The biggest problem most people have is not that they don’t have enough, it is that they take for granted what they do have.
When you take something for granted you ignore and forget what is already there. You have huge blindspots to the very very good things that are already there.
Sometimes it takes a disaster to wake up.
I read about a girl who lost her legs in an accident. On waking up she decided to be grateful just to be alive, rather than the loss of limbs.
She said it was on that day that her life truly started. She only really started living when she lost her legs.
I must admit I’m not always that grateful on waking every single morning. I do like sleeping in.
But I think perhaps you knows what I mean.
Don't wait for something huge and disastrous to wake you up.
Spend more time seeing what you do have and not focusing on what is missing.
One path leads to greater and greater joy, health and abundance.
The other leads to misery, depression, fear, lack and scarcity.
Ever felt like that? I have. Yuck.
Such a simple way out.
Just notice what you do have. Get rid of your blindspots.
And you know what?
Gratitude is an essential part of the second Ascension meditation technique.
You don’t have to imagine something or create a mood or anything fluffy like that.
You just use the technique as I teach you and it undoes all the beliefs and conditioning that cause you to have these blindspots in the first place.
Effortlessly undoes it all, just by you closing your eyes.
By chance, I have a course to assist you in this very matter! 15-17 April. £200 for the whole thing - and you can resit for free, forever.
Email me for a very comfy seat - learn to meditate properly, and have the best weekend you’ve had for a long time.
Have a good one! - Arjuna
FREE ebook on meditation and mindset for ending stress and self-sabotage, and living an exceptional life: