Make Sure This Doesn't Happen To You

make-sure-thisWhat is the greatest thing you can give anyone? That ALSO means you win too?

Let me tell you a quick story first.

Someone told me a story, the events of which made them realise this very thing.

You see - Steve was at the beach, on holiday with his family.

He decided to quickly check his emails on his phone, just to see if anything crucial work wise had come in.

His young daughter, previously playing nearby, ran up to him,

GRABBED his expensive smart phone,

And THREW it in the water.

Way in.

Ruined, done in, finished.

He was shocked to say the least -

But instead of getting angry,

Saw what he had been doing for so long:

Completely ignoring his loved ones.

“With” them, but not really there.

Absent at the wheel.

Alive but not really living.

He apologised to his daughter and since then locks his (new) phone in the hotel safe when he’s on holiday.

When he gets home from work - he makes sure he gives the most important thing to his wife and kids.

His full, undivided attention.

His complete presence.

Not just a nod and a kiss on the cheek.

Not just saying "yes dear" as he thinks about what happened at work that day.

But ALL of himself.

It's a bold move - and may involve giving up the addiction to mobile tech.

But well worth it in terms of the new found strength and enjoyment of your relationships.

Something to consider.

Where are you?


Or somewhere else?

Missing in action, as it were?

Don’t let your life slip away.

Don't let your relationships slip away.

If you want some skills and understanding to think and live differently?

To also get mind mastery in sports?

I have a workshop just for you:

Take it easy now, enjoy every moment.

- Arjuna

The WHYS of Teaching The Army Meditation

army-meditationI just finished a course I run with the Army bomb disposal. It was fun - the guys were completely down to earth, told some very funny stories, and weren’t shy of letting me know if I was full of crap.

The great thing I love about these courses is that I know I have to “sell” it in order for them to practice it.

I know if they practice the simple techniques I teach - even if it’s only 15 minutes a day - they will get calmer, more focussed, more happier, more able to live their lives in the way they want to - but they don't know that. Yet.

So I have to convince them - which makes me get very clear on what the benefits are.

Increasingly word is getting around so it’s taking less convincing and selling, but I love getting clear on the “why?”

Why would you?

If you’re busy, you have a family, you have the hobbies and sports and everything you want to do …

Why would you want to sit still for 15 minutes with your eyes closed?

Since it’s fresh in my mind - let me tell you!

Meditation gives you the ability to not react. It gives you headspace so instead of snapping and saying or doing something you regret later on, you can CHOOSE to do something more “evolved”.

Meditation gives you the ability to deal with stress so you don’t lose it and flap around like a headless chicken.

I did that once on a caving trip and I regretted it straight away.

I looked foolish and immature, like I couldn’t handle myself.

I was a little ashamed.

Meditation gives you the ability to CHOOSE to stay calm and not lose it, to not let stress build to a point where you do something embarrassing.

Meditation gives you the ability to focus - to bring your attention to whatever you need to. Why? Because sometimes you need to ignore distraction, ignore the myriad fears and “What ifs?” and focus on the plan and carry it out.

Focus is effortless and brings great satisfaction, as well absorbing you to a degree where you enter the Zone simply.

Meditation gives you the ability to CHOOSE your focus and what you put your attention on.

And what you put your attention on, grows.

Meditation also gives you the ability to take things less seriously. Life is put in perspective.

You change the things you can and accept the things you can’t.

You are given the wisdom to know the difference.

You have the ability to CHOOSE to be wiser.

And who wouldn't want that?

If you want to know how what I have to teach affects your sporting / physical performance AND what to do - come to a talk I’m giving.

Wednesday 26 October 7.30-9pm, in Darlington

All details here:

Take care out there! Arjuna


Be the boss of your mind, rather than it controlling you:

Wednesday 26 October 7.30-9pm, in Darlington -

Chasing The Full Human Experience?

human-experienceI just had a idea. It may be a good one, it may be a stinker, but let me expound a theory for you.

It's all about the pursuit of Full Human Potential, or Fully Being Alive.

The reason you love the outdoors (or whatever you love) is not so much about the activities that you indulge in.

Sure - you have a certain attraction to a physical and psychological element.

Maybe it’s moving on rock, or water or snow or air or mud.

Maybe it’s for the tricks, maybe it’s for the adventure, maybe it’s for the speed, maybe it’s for the mastery - matching skills and fitness against a problem.

But the bottom line is that whatever you do, you do it because it brings you closer to the Full Human Experience.

It allows you to grow - in some undefinable way.

To become more authentic, more knowing of yourself, more self-aware and content, more alive.

Physical activity, especially in the outdoors, is a doorway to experiencing the fullness of the human condition.

You don’t want to settle for less.

What "more" may be in relation to less, who knows - but it’s an individual, internal journey.

The only important thing is that YOU know.

In this sense it’s a Hero’s path.

Moving beyond limitation and smallness for open pastures of potential and being-ness.

Of transcending meanness and greyness and embracing everything life has to offer.

Of attempting to be the best version of yourself in each and every moment.

And what better pursuit could a life be given over to?

It’s just a theory - but one that I like.

Take a moment, and ask yourself:

What else has life to offer?

And what has to change in order for me to experience it?

Go well!

Arjuna -


If you’d like to join me in a Hero’s path, then a doorway is right here:

A live seminar:

"5 things you need to know to stop your mind being your worst enemy”

+++ Learn to Perform Out Of Your Mind +++

Everything you need:

- To get into the Zone faster and easier for memorable performance, - Have a bullet proof mindset to be "mentally tough" and not let negativity in , - Learn to be absolutely present and focussed so you become "in-distractable", - Rewire old patterns that are sabotaging you, - Rest deeper and recover faster for more energy, - Have more fun than ever before.

Wednesday 26 October 7.30-9pm.

If you preregister, you get it for £3 rather than £5.

All proceeds go to the Felix Fund - the bomb disposal charity.

A night of fun, practical information you can apply straight away and giving to charity too. You can't go wrong!

Here's the link if you'd like a seat.

Escaping The Noise And The Clutter

escapeI did another talk about meditation to a wonderful group of people last night. As much as I enjoy writing, I love being face to face with them.

And as much as strongly recommend that they should come and learn meditation and mindset from me,

I know a chunk won’t.

It’s just the way of it, isn’t it?

My aim therefore is to help in some small way - to remind, to encourage to look within rather than in “stuff” for satisfaction, to point out priorities.

The thing I’ve realised is that you already have what you need.

The gap between being the best version of yourself and being a snappy, grumpy, anxious, stressed monster is simple to leap …

When you know in what direction to jump.

This whole game is about remembering.

There is so little you need to learn, even though words and tools and support and coaching and all that stuff can feel like “new” knowledge.

The bottom line is that you already are what you seek.


Stop and read that again.

The tricky thing is remembering that state of being, that state of mind so you become it permanently.

Habits and programmes and beliefs all get in the way, meaning a practice is useful.

The practice?

It begins as simply as being present.

Being alive to every single moment.

And when you forget? Come back. Return.

That why you love the outdoors, you love the things you love to do - because you tune in, it makes you present. _____________

“During these moments I try to only focus on the present, the immediate here and now. I think this purity of thought and mind is one of the many reasons I continue to do what I do. Being able to escape the noise, clutter and business of daily life is a rare treat in this world.”

Graham Dickinson, BASE jumper, wing suit flier _____________

Escaping the noise and the clutter can be had by all, its closer than your next breath.

You can’t permanently escape the business of daily life, but you don’t have to carry a long “to do” list around where ever you go.

That can be a choice.

A permanent vacation from the pressures of your mind is possible.

And you have everything you need to do that.

Just be here and now. This is the end of stress and the beginning of full human experience.

Now don’t just take my word for it - try it! OK?

Keep the Peace!

Arjuna -


Want to hear more on HOW to get your mind in the right place?

I'm doing a seminar on the mind and sports performance in Darlington.

"5 things you need to know to stop your mind being your worst enemy”

+++ Learn to Perform Out Of Your Mind +++

Everything you need to get into the Zone easier, have a bullet proof mindset, learn to be present, rewire old patterns, rest deeper and recover faster, and have more fun than ever before.

Wednesday 26 October 7.30-9pm.

If you preregister, you get it for £3 rather than £5.

All proceeds go to the Felix Fund - the bomb disposal charity.

A night of fun, practical information you can apply straight away and giving to charity too. You can't go wrong!

Here's the link if you'd like a seat.


Change Your Mind, Change Your World (Not Wishful Thinking)

mountains-1521697_1920It's a crisp sunny morning here in Richmond North Yorkshire and I'm sitting in my favourite coffee table spot. I've got a few minutes before we head to the hospital for a baby scan. A whole new world.

I had talk last night - it's been a busy week, but I love it. It's really something when you're able to talk about what you love.

And have a captive audience. Heheh.

The point I want to make is of how much your thoughts create your reality. I saw that again last night speaking.

Some people so anxious, others wide open and content.

The same world but experienced so differently.

You see, your mind is the filter to your world.

Your mind is the foundation for everything you do.

It literally shapes your world.

Change your mind, you change what you perceive.

You start to see through fresh eyes. The world changes, it opens up.

What you focus on, grows in significance.

What grows in significance becomes more real.

It’s not wishful thinking -

- And you still have to do stuff - you can't just sit and think your way through life -

but it comes from the best possible place.

The question then is "what do you want to give attention to?”

What do you want to grow in significance in your life?

What DO you?

Now - it does take practice.

You have certain habits, it's necessary to build some new habits.

Everything comes through practice. Nothing comes from not doing anything.

I’ll be explaining how all works in much greater details in the seminar I have in a couple of weeks (details in the PS)

But until then practice focusing on what you want, on what is good.

And don't be discouraged if you don't get this straight away.

But steadily do this and your foundation, your internal response, becomes more robust, yet more flexible.

You see Grasshopper, it becomes like the willow that bends in the storm, not the oak that breaks and cracks.

You want more on that?

Come to the seminar in Darlington - get a seat here:

or more details in the PS.

Otherwise have a grand day : ) Arjuna -


Sports performance and the mind - Perform out of your mind.

A live seminar:

"5 things you need to know to stop your mind being your worst enemy”

Wednesday 26th October, 7.30-9pm in Darlington.

It'll give you practical knowledge you can take away and use straight away.

Here's the link if you'd like a seat:

Bring a friend!

If you preregister, you get it for £3 rather than £5.

And all proceeds go to the Felix Fund - the bomb disposal charity.

Someone asked if they could give more - 

Please do! - given the state of the world at the moment, the boys and girls of the bomb disposal squads around the country are super busy -

More busy than you will ever know.

The Felix Fund helps support them in a myriad of ways so if you’d like to help them more, then I for one would thank you heartily.

Thank you in advance! -

Why So Serious? (Don’t Ruin It For Yourself)

man-407083_1920An interesting and informative point I saw from a kayak course I did the other week. Although I was drained from having spent what felt the whole night on the toilet (stomach bug you see) and not able to eat anything, I was having a ball.

After all - even though I’m not as sharp and full of beans as usual (literally - hur hur) …

———-> I’m on the river (wahey!) <———

or more aptly -

———-> I’m NOT in an office or mowing the lawns (yay!) <————

Yet one of my fellow guinea pigs was having a rough day.

No joy at all - it looked like he was getting more and more frustrated with his abilities as the day went on.

Didn’t matter what I said to encourage, to try and point out what he was doing good, you know?

I used to be exactly the same.

Hyper-critical to the point of ruining my own day.

This is what I learnt:

The deal is sometimes you’re totally on the ball, in the Zone, firing from the sweet spot.

And sometimes it’s just not your moment.

That there is a fact of life.

You need to make your own enjoyment your foundation.

Because everything you do comes easier from that.

You’re looser, less tense, more focused on what goes right as opposed to what went wrong.

And you're having more fun!!!

Which is the point.

You know?

Sometimes you need to adjust your definition of success for the day.

Sometimes its not going to be what you hoped for.

You see we humans take stuff far too seriously.

And it seems like the older we get the more seriously we take it - even our leisure.

Everyone wants to get better - (and to be seen doing well) -

BUT the only way to really get better fast is to make sure you’re having a ton of fun.

Keep your eye on the prize!

Protect your peace and joy.

That there is the only thing no one can take away from you.

It’s yours, your choice, your inner response, yours and yours alone to make and have.

If you want to know how your mind sabotages your own enjoyment and skills and fast progression and what to do about it?

See you in the PS.

Otherwise have a great Sunday!

Keep the peace!

Arjuna -


A live seminar on the mind and sports performance, 

with me, in Darlington.

Wednesday 26 October 7.30-9pm.

(Actually I should call it LIFE performance because it's all the same. But I didn’t. But you can if you want?)

I did call it:

"5 things you need to know to stop your mind being your worst enemy”

Stop your own mind sabotaging your skills and abilities, your learning curve, your enjoyment.

Here's the link to get a seat:

I’m going to talk about what the problem is - so you’re aware of what’s happening -

And what to do about it - so you have a solution.

Problem awareness and solution given.

All you need to do after that is execute (with a smile).

Wednesday 26 October 7.30-9pm.

If you preregister, you get it for £3 rather than £5.

Again, here's the link if you'd like a seat.

All proceeds go to the Felix Fund - the bomb disposal charity.

A night of fun, useful information and giving to charity too.

You can't go wrong!



Live Event - 5 Things You Need To Know To Stop Your Mind Being Your Worst Enemy

arjuna-headshot-smilierIt's official! And you’re invited.

I've finally got myself together and can tell you about the seminar on the mind and sports performance that I'm doing which you might well want to come along to.

I've named it:

"5 Things You Need To Know To Stop Your Mind Being Your Worst Enemy"

But I'll probably talk about more than just five things.

I get a bit chatty.

It’s held on Wednesday 26 October in Darlington, 7.30-9pm.

Here's the link to register and get a seat:

What will you get from this?

Ever since I was a competitive swimmer and triathlete in my teenage years I realised that my mind had a huge part to play in my physical performance and enjoyment.

My coach would talk a lot about mental toughness. That ability to focus not on the complaints of the mind but on what needed to be done.

I even stuck the words "mental toughness" to my ceiling as I wanted to be the first words I saw when I opened my eyes.

If only it was that simple …

It was a shame that we knew so much about how important the mind was to getting my goals, we just had little idea of how to shape it.

Later on I became an outdoor instructor and it was even more so.

It was so obvious that physical ability was nothing without mental ability. You could all the talent in the world but without the right headspace, nothing would happen.

My job as an outdoor instructor was as much mental mindset coach as physical skills coach.

And that led me directly to being a meditation and mindset teacher.

I saw this is the stuff that changes the mind.

  • Meditation and mindset focuses it, gives it toughness and flexibility too. It rewires faulty patterns, habits, and programmes.
  • It alters negative motivation and energy sapping beliefs and addictions.
  • It changes self sabotage and regret and concern and anxiety for quiet confidence, presence, awareness and enjoyment.
  • It doesn't decrease hard work, but it makes working hard enjoyable.

Everyone likes being on top of their game, no matter what game that may be.

So I thought I'd talk about what I know about your performance and your mind, and how to get your mind to help you not hinder.

It will be related to sports as in physical stuff, but it's the same thing over if you are a musician or an artist or just want to be a better human.

So come!

It’s held on Wednesday 26 October in Darlington, 7.30-9pm.

You're officially invited, here's the link to register and get a seat.

It costs £3 if you pre-register, £5 on the door and all proceeds are going to the Felix Fund, the Bomb Disposal Charity.

Valuable learning to you, and you get to give to a worthwhile charity. Awesome.

Register here and bring your friends!

Any questions? Fire away as usual.

Take it easy! Arjuna


I will talk a little about the upcoming meditation and mindset course that runs the weekend of 5-6 November (begins 7pm Friday)

But mostly I want to give you more clarity about what your head does to you AND what to do about it.

Come, bring your mum - be great to meet you both.

Going With The Flow

go-flowI’m sitting here without coffee, my usual go to blog writing beverage. I contracted some nasty bug which means I haven’t been able to eat for the last 48 hours.

Yesterday I was booked on a kayak course - and not wanting to miss out - I went along, having spent most of the night on the toilet and having no food in me.

Probably not my most “sensible” decision, but we do these things sometimes don’t we?

But even though I was shattered after -

What wonders were had from some good old fashioned coaching!

The biggest thing I learnt, and what I see can be applied to all of life is as follows:

Don’t eat out of date food.

No, actually -

The coach Ken (Hughes - great fella) got me working with the river, not against it.

I was fighting, trying to impose my will on something substantially bigger and stronger than me.

Turns out there’s an easier way.

Letting my kayak and the river do the work is different, it results in getting places with more style, having more energy, less stress and a real sense of flowing with the river.

It doesn’t mean giving up and letting the river push me where it wants me to go -

because that would mean I would be fish food pretty quick -

So I still need to be prepared, and do the work -

But at the right time, at the right place.

It means working with the river - going when the river goes, stopping and resting where the river rests.

And - tenuous link with life coming up ...

That’s what we don’t do.

We fight and we struggle and we push against the current.

So many people try and impose their will and simply get bashed and stressed fighting against the inevitability of something.

Meditation has shown me the uselessness of resisting something I can not possibly change in this moment.

Much easier to work with it.

“OK, what CAN I do in this precise moment in time?”

The thing is so many people don’t trust that life will turn out alright if they loosen the grip on the reins a bit.

The fact is if you stop fighting, you’ll stop getting stressed immediately.

You become more fun to be around, you have more energy. You can see clearer.

And as I found in my kayak, you can use what you have to get the most out of it.

All I can say is give it a try.

It’ll take some practice to recognise when you’re fighting and struggling against something you can't change,

And when to back off and when to go further.

But I think it’s the answer to making life so much smoother.

It gives you that sense of “Flow” too - even if you’re just pootling about your house.

Give it a go, let me know how it goes if you like?

Take it easy!



If you’d like to join me for a weekend of meditation and mindset tools that will mean you become the boss of your own mind -

Where you can control it, rather than having it control you -

Sign up here for more information on this course and upcoming courses.

And get a free quick start guide to meditation, giving you some solid advice to get going straight away:


I do have a seminar/workshop coming on Wednesday 26th October at 7.30pm in Darlington.

But since I’ve been busy being sick and kayaking I haven’t quite got it all together.

Coming soon though!


One small thing to make your relationships shine

relationship-shineI know this because I see it every where - and I can get lazy with this too. It’s one small thing you can do to make your personal life so much better.

When you first met your partner / wife / husband / significant other …

You were all over them.

Checking in, saying hello, buying presents, saying nice things, paying attention and compliments …

Am I right?


It’s easy to take them for granted.

A quick hello and a kiss on the cheek, and you’re somewhere else.

On the same couch but in different worlds.

On your phone, thinking about work, thinking about the weekend …

It’s easy not to be so full on now you’ve got them, now that they’re around all the time.

The thing is - all your relationships are living things.

If you want them to be in a half-way decent state, you have to feed them, you have to put effort into them.

But if you do go the extra mile?

If you do what you did when you were first getting together?

If you really engage and show an interest and give them more attention and appreciation?

You'll have:

- less arguments - more understanding - deeper connection - more and better sex - happier them, happier you - a team, not two individuals

And more.

I think you know what I mean.

Memo to self:

Don’t let up. Keep giving.

The more you invest in your relationship, the more you get out of it.

I”m off to buy some flowers.

Go well!



As always, if you ever ever need anything at all, just hit reply.


Meditation Apps:

Someone was asking about these.

I don’t really recommend many meditation apps because you now have the tools you need.

Apps can mean you can start to rely on something outside of you, and you really don’t want to rely on anything external to you, if that makes sense.

But if you like to have a guide, I’ve heard these two are good:

Stop, Breathe, Think, and Headspace.

The thing is it's so simple to learn how to meditate anywhere anytime - so you don't need a prop.

For more information, and a quick start guide to simple meditation, go here: PPPS.

I've got a live seminar coming up on Wednesday 26th October, in Darlington. 7.30pm

It's all about sports performance - well, and life performance, without self-sabotage and stress and struggle.

In other words, making it easy - because life can, and could, and should be easy and fun.

More details coming!


"Wear This Hoodie and Get in The Zone"

adidasNope, not an promo for Adidas -

Though I do like the cut of their jib.

(If you’re a marketing manager for Adidas? I’d be a good fit, absolutely!)

But they have released a new hoodie - that promises to get you in the zone and “Find Focus”


And they come in white!

I’m getting one.


If only it were that simple.

Slip on a hoodie and get mental absorption and complete satisfaction.

It’s like those 10 minute fitness programmes I see.

If 10 minutes gets you fit, then I’m a monkey.

The only way is to practice.

And that takes time, and commitment.

But taking the time gives you so much more.

Hitting your lines and skills with so much fluidity your outdoor and sporting buddies will think you’re made of liquid.

Solving problems at work and home with so much less effort.

Being super happy - all the time - for no reason.

Brushing off stress and pressure like water off a duck’s back.

Having better, closer, more meaningful relationships than ever before.

Just through closing your eyes and heading in the right direction.

Who would have thought?

Meditation has only been around for … let’s see ... as long as humanity.

For the sole purpose of making living in the Zone a reality.

Not so you can visit.

Not so you can buy a hoodie and get down to business.

But so you can live permanently in a state of Flow.

To get going on this, go here:

Take it easy out there

  • Arjuna


I really do like Adidas.

It all began with Run DMC.

But you don’t need anything external to yourself to be in the Zone.

A tool, a way, a direction pointer all helps without a doubt.

And that can be as simple as thinking the right thought at the right time.

Want to know more?

How To Improve, Fast

A photo by Lee Roylland. one likes to remain the same. But no matter the subject - sometimes it’s difficult to know which direction to move in to improve.

The problem then is information.

It’s “how do I do it”?

When you don’t know, you don’t do.

And so nothing is done, there is no change.

The other thing that happens is we can perpetually get ready to get better.

Humans will gather a lot of information and sometimes spend years in the research phase, but not actually putting it into action.

Gathering and gathering and not actually doing.

Not out there making mistakes and learning through experience.

I know this one quite well. I used to do a ton of it. If gathering could weigh something, my past "getting ready" would be hefty.

The problem here is not of information, because there is more than enough, but actually not seeing how the information suits you through experience - how it works for you.

Because - as I’ve also discovered very recently - we’re afraid of looking foolish in failure.

We don't try because we don't want to look silly.

Which is fair enough - but ultimately useless as a growth strategy.

The other problem is one of motivation and momentum.

You can have a great idea to get better at something - you may even begin - but after the initial fizz and buzz of activity,

You realise how change actually requires a little work, and (unless you are extraordinarily motivated) left to your own habits, you revert back to not doing.

Having someone else hold you accountable to your goals is a great thing.

Because sometimes it’s easier to let yourself down than it is to let someone else down.


All of these things you can find for yourself.

There is no end of information now out there on the internet (some of it good, some not so).

You can make sure you take action and don’t just research and prepare.

And you can find a buddy to hold you accountable for doing what you said you wanted to do.

(I know someone whose default on not meeting his goal means he has to vote for Donald Trump. And all his friends know. He’s quite motivated, as you’d imagine.)

You can do all the above - or you can get a coach.

A coach gives you the right information, the right goals, the right accountability, the right support:

Everything, simple and quick.

I really want to get better at kayaking so because of this I’m doing some courses.

I have a meditation teacher, and a business coach too, because I really want to improve.

How about you?

You don't NEED a coach, but going to one can help extraordinarily.

And I'd like to offer my services.

If you’re interested in getting better in this mindset and meditation business fast -

if you want to know how to be calmer, more focussed and happier so that you have the mental skills to do what you want to do and be the person you want to be and live the life you’d like to live, I can help.

The first thing I’d recommend is starting here:

Great stuff.

Have fun out there.


- PS.

I'm nearly done on my holidays.

And I have a seminar and a few other things up my sleeve to get going on.

I'll let you know when - end of October sometime, and it'll be in Darlington, AND it'll be all about sports performance beyond the mind.

How you can think less and get better quicker with more fun.

Something like that.

Talk more soon.


Overwhelmed? Yah, that is a possibility!

overwhelmI have seen that the difference between overwhelm and an adventure is all in the way that you look at it. Isn’t it just?

One person's “awesome” is another's “OMG!!!!”

Now currently there is a situation in my life that I never thought would ever happen.

Even now, I could ponder and scratch my head and think “how DID that happen?”

Of course, I know the mechanics of how it happened,

But more the question is of a philosophical nature of “how did I come to this point in my life?”

You see, my wife informed me a while back that I am to become a father (in 5 months or so, now).

It was far too easy.

Surely there should be at least a written exam for something like this?

Some sort of warrant of father fitness?

Of suitability for raising the future?

Apparently not.

Now - younger me would have cried out in horror “but what about me?!” as a world as I once knew it looked like it would end.

Now, these days, instead of overwhelm, the choice invariably is for adventure.

A “how fascinating - bring it on!” type approach.

And it's the same here.

I mean, how hard can it be?

It’s not like I’ll lose any sleep or anything, right?

I’m sure we’ll train the little fellow to start contributing to its upkeep soon enough with simple tasks like fetching the paper and sweeping the floor.

heh heh.

Honestly the coolest thing is the staying absolutely present and not going into overwhelm.

Not going into the “what ifs”.

Because being around a pregnant lady is a minefield.

No smelly cheese, no sturdy sausage products, not too much coffee, no hot pools, no lavender even ...

(I had no idea lavender was so, well … aggressive).

So much could go wrong.

And yet, so much could go right.

When did any one stay awake at night thinking too much about what could go right?


So I’ll leave you there with those thoughts.

Your mind loves overwhelm, and what has to be done, and what could go wrong, and staying with what it knows.

But if you can embrace change, and excitement, and what could go right, well, there you have adventure, and the time of your life -

All through a shift in perspective.

Take it easy! Arjuna


You realise I’ve worked this in - just casually mentioning it - so you can buy me an ale if and when you see me next?


I am so glad I have the ability to meditate.

Something tells me calm and a steel mindset is going to come in handy.

I’ve done it again haven't I?

Casually worked it in so you can realise how useful meditation and attitude and mental fortitude would be in your own life,

And how opting in here would give you the best meditation and mindset "how to" advice you could ever find:

Whoops! Shameless. -

"I'm Not Listening Unless You Drink"

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Recently I gave what turned out to be a curious talk on meditation -

I do hope I haven’t told you already.

I forget things sometimes.

But unlike my father who finds it a great aggravation, I think it’s somewhat funny.

It is what it is, right?

No point getting all excited about it.

Never mind - I was about to tell you a story.

Doing a talk - and everyone is sitting down, and before I can speak, this older gentleman pipes up and says:

“Do you drink?”

I confirmed that indeed I do, that ale and red wine and a good whisky are all fondly received if he wanted to express his gratitude for my presentation.

He - noticeably relieved actually - replies:

“Great, because I wasn’t going to listen to another word if you said you didn’t drink”.

I laughed, because I liked his style,

And we carried on with the whole evening proving to be slightly unusual

(in a good sense).

There’s a common perception that meditation involves doing certain things in a certain way.

And if you’ve tried, you may have been taught some things by people who have been taught some things by other people but never really asked why, or tried anything different.

I used to believe there was a “right” way of living - a certain diet or a certain belief or a certain thing that if I dialled in correctly, then I would have a quiet head.

The truth is much simpler.

Meditation, finding peace, calm, focus, happiness, more Zone action - all of this has little to do with what lifestyle choices you make.

When I teach the Army Bomb Disposal teams to meditate I love asking them their ideas of meditation:

“Tree hugging”, “Sitting around a campfire singing ‘kumbaya’”, “Sting - too much time and too much money” “Legs crossed, chanting OMMM in a cave” “Living in the country in a caravan eating nothing but your own homegrown veggies"

And then I give them a taste of the reality -

The practical “HOW TO” as opposed to the ideas about it:

They get to realise very quickly how very very useful it is to have a means to control your own head, as opposed to having it control you.

And how it all comes from simple mental exercises in awareness, not from lifestyle choices.

So I want to say to you is this:

You need give nothing up.

It’s helpful to want to give up limitation and stress and struggle, but even that’s not necessary cos the goodness comes and gets you anyway.

Meditation should be a supremely practical practice, the result being that you love everything you love now, but more so.

It makes you more you.

More authentic and more alive.

So if you find a meditation teacher and they start telling you that you have to stop doing this and give up that and be like that in order to be calm and focussed and happy and the boss of your own mind, then find someone else.


And if you’d like to learn to meditate with me (and I think you should because it's fun and simple and powerful), head here for how to get started and some more details:

Till next time! -Arjuna


Of course being aware of addictions is supremely useful.

Where you over rely or are dependent on something.

Like where a thought pattern essentially says “I need this in order to do/feel that”

But I’ve found for many people simply meditating takes a lot of the juice out of addiction.

With a little willpower, they come to a point where they realise they simply don’t want to any more.

So, combined with a little will power, they don’t.

No great drama.

I’ve met previously raging alcoholics and drug fiends who simply aren’t any more.

It’s not true that you’re an alcoholic for life IF you get rid of the root cause in the mind for the pattern of excess.

Isn’t that cool?

Every little bit helps, as they say.


Do You Do Too Much Of This?

thinkingYes you do, because you are human. And humans are addicted to it, more than anything else in the whole world.

That thing?


It's actually over rated.

And bad for your health.


Thinking the wrong thoughts will kill you quicker than any cancer.

If you think you are in control of your thinking, take this little test:

I want you to notice what you are thinking for a day - like when you are awake. (Don’t worry about when you are asleep - that is a bit tricky)

Simply be aware as you go about your day what you are thinking about.

Ready? Ok - go.

Come back when you’re done.

Done already? Awesome.

What I want to point out is how much you are involved in unnecessary thinking.

Sure - and this argument always comes up -

Thinking can be pleasurable, it can be creative.

But be scientific about it for a minute.

Objectively observe yourself.

Have a look - take note of how much rubbish you think every single day.

How much non-creative, same old distracted thought that goes through your head.

BUT - also notice how much negative thinking you indulge in.

Judgement about others or yourself, or just the good old “I can’t”, "I'm stupid".

So - I’m not saying thinking is bad, it’s just that thinking is ALL some people know.

The only thing that some people know.

They know thinking so well they miss out on what is right in front of them.

Life, passing them by one moment at a time.

And if you’re honest - the reason you love the things you love to do -

Just as I love being in the outdoors, and in nature,

Is because you move away from thinking too much.

It calms down upstairs.

There is focus as well, you become immersed in this moment.

And from this calm and this focus there is happiness.

You love what you do at least partially (but probably more than partially) because your head doesn’t think so much.

If you can see this it will be the beginning of a new era for you.

Because you become more present to the only moment you can do anything about - this one.

More presence means being more alive.

It means life becomes Life.

It means you get better at what you love to do,

And you enjoy it more.

As well as being able to make the most of those moments where you’d rather not be there but you have no choice.

Like bathroom shopping for example.

I’m not saying anything, I’m just using that as an example.

So if you want freedom from thinking too much, or thinking the wrong stuff (ie. BAD thoughts), go here, I have what you need:

But right now I gotta scoot. My good wife wants to pick out a bath.

And as we all know, happy wifey makes a happy lifey.

Keep the Peace! Arjuna


I don’t take baths. Rather a quick shower. In and out, as it were. Job done, let’s do something more fun.

I call it “minimalism” - the least effort for the most result.

My wife calls it being “a grubby little monster”.

Tomaaato, Tomarrrto.

How To Be Fearless

A photo by Tyssul Patel. wrote that title first - and I’m instantly not sure about it. I don’t really trust anyone who says they have “no fear”.

I think they’re not being honest, least of all with themselves.

Or maybe they’ve never placed themselves in a position where fear might come.

Regardless -

Although fear or at least hesitation may (perhaps??) be there forever …

… you don’t have to entertain it much at all, let alone allow it to control you.

I think,

(once again - I’m open to be wrong on all of this)

That a little fear is actually a good thing - and if you’re feeling it, it means whatever you’re about to do is important to you.

Needing courage then is a great sign.

Because you’re doing important stuff, you’re stretching your comfort zone.

You’re not staying the same, stagnating in a pond of your own making.

That is the very reason why I love the outdoors - in fact any physical activity.

Because you can always find something bigger to do.

And in that challenge it can be a little intimidating.

Here’s what you can do about it:

Stay absolutely present, completely here, in this moment in time.

You see -

Fear only exists as a response to thoughts about the future.

You stay present - there is no fear.

You’re afraid?

Get really present - and the fear rapidly vanishes.

If you could stay present forever would fear end?

That would be well worth finding out, huh?

It is never the actual thing that causes the pain, it’s the thinking about it that kicks you.

You gotta see that.

It’s the thinking about the future scenarios, the “what if I fail?” that brings fear.

and while it’s important to realise the consequences of your actions -

It’s the continual regurgitating of those scenarios in your head that creates overwhelm and paralysing fear.

And so you don’t make that move or you don’t climb that hill or you don’t attempt to lift that weight or start that business or publish that book.

Even though you really really want to.

So it’s in your head - and down to what thoughts you pay attention to.

Choose wisely!

If you’d like help with that, I can help.

In fact I’m running a whole weekend devoted to this “mental game”.

I’ll give you all the tools and understandings to get to a place super clearly where you see how you create the overwhelm and fear and anxiety that comes from listening to your thoughts.

And how to get out of this overwhelm and back into calm and clarity.

Go here to get more information, and how to get going:

Take it easy out there

- Arjuna


I actually do know a few people who are so present and in the zone they are fearless.

At least they say they are - and I trust them on that.

And at least one is a motorcycle rider so I imagine he knows a little about the fear/challenge/courage balance.

The key for me is the potential, the possibility that and end to fear's grip may be so.

I can say from my investigations into thinking and fear even a little progress gives a sensational amount of freedom.

Why not give it a go?

You’ll have your own head for most of your life - you might as well investigate it closely.

Here's how:

Like A Crack Addict At The Pipe

crack-addictI’ve been bitten hard. It’s been years - over 13 in fact.

And I just thought I’d dip my toe in the water, and something huge and undeniable grabbed it and pulled me in, wholesale.

I’m talking about being back in the outdoors,

Specifically kayaking on rivers - I’ve become so hooked over the last few weeks that there’s no turning back.

Maybe it’s a pre-midlife crisis,

Maybe it’s a true passion for the good things in life showing itself once again.

Whatever it is, I’m loving it.

Being in nature, the flow of the river, the flow of me and my boat when it’s all working well, the challenge, the smiles … oh the smiles.

I used to kayak a lot -

It was a huge passion for me. It was all I thought about.

And then I stopped - the story is to big to tell, but basically I tried to do what I thought I was “supposed” to do.

So there’s a lesson for me, and for you - if you want one:

You have to do what you love to do.

Find a way to fill up on what you love doing, because life can be “fine” without it, yet it can be extraordinary with it.

I know you’re busy and you have commitments …

BUT you can, and you should, find a way.

They’re really just excuses, it’s just resistance. It’s just that grey voice of “should” putting the brakes on something.

I don’t care if it’s collecting stamps, find a way of giving yourself at least a little bit of time to get in there and do it.

Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

And you jumping into your passions isn’t selfish - if you have the right approach.

When you’re at 100% you can give so much more to everyone around you.

Life is too short not to.

In order to be at 100% you need to come to terms with that little grey voice in your head.

We all have it -

And you don’t need to get rid of it.

Just be aware of how it affects you and shift your attention to something else.

The less juice you give it, the less momentum it can hold, so it just slows and shrivels.


It’s one of the things I’m teaching on this weekend meditation course.

It meditation, but not as you think you know it.

Think of it as giving you the tools and understandings so you can be without mental limits, and live a full, juicy life of 200%.

If you're interested, head here for more information and a Quick Start Guide to Meditation for Athletes to get your going:

Have a great day!



If you need anything, just get in touch, as always I’d love to chat.

I Was Hit By Lightening

lighteningI had an epiphany the other day. An epiphany - as I discovered - is a moment of sudden and great revelation or realisation.

(according to my trusty Mac’s dictionary)

A veritable bolt of lightening,

A switching on of the lightbulb,

A penny dropping.

What was it?

I realised that I would rather look good than be seen making mistakes.

I would rather maintain a facade (a thin facade at that) of seeming totally competent and in control …

Than going out on a limb and making mistakes and learning from those mistakes and ultimately improving fast.

All because I valued looking good to others more than progress.

I saw it on the river - and it meant in the past I wouldn’t try new things. Just the old trusty ones I knew I could pull off.

I saw it in my business - and it meant I wouldn’t speak in case I was wrong, it meant I wouldn’t do something new and uncomfortable in case I messed up.

People always talk about a fear of failure. ____________

“The real fear is NOT of failure but of 'looking' like a failure or 'looking' silly”. - Paul Mort _____________

He’s right - the real fear is indeed a fear of looking stupid, of looking like a failure.

Well today I celebrate - because I see the little sucker, that little programme thats been stopping things before they even begin.

Now I’m aware of it, I can do something about it.

Awareness of this stuff is the only way forward.

Because now - despite what the thoughts may say - I know about it. I can ignore it, and do things anyway.

I’m now prepared to possibly look stupid for the sake getting better, faster.

Because I can actually handle looking a bit dumb but I can’t handle not making the most of my time here.

Bring it on!



The reason I love the meditation I teach - and what I have practiced myself every single day since 2003 - is it gives anyone who does it greater awareness.

In awareness you have clarity so you have free choice.

It gives you calm and focus so you can carry out that choice, even if it requires courage.

In choice you can change and improve.

And when you improve you feel fantastic, and the whole world opens up a little more.

If you'd like to join me, I have what you need right here:

Religious Experience In the Fish and Chip Shop

religiousMy first religious experience was in a fish and chip shop playing the video game Gauntlet. You may know it from your youth?

(Showing my age here)

But the point is, Time seriously stood still.

There was no “Valkyrie is about to die” (she was the best) because I couldn’t lose.

I was so calm, and so tuned in, and so full of quiet joy.

Skills and senses met perfectly the challenge of the little pixels.

People came and went, I was immersed in the one constant.

And I knew what a religious experience was, at the altar in my little fish and chip shop church.

Life made perfect sense, you know?

Life came Alive.

Trudging home on a rainy night, the pavement shone.

I was just happy, for no reason.

And after that night, that was all I was really interested in.

Finding that again, being that again.

It’s the reason I love being in the outdoors -

From the very first moment I was taken on my first outdoor camp as a kid, it’s always been about getting into this Zone of complete fullness.

I didn’t have the language then, but I do now.

It’s all about being so present and alive.

Having heightened senses and buzz and contentment and ALIVENESS.

Everything slotted into place, everything making sense, the whole rat race, the whole of meaning and purpose found in one moment.

And I’ve tried drugs - it seems the psychedelics replicated that sense of Zone and flow the best.

But were ultimately unsustainable and unpredictable.

Hence why I kept looking and eventually found meditation.

Ascension meditation that was simple and powerful, and didn’t mean I had to believe anything, or change anything,

Just gave me a tool to go beyond thinking too much, beyond regret and fear

And be perfectly, completely present and immersed and alive.

Now - I don’t want this to be self-indulgent.

My aim is to make these ramblings about you - and how your life, sport, career, relationships, etc can be bigger and better.

Because we humans settle for so much less than is possible.

And I, in my small way, can help that not be the case - if that is of interest to you.

Let me know if it is.

Take care out there, go well, live fully.




You might be interested in learning meditation from me.

I’ll teach you how to find your church - in the Faithless "God is a DJ" sense.

Really showing my age today.

-----> The place where everything makes sense.

Where you find sanctuary, and rest, and Life.

You don’t have to believe a single thing I say. It doesn’t matter if you are religious or not.

Just be open minded, and commit to practicing a few simple things.

Go here for a taster:


Donald Trump Does It

donaldFound a quote, purportedly by the Don himself. Regardless of your opinion of him he’s hit the nail on the head right here: ___________________

“I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That's where the fun is.” ___________________

I’m not going to get into whether you want to be like him or not, it’s all a bit boring actually.


All of your best, most memorable moments?

- You were absolutely present, absorbed in what you were doing.

When everything came alive, when all of your senses tuned into the task (even if that task was as simple as staring at a fire?)

- You were so present and involved in the experience of being right here, right now.

When it seemed you could do no wrong, your skills just flowed, there was balance and excellence and fun?

- That's right -- You were completely present and immersed in this moment.

When there was no such thing as doubt or anxiety, your mind was calm with intuition and flow and creativity to the fore?

You focussed exclusively on the present, and the task, and nothing distracted you at all.

You thought very little, and allowed your body to do what it needed to do.

You know what I’m talking about?

Yes you do.

If you want more of those experiences?

You gotta be like the Trumpet.

(In some ways)

Learn to focus and be present and alive to this moment in time.


Just tune in, right now.

Give more attention to what is happening right now.

Think less.

Do more - even if that doing is doing absolutely nothing.

Train yourself to detach from pointless thinking.

Learn to become more here and less past/future.

Give up regret and worry and “I can’t”.

You gotta practice - you have to make time for this.

If you want more of those memorable moments,

If you want to fill up your life with awesomeness.

If you want to be a better athlete, better at your career, a better partner and parent and friend.

This moment is it.

Don’t miss out!

Keep the Peace Arjuna


I have a practice, a group of techniques that will develop your ability to be more present.

Super simple, super powerful, super cool.

Through using these techniques you get the ability to stick to this present moment.

Meaning more calm, more focus, more happiness.

A better life, where ever you direct your efforts.

If you’d like to get started, I'll send you a Quick Start Guide To Meditation for Busy People, and we'll talk more:


I'm out and about in the Italian Alps, arm wrestling mountain guides and yodelling and all sorts of character building type activities.

So I won't be writing as much - but if you do want to say hello or ask a question, do fire away - I will reply.


I used to be so certain, now I’m not so sure

certaintyHumans need certainty. Now certainty is a tricky thing. What is really certain in this world?

When I first discovered adventures in the outdoors, one of the things I loved about it was the difference sense of certainty from what I was used to.

I’d go and be in these wild places and test myself against natural forces that really, in essence, allowed me to be there.

And I’d come back to civilisation with all the small scrambles for certainty and security - my bills, the worries about my job, the arguments about who was right with my girlfriend -

All of them had a different perspective.

What came to the fore - what was more real, more defined, more certain than anything else - was the simple fact of my existence.

What was real was the simple beauty that I lived, that I had choice, that I was aware.

That gave me security, and certainty, simply because it was so definite.

The worries and doubts all born of the rush to create some kind of “life” for myself were still there - but became lighter.

That world was still a world I wanted, and needed, to play in, but the outdoors gave me a substance to my existence that lay beyond all of that.

When I look around I see how radical that is, how lucky I am in that.

And meditation has simply reinforced that sense of inner constancy in a world of change and rush and scrambling and getting.

Not removed me from it - just given me an anchor amongst it all.

I say I’m lucky because I look around and I see so many people look for security in places where there is none, really.

Their perspective is all out of whack.

They hunt for security and constancy in places where by definition there is only change and unpredictability.

People think a good job means security.

Yet my Dad went through 3 redundancies back in the 1980s - and now it’s zero hours contracts.

Do you see what I mean?

Ask the partner who's just been cheated on and had no idea. Ask the family whose house just got wrecked in an earthquake. Ask the stockbroker who just saw her investments die in a crash.

I’m not saying don’t play in these worlds, I’m not saying don’t invest or save or get married and work at it or take pride in your house, I’m saying know that nothing is certain, nothing is really secure in the places most people try to find it.

And when you work that out, you're a little bit freer from the dependency on the outside world.

Because it allows you to look for security and certainty in the one place that can’t be taken from you - within.

An inward “gaze” helps because you start to find true security.

You realise that the only secure thing not the what of your life, but the how - how you live, how you respond, how you choose.

When you look after the how you start to become more aware of the constancy of your own existence.

The fact that your awareness has been constant since before you were born, and will stay constant for a great deal yet.

Base your life in that and you’ll find true certainty.

If you’d like help with that - I have just what you need right here to get started:

Any questions?

Just ask - I’d love to help.



I’m away on an extended trip into the Italian Alps, with a little trip to Venice for some culture.

Hooray for me I hear you say.

I won’t be writing as much as usual - but if you do need anything, just email.

I’m sure they’ll have internet goats up there.

They may be a little slower, but we'll get there.
