem you may say.

You had everything, and you’re whining you may say.

Well I say: you know nothing Jon Snow …

And if you don't follow this advice, you’ll end up in the same place as Sly and me.

(we often hang out)


You have to work out what is MOST important to you,

And then prioritise that in each and every moment.

If you don’t?

You’ll get to the end of your life and realise you wasted it,

Chasing the wrong thing,

Living a hollow life.

I”m not saying chasing money or fame or a family or your soul mate or any of that “external” stuff is irrelevant and unimportant,

I’m saying realise what will TRULY satisfy you and make that your foundation.

Then everything you throw on top - the money, the fame, the relationship, the kids -

Will be way more fun.

Sorting out the right carrot is the FIRST thing you should do.

And if you'd like to know more on that,

Download this free guide to getting this as well as more calm, less frazzle and stress:

Go well



You know why having the right foundation works so beautifully?

Because then everything else isn’t a NEED -

You don’t need it to be happy and fulfilled,

But you WANT it -

A whole world of difference when it comes to stress and enjoyment in getting the thing you want.

Good news, bad news, who knows?

Have you ever had a bit of bad news,

And then it turns out to be good news actually, in the long run?

I know I have, looking back it especially comes apparent - when you're clear of it.

Amazing isn’t it?

The ol’ silver lining comes through -

So often we think we know what we want,

Until we get it.

And all the struggling and kicking and fighting all the way …

For what?

Even some of the most miserable times of my life -

I wouldn’t change them.

Simply because they gave me the motivation to find a way out,

To never go back,

To make sure my life had the internal stability,

The freedom from the external events,

So I could enjoy each and everything,

Each and every moment.

And not get stressed and anxious and depressed about anything:

To live life well -

No longer caught up in the whirlwind.

Independent of the rollercoaster,

And the hamster wheel.

To find that sense of satisfaction, joy and profundity that makes life so worth living.

That’s an internal thing -

A mindset, an attitude thing.

It’s knowing who you really are,

Beyond your age, gender, job, family, beliefs, hobbies, thoughts -

It’s being settled and anchored and able to freely choose.

The easiest, most rewarding and simple way to get that?

Without fuss, without effort?

The Bright Path Ishayas’ Ascension.

Honestly, hand on heart - that's why I'm here,

To tell you that you can have freedom from stress and struggle and being frantic -

A very simple set of tools that let you choose your destiny.

That allow you to remain half a step back from any news that seems “bad” …

Keeping it all in perspective and staying calm and content.

If you’d like that?

Here's a free download that'll give you 108 ways of having that:

Go well!



Good news, bad news, who knows?

Can you see the future, how it will turn out?

Then it’s all assumption and appearance.

and that’s not real.

Find out what’s real - within you,

And live from that place:

Wonder Woman was pregnant!

I just found out Wonder Woman - Gal Gadot - was 5 months pregnant while completing filming.

(good film btw)

That is awesome.

Ever since I witnessed Sumati being pregnant I have a whole new world of respect for pregnancy,

To be pregnant and do all those stunts,

To squeeze into that costume, with those wedgey booty things,

(not sure how practical they are for real fighting, but hey - they looked good) …


But that’s not all …

Found out that Serena Williams was also 2 months pregnant when winning her a grand slam tennis title.

Lesser known Dana Volmer - a US swimmer - competed in a national race also with a 5 months bun in the oven!

She said it was easier than chasing a small toddler around all day long.

Mind blown already.

A kid, pregnant, training and competing to a world level standard.

That seems like a whole different universe of alpha mum-mage right there.

Then you get that principal of that girls school who was in the office the DAY after giving birth.

She wanted to give the girls a message that they could do anything.

Fair play …

And if you’re one of those unstoppable mums who can do all of this and more,

Without breaking a sweat.

Good on you!

But …

There’s always a but isn’t there?

At what cost?

And I WAS wondering why so many mums talk to me about comparison.

About impossible standards -

Torturing themselves if they can’t juggle everything they used to juggle,

Or can't even remember their own names sometimes.

Wanting to do stuff, even every day stuff, and finding there’s a whole different game at play.

Little beings who demand your attention and commitment - your all.

You give it freely -

I see Sumati up all hours of the night breast feeding …

Then sometimes she’s wondering why she’s exhausted.

It’s just when you throw “I should be doing more” on top,

Not only you suffer, but everyone around you feels it too.

The resentment, the doubt, the comparison - to others, to your former self


The point is your own worst enemy exists in between your own ears.

Those beliefs and expectations and assumptions -

They are the things that make life what it is.

There are the facts of life,

Then there is our head that reacts and filters and warps these facts.

Deal with your head and then everything happens with so much more simplicity,

More enjoyment, more efficiency, more contentment.

I think that’s why so many mums love Ascension.

It gives them the ability to get out of their heads -

To reorder priorities and reduce self induced pressure,

To rest and recover,

To get rid of regret and resistance,

To gain stability in the chaos.

Here's a FREE download of a part of what I teach when you learn:

(Not the techniques, no, but some excellent ideas on getting going)

Ask if you have any questions!

Go well,



If you're a dad and wondering where you fit in with all this?

If you live with women?

You need to know all the above.

Awareness means you can understand.

Understanding means you can help and assist and make things easier.

And that is no small thing at all.

Bottlin’ it up

And I don’t mean bottlin’ as in losing your nerve and running,

I mean holding onto stuff,

Not speaking,

Not saying what you want, what you see.

Bottling it up, holding it in, not talking?

It just doesn’t work does it?

Talking about stuff helps so much.

Letting it out and conveying your truth …

Helps you get calm straight away.

A couple of things -

When somethings stressing or frustrating you, talking to someone helps.

But you want to choose someone who won’t let you go around and around in the story about it.

Because now there’s two of you adrift in misery.

You want someone who will listen, who will understand, yes -

But someone who will help you become more present.

Someone who will help you let go of your frustration,

Help you get out of your head and into the here and now.

Not indulge you in how unfair the whole thing is, and they’re all b@stards anyway …


The other thing:

Sometimes you need to say things that you know will make your voice shake a little when you do it -

You need to say it sooner rather than later,

Cos later means it comes out all wrong and even more emotional -

Like a beach ball held under water always eventually pops out in a huge explosion.

And you need to do it because it’s about your peace, you saying what you need to say.

It’s actually not even about the other person changing or even understanding.

Weird huh?

It’s about you getting something off your chest.

The thing that stops you is your belief that it’s not important,

Or “who am I to say this anyway?”

You know?

You’re not being bolshy, you’re speaking up in a clear and timely fashion.

A small pressure release now,

A small “ssssssssssst” now,

Rather than a huge explosion later.

Speaking your truth = sanity and calm.

So even if it takes a bit of courage, go ahead and get it done.

Go well!



I still don’t like doing this …

I’m not 100% comfortable with it,

But I know when I need to do it,

And I’m doing it for my own peace of mind,

As opposed to bottling it and it keeping me awake with frustration and regret and “I should have…” for weeks later.

So I do it, no matter what.


To get that clarity of knowing what you need to say?

To step through the self-doubt and the “I shouldn’t”s?

Being present and mindful and stress free is the place to get to.

Here's how, a free download of 108 ways you can do this in YOUR life:

I caught my wife doing it

Awful headline huh?

But it got you reading!

Sumati was saying to me she would love some time to exercise and Ascend.

I’m like: sweet!

Of course, I’ll hold the baby,

You go do the stuff you do to nurture and look after yourself.

To recharge, to reorder and reprioritise,

To step away from the to do list,

To get that “Half step back” that means everything is clearer and in perspective,

And means you don’t snap and say something you regret.

Happier, not grumpy, able to deal with one thing at a time.

She knows the importance of this -

But after 5 minutes I don’t hear any workout music,

I go check on her …

And she’s on her computer.

With my very best personal trainer/coach impersonation I tell her -

“I’m not holding the baby for fun - get down stairs and give me 20!”

(don’t worry - it was fun, but I had my “let’s get serious” voice on)

She’s “yeah but I just want to do this one job …”

You know how it is -

Jobs sneak in first, “just this one thing” happens and then you never actually do the looking after self things …

So I drag her down stairs and tell her to get changed.

(I was SO wearing the trousers yesterday - I think she liked it)

5 minutes later no sign -

I walk in and she’s making the bed!

“what the!”

It doesn’t matter she tells me.

The bed needs to be made and so I’ll do it first and then do my exercise and Ascending.

Do you do that too?

See - what actually happens is you do all the little things you think you need to do,

and you think that you’ll do the thing for yourself after -

When the job is done.


Time always runs out,

And you RARELY do what will give you the MOST benefit

I know you find it easier to operate when your head is clear of those “I must do that today” jobs,

But don’t let it be at the expense of looking after yourself,

Of doing those things that mean you are recharged and have a good humour.

You actually NEED to put that ^^^ at the top of your to do list.

Learn how to put the rest of the list down.

Then you can thrive and NOT get stressed and struggle and be grumpy and resentful.

Everyone wins when you’re on top form.

And that is NOT about clearing your to do list first.


Lecture over.

If you’re interested in a practice that is enjoyable and simple and completely rejuvenating -

In only a short amount of time every day,

So you can actually fit it into your busy schedule - 

You’re going to love what I'll show you.

Something completely for YOU.

Head this way to get started with the FREE download:

Go well!



Your own oxygen mask goes on first,

Then you can help others,

Then you can do all those need to do jobs.

It's freedom from the oppression of your busy to do list!

Achieve MORE with MORE fun -


Ed Sheeran’s hate

Ed - the singer, songwriter - you know the one …

If you listen to the radio you probably have at least one of his songs stuck in your head without even knowing it’s him,

Well - Ed’s quit twitter.

He’s gone, he’s off …

Too much hate for him.

I’m neither here or there on Ed’s music,

But he’s been subjected to SO much abuse,

He’s been left scratching his head as to why people hate him so much.

That’s hard for anyone, no matter how tough skinned you might be.

You would think fame and fortune would solve a lot of problems wouldn’t you?

Looks like it can create just as many problems as being poor and unknown.

Some of you may say “hold it!”

“I’d rather be rich and hated than poor and loved”

But I think you wouldn’t.

If you’ve ever been bullied at work, or in your sports team or on Facebook or where ever,

If you’ve tried to help your kids through being bullied at school,

You know it sucks big time.

It cripples you, unless you have strong support networks and some serious confidence gonads to get through.

The lesson?

Sometimes you have to quit bad company.

Like Ed, just get up and go.

If you can - get out of there, spend as less time with people who drag you down as poss.

I’m not just talking about out and out bullying,

I’m talking about any negativity actually.

You gotta surround yourself with fun, happy, alive, supportive people.

It’s almost as important as oxygen - but not as well recognised.

Of course, there’s always that relative that you can’t ditch - but you sure can minimise,

So you can look after yourself.

The bottom line ^^^^

Keeping good company is so important.

Seek out those people who are inspired, who laugh a lot, who don’t gossip, who make you feel good just by being around them -

You won’t regret it.

I’m really proud of our community of Ascenders -

They are all of that and more.

We get together regularly face to face, we have a Facebook group with live videos and interaction all the time,

And we thrive.

It’s awesome - and so rare actually.

Like to be a part of something like that?

Start here,

Get this FREE download of how to be more calm and content NO MATTER what's happening around you,

108 ideas on how you can be more present and mindful and stress free

Go well!



I’m like Ed -

I’m not on twitter either.

I don’t know about you but I have enough excuses to look at my mobile already,

No need to add another distraction ay?!


Do you want a clean house or a happy family?

“I’ll just do this one thing …”

“Then I’ll rest, later when it’s finished…”

You know it,

It never happens.

The kids go down to sleep or off to school, you do all the stuff you think you should be doing.

Instead of looking after yourself -

and honestly - just a small amount of time is all you need -

You do housework,

Sort out that cupboard because you’re free …

Or you crack open the gin and start up Netflix and stay up way too late, again

^^^ That is a good idea actually, now and then.

(Now and then - that’s the key, not every single night.)

You see, doing the above over looking after yourself and your energy levels means you get more and more exhausted.

And with it:

More and more snappy -

So your partner, your kids, your loved ones get it:

A grumpy, irritated, resentful, tired bag of blah.

Where did your joy go?

Where did the smiles and the humour and the fun go?

Where did the sense of purpose and meaning go?

Why all the struggle and stress?

Working out what is essential and what is merely “urgent” is a big deal.

Looking after yourself?


Doing all those jobs?

Flicking through Facebook, again?

Not so.

You have to learn to protect your core -

What is your core?

Not your abs, no -

Nothing to do with pilates and planks and hollow holds and sit ups, no …

It’s your energy, your peace of mind, your perspective and clarity, your sense of humour.

Remembering your reason for being alive, for doing all this stuff anyhoo.

That there is the baseline of your being and so often put last on your to do list.

It's not selfish!

Without it you’re lost.

And that’s what I do …

Give you what you need so that you can enjoy everything you do.

So you can be awesome and not anxious,

Fun and not frantic.

Have a profound life, not a perplexed one.

Want in?

Head here and you will get a bunch of great ideas on HOW to do this.

For free:

Go well!



When you get to the end of your life are you going to wish you had done more housework?

Watched more box sets?

Or lived a profound, loving, fun, truly alive life?

It doesn't have to be an either/or thing.

Prioritise your energy and your peace and you can have it all.

How kind are you really?


One of the biggest things that I remember about my heroes, the people I respect.

It’s not so much what you say or do, it’s how you make people feel.

My heroes all made me feel amazing,

Often by simply being super present with me, and giving recognition and appreciation.

Nothing like a word of recognition from one of your heroes huh?

You feel ten feet tall.

It’s not like they were all mushy and had their heads in the sand -

Some of them were hard as nails -

But they had a kindness as well.

They were interested in my growth, not pandering to my ego.

That is a sweet thing.

Kindness - with what you say and do, are you attempting to build or are you attempting to destroy?

And you know what?

It all starts with you, and how kind you are to your self …

There’s a sweet spot too -

Kindness as a form of building involves setting yourself useful boundaries.

Closing your eyes and practicing your Ascension is ultimately 1000000 times more kind than say, reading a book.

(If you don’t know how to Ascend? You’re so missing out!)

So no matter how tempting it is to pick up that book first -

Or flick through Facebook or instagram or your emails or whatever -

You do your practice first, and then grab the book or the phone.

It’s knowing that actually, having that second slice of cake isn’t that kind in the long run.

That 3rd G&T? Perhaps not, considering how much more on the back foot you’ll feel in the morning.

And then there’s the times when you just blow it all away. Wahey!

It’s not a rigid, harsh commitment:

With unrealistic expectations …

Where the voice in your head goes off over every little perceived failure,

It’s gentleness too.

Knowing that building up, becoming more, you’ll face your bad habits and that negative voice.

Sometimes you’ll be on track, sometimes you won’t.

So you pick yourself up again and keep going.

Because the kinder you are to yourself?

The kinder you are to everyone.


Great stuff.

And learn to end your stress and struggle.

Single greatest kindest thing you can do for yourself and everyone else.

Here's a free guide on losing frazzle and being 100% Alive:

Go well!


Happening TO you or FOR you?

You ever tipped your head back to the sky, and roared?

“Why is this happening to me?”

Sure you have.

I have - “Why God? Why?” is a classic …

THE classic response when good things happen to bad people.

I’ve got that the wrong way round -

Why bad things happen to good people.

(That’s better)

And it’s such a useless question, you know?

There is no answer.

It just creates such rage, such impotence, such feelings of being alone and unsupported.

Now - what can you do different?

If you can catch it - flip it around.

Ask yourself, not “why is this happening TO me”,

But - “why is this happening FOR me?”

Interesting huh?

Creates a totally different attitude with a totally different foundation for dealing with a problem or a challenge.

Now, you can’t intellectualise it - you just have to do it.

“What can I get from this?”

It makes you more present, more accepting, more like you’re on an adventure of some sort, rather than feeling like life is being done to you.

So - perhaps life IS fair after all … you just don’t know why it’s FOR you just yet.

And it’s a real key to unlock the silver lining to any situation.

The other part of this is you don’t even need to know the WHY.

Just assume it’s happening for you, let go into that experience and go from there.

So much more powerful - in a word - than flapping and punching at the sky in vain.

Give it a crack and see what happens.

And you’re welcome.

Go well!



Like more ideas on living a less stressful and more meaningful life, simply?

Here's a free guide, giving you 108 ways:


Meditation isn't about staying angry

Had a lovely talk the other night - in a railway carriage of all places.

Super cool people, and a very good question from someone - 

All about mindfulness and feelings.

Now you might be aware that mindfulness is going off at the moment.

It’s the new yoga - 

Promising to help in every part of your life.

The NHS is getting on board,

Gym trainers doing it after their circuit classes,

Celebs like Katy Perry are giving it props,

Headspace and Insight Timer are some of the most popular apps out there, and are an excellent introduction,


(There’s always a but isn’t there…?)

I’m not sure if it’s the way it’s been taught

Or just people getting confused

But I certainly hear some weird things.

This lady used to think - and she’s not the first -

That being mindful is all about being aware and feeling your feelings.

So if you’re annoyed, you feel your annoyance, and that’s the way it is.

If you’re sad, you feel your sadness, and that’s the way it is.

If you’re anxious, you feel your anxiety, and that’s the way it is.

Noticing you’re feeling a certain thing is a great first step -

However, after that you can CHOOSE to not be annoyed or sad or anxious - 

To take a half step back and be free of it.

You don’t have to be stuck with something you don’t like.

You can CHOOSE to change your attention on the thoughts that are with the emotion.

Then it can flow through and be gone super quick,

As opposed to telling yourself the same story and keeping the emotion in place - for days sometimes.

The sooner you notice, the easier it is, for sure …

The more you practice, the better you get, for sure …

But it is quite simple to go beyond being consumed and taken over by anything.

Mindfulness and awareness isn’t just the acceptance of feeling any old way.

It’s not about rolling over and giving up - 

The next essential step is to choose to put your attention on something else.

Emotions, feelings, and the thought labels that define them are just a small part of the big picture.

Learning to identify and rest in your own presence,

The source of your own awareness,

The field of infinite stillness beyond everything else,

Means you aren’t just left feeling angry or frustrated or sad.


That there changed my life, truly.

Give it a go, and let me know if you have any questions.

I have a free download if you want ideas on how to be really present and free of stress and struggle and intense emotion.

Head this way to get a copy:

Have a great day!



You are in charge of what you feel.

No one makes you feel anything.

You - through habit - choose to get involved and feel that way.

Since it’s a habit, you can make a new habit.

You CAN do it - but you have to begin! 


You know when you need to pee? And you’re jumping from foot to foot,

Trying to finish off the thing you’re involved in -

Yet failing because you just can’t think straight?

Then you take care of the necessities and everything is easier?

Same same with exhaustion.

Tough night last night in our house you see -

Bubsy was waking every 30 minutes with a sqwaul and a shriek.

Early, early this morning I had a baby thrust at me by a groggy, possibly a touch grumpy, Sumati.

Both of them slept for about 3 hours straight.

When they woke?

Sweetness and light and good humour,

Singing songs in the kitchen as we speak.

Everywhere I go to speak or teach:

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a school or an office or the army -

We start off with a few relaxation exercises and just about every one in the room starts yawning.

The western world is running on exhaustion.

And when things are tough, or even just a bit “sticky”, rest makes everything better.

Easier, lighter, more fun.

It doesn’t remove your problems by any means, it just makes them easier to deal with.

Actually sometimes it does -

Because you stop trying to control the things you have no control over

You stop worrying about the things you can’t influence.

So if you want to make life easier for yourself -

Simpler, more effective, more profound too,

Get some early nights.

Learn how to meditate so you get an awesome power nap throughout the day too.

A reset to your sense of humour and your energy levels.

If you have trouble sleeping?

You’ll need those little breaks during the day.

If you have a baby?

Rest when they rest.

Don’t be all trying to get the jobs done while they’re asleep.

You need rest first.


Go well!



I have a free guide to being more present and alive.

If you're interested in getting a copy head this way:

10 year olds have it tough

Spent this morning speaking with a bunch of 10 year olds - All about stress and anger, worry and anxiety, depression and sorrow.

About not sleeping at night,

About getting so frustrated they can’t think straight.

About putting themselves under impossible pressure.

And I thought the life of a ten year old was free and easy.

No worries, no regrets, nothing to do, no heavy expectations to live up to.

Looks like I had no idea.

I have no idea if life is tougher now that we’re in the future,

But after this morning, and sitting down to write, I now actually remember a similar time as a kid.

I was never more depressed than when I was 11-12.

I thought the world was going to end,

I only had 2 friends,

I found no joy anywhere, nothing but fear and doubt and struggle.

And the only reason I didn’t kill myself was because I didn’t want my family to be hurt.

So I suffered in silence.

At 11 years old.

How crazy is that?

Crazy. Messed up. All that stuff.

I know.

I'm actually glad for it because it made me determined to find a way out, to never go back there

But what I really want to tell you is this:

I do remember being around certain people really helped me.

There were a few teachers, my swimming coach, the mum of one of my friends …

They had a lightness of being, a warm heart it felt like.

They looked me in the eye and made sure I was seen and heard.

It wasn’t what they said or did, but how they made me feel.

I felt like they had all the time in the world for me.

Even though they must have had their challenges,

I felt a solid certainty in this world when I was around them,

An oasis of … okayness … or goodness, I guess …

A kind of force field that meant fear and worry and that feeling of the end couldn’t come in when I was near them.

Those times meant everything because I had a glimpse of what life beyond the chaos of my mind felt like.

Your peace?

Despite all the madness and busy-ness and questions in your life -

You being calm and present and content and alive,

Isn’t just for you.

You touch everyone around you.

Everyone has a chance for sanctuary by just being in your presence.

And if you only stop and give that kid a smile,

Or really listen for just a second …

You might be saving their lives.

Go well, ok? Arjuna


I’m giving a free talk tonight, over in Guisborough.

Full details here, be great to see you: --

Keep It Simple, Silly

People make this stuff SO complicated. Had someone come and spend some time with me a few days ago -

In order to get more better at this meditation and mindfulness and awareness stuff,

And operate from calm and fun and contentment as opposed to frazzle and grumpiness and feeling like somethings missing.

We talked, we did a few things, and towards the end …

And I love this -

She open her eyes and said ...

“This is SO simple!”

I really love that because it is indeed - so simple.

You just need to know the few, right things.

Mindfulness and meditation is sometimes taught in the most convoluted, intellectual way,

Confusing all and sundry.

But the facts are -

This is the simplest of simple things.

It has to be,

Because it -

“It” being meditation or breathing or chanting or whatever you do …

‘It’s” job is to bring you back to your natural state.

To remind you of that:

The state that you were born with,

That state that you’re immersed in, in those times when life is good,

That state that seems so far away when life is tough.

(it’s not far away, it just seems so).

It cannot be complicated because it is the truest sense of you.

All it needs is you to show up to this moment in time.

Become aware of now,

And the presence beyond that.

My Ascension meditation teacher used to say it was “Closer than your next breath”,

Which used to annoy me because I hadn’t quite trusted him fully and was still making it super complicated …

But I now see it’s totally true.

You are that.

That vibrantly quiet, still, spacious, present awareness.

Just remember to be that, right now.

So keep everything super simple, OK?

What to know more?

I have a free talk coming up that you’ll love IF you love simplicity.

Wednesday at 6pm it is.

Full details here, be great to see you if you can make it! Go well!


A Life or a life?

Ahhhh … been away teaching for the week. And as nice as staying in a hotel is, with steak every night if I wished,

With a chocolate “death star” globe containing sticky toffee pudding and ice-cream to finish -

(seriously good)

As amazing as that sounds? There’s nothing like being at home, with Sumati and Bubsy.

Home is where the heart is.

And it’s so true - in a different sense too:

Home is where your heart is:

No matter where you are, there you are.

I used to try and find peace in certain places.

What I was trying to do was escape my head by getting further and further up a mountain,

Or deeper and deeper into a river at the bottom of a valley -

And as beautiful as those experiences are,

As wonderful as being out in nature is,

My head went where I went.

Peace isn’t in a place or an activity, but in my ability to ignore the voices in my head,

And immerse myself in the moment.

Absorb myself in the here and now.

That is where you find peace too -

That is how you make sure life is filled with enjoyment and aliveness,

Rather than drudgery and overwhelm and anxiety and all those things …

Learn from the past and plan for the future, yes,

But base yourself, base your life in this moment in time,

In the presence you find beyond thought and emotion and action.

This is the only moment you can live.

You can postpone it by being regretful for a past moment or fearful for a uncertain future,

Yet now will always be waiting for you, when … IF you return to it.

Then you can really start living.

Here it is, where are you?

Go well! Arjuna


What to know how you can do that more?

Here's a free guide for you, packed full of ideas and ways of being more present and more alive.

Get your copy here: PPS.

7 days till the advanced workshop for Ascenders only.

Sunday 2 July

It’s going to be a doozy.

Want a seat? 

Wonder Woman

I went to the movies for the first time in months. Bunked off work,

And on a super sunny afternoon we strolled into the cinema.

Wonder Woman if you must know.

No great cultural masterpiece, but how wonderful and entertaining.

How cool to be out at the movies!

Set free from regularity and the "same old same old".

Skipping work and going out and playing.

Just like the old days.

Innocence, the joy of simple things, play.

I figure if you learn to enjoy the simple stuff, the big stuff will be amazing.

But you have to be in that frame of mind, in that attitude.

You gotta have your eyes open and notice.

Otherwise you just miss out as you speed from task to task.

And that would be a shame because you end up speeding through everything and missing out on life itself.

So my words for today are innocence and notice ... and play.

Take a breath, take a moment.

Be aware.

Life is good. Enjoy it.

Go well! Arjuna


Want to make it simple?

Here's a ton of ideas of how,

A free 7 page guide with 108 simple ideas to keep it simple, no less: