Tops Tips to lose stress and make meditation and mindfulness so super simple

When I started getting into this game of mindfulness and meditation there wasn’t the internet.

Me and my friends would send morse code telegraphy back and forth,

Mum and dad would yell at us kids -

“Get off the telegraph and go outside!”

Oh how the world has changed, hasn’t it?

When you were interested in getting better at something?

Back then there were no way of getting tips from kind strangers on the other side of the planet in the comfort of your home.

You had to find someone who knew what they talking about, like, in Real Life.

Now days we have a whole internet of Tips.

You could say the entire internet is made up of cat pictures and tips.

And how I love reading tips …

So to fit in with everyone else -

Here’s some tips for you.

All about meditation and mindfulness -

To make it so simple,

So straightforward you’ll have a practice that not only will you enjoy but that will end all stress and mean your life really comes alive.

Wouldn’t THAT be nice?

Well you can - truly.

Here are my wonderful, top tips for anyone who wants to start doing just that,

AND you experts -

Because the basics are all you need (true too).

If you’d like to see my pretty face talking about these tips and expanding upon them much more than I’m able to here,

Head this way:

Otherwise, here we go:

1. Have no expectations

Expectations ruin many things. When you meditate, try and have none.

Insist on nothing - expect as little as possible.

Because then you can tune into what you DO have, not what you think you SHOULD have …

Do yourself a favour and have no expectations.

2. It’s not about stopping your thoughts

It’s about becoming more aware, in the present moment.

See the difference?

Leave those thoughts alone, it'll make your life so much easier.

3. Be consistent

The more regularly you practice the faster you will lose stress and gain calm, focus and happiness.

Doing 10 minutes every day is so much better than struggling through 30 minutes once in a while. OK?

Do what you can.

4. Be comfortable

Relax, put your feet up, grab your blankey.

You may fall asleep in the beginning - but you are probably exhausted and running on fumes.

Sitting upright has its benefits, but I’ve found sitting so you can forget your body is SO much better.

No strain!

5. Take nothing seriously

Go easy, no strain.

Laugh at yourself. Don’t be in a rush to get somewhere.

Sit, be aware, notice, enjoy.

Laugh at them thoughts.

Laugh at being distracted, again.

“Oh well, back in!”

All the mindful masters I’ve met laugh their butts off. If you want to laugh your way through life then take it all less and less seriously every day.

6. No strain!

Don’t try, don’t control, don’t struggle.

See above.

There's no need - it doesn't get you anywhere. In fact, it slows you down.

7. Indulge in mindful and meditative snacks

Sitting at a red light? Be mindful.

Walking somewhere? Tune in and be mindful.

Waiting? Get off the phone, for a moment, and be aware.

Cooking? Eating? Cleaning? Driving? Showering? Playing music? Exercising?

Give yourself FULLY to the moment while doing your thing and see what happens.

And there we go -

All the tips you need.

I'm sure there is so much more, but I do go on a bit

Enjoy, hit me up with questions, and head over to the video if you want to have more detail:

Go well!



If you'd like a much deeper "immersion" in how to more meditative and mindful?

On how to be so much more calmer you just forget to be stressed?

Head this way for my free guide, I think you're going to love it:

Wotcha gonna do when it goes “SQUEAK!”?

The power of the mind.

When I was young my swimming coach would talk a lot about the power of the mind over the body.

And I knew the power it had.

Those 5am starts, training twice a day, what seemed like constant shaking from hunger …

I could listen to the whiney voice in my head,

I could slump and feel exhausted and resentful that my friends were out socialising,

Or I could put it aside and go a little bit further,

Many times a lot further.

And all with a better mood, making the hard work suddenly much more enjoyable.


It’s an incredible skill to have in any sphere of life -

I’m talking about exercise here,

But how about raising a Mini-me?

As amazing as they are, it isn’t a walk in the park.

(I have so much respect for single parents …)

Whoever you are, this skill - and it is a skill - is for you.

For you athletes, for you parents, for you working a tough job or setting up a new business, for you who are studying …

For you who are exhausted, for you who are facing health/money/relationship issues,

For you whose head just seems like the enemy some days …

For you who are ALL of those things.

The ability to gently and persistently put your mind to one side can literally save your life.


Inevitably, even if your life is amazing,

There’ll come a time when your mind squeaks.


It can be a roar of squeak, or just a "squeakette".

(You might know both very well)

Regardless of the quality of the squeak -

You can listen to it and do what it says - quit, give up, hide away …

Or you can be curious as to what is on the other side of that squeak.

“If I ignore it, what will happen?”

“Just because a voice says I’m exhausted, does that mean I can't gone on a touch longer?”

“Just because a voice says I’m useless, do I have to listen?”

“Just because a voice says “PANIC!”, can I choose not to?”

"Just because a voice says "I wonder what's in the fridge?", do I need to look?"

Curiosity …

Put the thought down,

Don’t let it define you,

Instead - get super present and see what happens from that.

Because when you really get good at this -

You find everything is manageable away from the squeak in the present moment.

“I can’t go on”

“I can’t possibly do this”

Becomes a case of “well, perhaps I could … oh, and actually, I am”

And that’s a life saver.

There’s times when you HAVE to go on.

There’s times when you can’t have a strop, throw your toys down and sulk.

There’s times when you just have to forget what you’d rather be doing, and get going.

But if you do it full on, it becomes you.

You find you have greater abilities and reserves than you ever knew.

All … and this is a big part of it for me -

All with a lightness of being that wasn’t there before when you were listening to those thoughts.

You can come out the other side and find what appeared to be a wall,

Was just a curtain.

What your head says is not reality but simply an option.

Your thoughts don’t need to have the power to define you, and what you do.

You get to choose.

You do.

Go well!



Top tip -

Don’t wait. Don’t delay,

Practice now while the going is good so you can sail through those SQUEAK-y times.

A mighty fine practice for that - simple, effortless, enjoyable - is Ascension.

If you’re liking my approach to stress and meditation and all this stuff?

Here’s a free guide to being less SQUEAKY, more mindful and more alive.

You'll love it:


When Man and Bubba Butt Heads

I had a plan this morning.

Bubsy was going to play by herself and I would keep an eye on her and get to do some exercise.

How do you think that worked?

You know it -

She has some some powerful lungs which means my plan went up in smoke.

Reality said “Ah … that’s not going to happen there, sir”

I had a moment of resistance -

“But what about my plan? What about what I want? What about meeeee … ?”

Do you know that ^^^ internal voice?

Fortunately I quickly realised that resistance is futile.

I gave in -

Reality won, I ended up playing with her.

Simple, easy - I even came up with some exercises we could do together.

(I ended up teaching her how to crawl.

Everyone needs a role model, right?

And boy is that is tough - spend 2 minutes crawling and you’ll feel it.

Exercise AND bubba was laughing at me flopped on the ground - so win-win)




They're all benefits of being present and aware -

Noticing when you’re fighting and resisting an undeniable reality,

Stressing yourself out, getting angry and frustrated in the process.

And instead of continuing to insist on your plan, on what “should” be,

You surrender and accept what is actually happening.

You give up - but you get clarity and perspective in return.

“This isn't going to happen … but this is!”

One of the biggest benefits of being mindful is that you don’t cause yourself stress.

You see what you are doing to make yourself upset.

You see where you are banging your own head against an undeniable wall.

So tune into now … not only is it more enjoyable, its more effective too.

A 2 for 1 deal!

You gotta love that.

Of course - resisting, not seeing clearly, NOT being present and mindful -

They're all a habit.

The whole purpose of the Ascension meditation techniques is to remove these “grooves” -

These habits of reacting in ways you wish you hadn’t and/or the habits that mean you're causing yourself pain.

But you can also use them “eyes open” to keep you tuned into this moment.

And then life gets really exciting,

Because life really becomes about your conscious choice,

A deliberate living, and not based in unconscious reaction.

You want to know how?

The lowdown about accepting and getting freedom of choice,

Being free of resisting and stress?

And about discovering what it means to truly be alive?

Here you go:

Go well!



Don't miss the PPS...


I have a list that give advice, tips, inspiration, know how, funny stories –

All about meditation and mindfulness,

About losing stress and struggle and confusion,

About mastering the mind and getting calm, focussed and happy,

And about discovering what it means to truly be alive.

If you like the idea of that?

Sign up here:

What Adele’s Vocal Cords Have to do With Your Peace

Adele, like many singers, has had troubles with her voice.

Most recently I believe she had to cancel a couple of Wembley shows.

To help remove the polyps, the lumps and bumps on her vocal cords,

A surgeon stuck a scalpel and forceps on foot long handles down her throat,

To grab the tiny little nasty that was causing Adele the problem.

Well done that fellow.

A cut a few millimetres either side and her voice is gone.

No pressure huh?

And I have trouble with a sausage and a set of barbecue tongs …

The reason I mention Adele is that there is a real movement towards more natural, effortless ways of doing things.

In singing there a movement that sees such polyps as being due to not wear and tear,

But singing with force and effort.

This movement is about finding and using your natural voice - not straining.

It’s the same in running, for example.

Many years ago I got injured and had to retrain to run how I might if I was running barefoot, rather than relying on heavily cushioned shoes and bashing along.

It made a world of difference.

The whole paleo diet trend - the idea that humans don’t do well eating cultivated carbs like wheat and rice - could be seen as part of this search for a more natural way too.

Where ever you look there’s a quest for a more natural, effortless, strain free way of doing.

What has this to do with peace, happiness and mastering the negative tendencies of your mind?

I’m glad you asked.

I talked last time about assuming a Zentitude - of equanimity, of nothing matters

Which works extremely well IF you’re easy with it.

But many take it to extremes,

As always, with everything there are zealots -

No matter if it’s diet, singing, running or frisbee.

For these guys - and I know this because I’ve been there -

Mastering the mind is seen as silencing the mind through force

“Nothing matters” is done through sitting on a spike and putting up with it …

The idea being if you can train the mind to cope with punishment, then you can cope with anything.

Now - force isn’t charming to the mind.

Suffering isn’t a good way of making friends with it.

No way Jose.

It just doesn’t work.

Being without strain and suffering is the key to any learning, any training.

You need commitment for sure - but it take commitment to get up and make a coffee in the morning …

A certain focus to get you where you want to go.

Easily done, effortless, MOST mornings for sure …

But you do it because it’ll bring you reward,

Not a hot cup of strain.

I realised this quickly, I’m glad to say.

When it comes to learning how to master your mind, no force or strain is necessary,

It should, and can be, pleasant.

It should, and can be, instantly rewarding

It’s not about shutting your mind up.

It’s not about forcing it to do anything.

It’s about connecting with that part of you that your mind is actually searching for …

(That’s why it’s so busy -)

Your mind - in its strange way - is trying to help you find happiness and peace.

When you have a proper technique, or a “vehicle”, such as Ascension,

The mind is brought to where its been crazily running around looking for.

That natural, already existing part of you that is ALREADY content and present and stress and strain free.

No effort - it’s pleasant, and rewarding.

Commitment to get your mind used to moving in that certain direction, yes.

Strain and force and punishment? No.

You don’t force the mind to stop running down those rabbit holes of worry, doubt, regret and overwhelm …

You give it something else to tune into.


No strain is key here.

Peace is your natural state - it takes no effort to return to.

Questions on that?

Let me know, and if you like the idea of this effortless way?

Get started with my FREE guide to mastering your mind by keeping it easy and simple:

Go well!



If you have a nearby young child -

Check out how freely they smile.

How effortlessly they are present.

You were the same too, once.

You can be again.

The Wrong Attitude, the Right Zen-titude to end Frustration

So many people say they can’t meditate,

They can't be mindful.

That they forget.

They get frustrated, annoyed by their thoughts, the noise from the neighbour, their heart beatings …

You name it, people get annoyed by it.

And I understand completely.

I’ve been there too.

“What do I DO??!”,

I used to cry to my Ascension meditation teacher.

The answer that he helped me discover is not what I expected -

You don’t DO anything.

You do as little as possible actually.

Yes, that ^^^ annoyed me as well.

Here’s what I mean, grasshopper.

Assume an attitude of Zen,

A Zen-titude ...

Get it?

As in nothing matters.

As in, “I am noble and compassionate - I am patience and presence itself. Nothing ruffles me, I treat all comings and goings, all events with great equanimity. Yes I do indeedy ...”

(Great word is equanimity - look it up)

Its great fun actually -

Just pretending thats you.

Role play!

Assuming a role of “Nothing matters. I’m choose not to be bothered, I am like flowing water, really super peaceful flowing water ... ooh, I really need the loo”

For you see:

The part of you that gets frustrated when you meditate?

When you have too many thoughts?

Or in life when you get anxious, again?

Or your worries get the better of you, once again at 3 in the am?

Or when you react once again in a way you regret?

Let me ask you:

What part of you is getting annoyed and starts fighting?

I’ll tell you:

The very part that you are wanting to lose through meditation and mindfulness.

So by engaging this annoyed part of your mind,

By attempting to get calm … you lose calm.

Do you see?

By wanting something, anything actually - you’re engaging the part of you the struggles and fights and resists

That part of you gets anxious and worries about the future,

That part of you regrets what you’ve done, that feels guilty for what you’re doing,

You know?

So just assume away - as in, assume the Zen-titude.

Don't try and get calm ...

BE calm.

As much as you can, no matter what happens.

It’ll make your meditation and mindfulness practice so much easier and rewarding.

And it’ll mean in your busy life you maintain that half step back of perspective more and more.

Of seeing clearly and RESPONDING, rather than unconsciously REACTING.


Questions? Just ask -

Go well!



Of course - interested in having an end to frustration?

An end to stress and struggle, overwhelm and negativity, anxiety and worry.

Here is your FREE guide to all that goodness.

A better start I know not.

When You Take a Kick to the “Zensticles”

“Zensticles” ... ?

When life delivers a low blow -

You take a kick to the “Zensticles”,

As in:

Your organs of Zen take a blow,

Calm, perspective, fun - it all goes out the window.

You fume and you fight, you shake your fist at the sky: “Why me??”

And it matters not your gender.

“Zenvaries” perhaps …?

The whole point of mindfulness, being present, practicing meditation such as Ascension ... (or Zen for that matter)?

Is to develop sturdier Zen parts,

Ones that will take the knocks of life.

Firm, flexible, fluid, resilient - so you can take the kicks and -

I mean this 100% -

Come up smiling,

With a “thank you” on your lips, a song in your heart -

And actually mean it.

Your attitude to life becomes not: “life is out to kick me in the sensitive bits, and all the time” -

Which it does seem to do sometimes, doesn’t it?

But actually your attitude becomes one of enquiry -

(A Zenitude, to be sure)

You see Life is actually saying to you:

“Hey - how about here? You can become more free and more joyful here and here. Oh, and there’s more to be Lived right here too”

Do you see the difference in approach/attitude?

I know that may seem far fetched, but it’s true.

I’ve seen it in myself and in countless others.

You CAN develop a completely new attitude, a new response to all of life -

Even and especially when it seems life goes pear shaped.

Life stops being merely about survival and just getting by,

Trying not to react, trying to stay on the right side of that stress/enjoyment line

And genuinely and naturally - it’s not forced at all -

Your attitude becomes one of gratitude and learning and exploration -

Not so much “why?” but a lot more “wow”.

Far fetched?

But what if? What if you could live like that?

It would be worth trying, would it not?

So for fantastic Zensticles:

First step - learn to meditate. I personally practice and recommend the Bright Path Ishayas Ascension:

or get my free guide to a sturdy sense of unflappable Zen:

Second step:

Assume the attitude you want to have more of.

If you’re enjoying the results of the “why?” type one, keep doing that.

If you want more of the “Wow!” one - assume that one.

Fake it till you make it.

Start with actively appreciation and gratitude.

Look not for right and wrong, but ask these two questions:

“What can I learn from this?”

“How can I enjoy this more?”

Be patient and compassionate and giving, especially to yourself, put down the whip.

Because you’ll come to realise pretty soon that:

The attitude doesn’t choose you, oh no -

You choose your attitude.

You’re the boss.

You’re in charge.


Excellent - any questions on that, fire away.

Go well!



Apologies to all Zen students without a sense of humour.

Nothing Zen was hurt in the writing of this blog.


Get a free guide to keeping your sense of humour at all times,

Stay cool and calm as a cucumber,

Get excited about life for sure, but on your terms:

You’ll love it.

The Allure of Trashy Novels


One of the things I love is lists -

You know:

"12 things you didn’t know you can make with bacon"

"21 ways to be a better lover"

"9 reasons you should start interrupting everyone, now"

"15 different ways you can stop reading lists and start doing something"

I love them so much, I’ve written at least one:

"108 ways to ditch overwhelm and negativity and make the most of each moment"

You can get a copy here:

And in doing so,

I’m guilty of not doing something I say you should be doing.

It’s all Sumati’s fault (as usual)

I picked up her Kindle the other day to find something to read …

All the covers have topless men with painted on abdominals who are billionaires,

Clutching fulsome women who happen to be:

Magicians or half-vampire vampire hunters or shape shifters,

And who are proudly poor and independent about it.

Some how -

You’ll never guess this, never in a million years,

They go from hating each other to having passionate sex in the bath

All while saving the world from evil.

Amazing huh?

It's just like every dance movie ever made ...

Where the snobby ballet dancer meets the coarse yet driven street dancer.

Deja vu for sure.

I keeping having to ask Sumati (her choice of movie) if this is "Street Dirty Step Up And Bring It" number 3 or 7, or is it 8?

Anyhoo ...

Trashy novels!

I’ve gotten hooked, just like the rest of you.

How wonderful, how entertaining, how “not what you’re supposed to enjoy”

Any guilty pleasure is the same.

You know you shouldn’t and yet you do.

In list of being more mindful -

I was saying you should make your cultural nutrition as wholesome and fibrous and good for you as possible … and so avoid trash.

And yet I resent eating things that are solely good for me, and don’t taste that nice.

You too?

How pompous to be all “should” on you.

I used to have a diet that I thought I should eat.

Totally didn’t suit my body. Ditched it.

Should, could, would.

I've come to realise the bottom line is this:

Just be happy.

Free yourself of shoulds,

Free yourself of needing anything to be happy -

Like everyone to like and approve of you,

Or your partner to stop being so grumpy (because it’s your job to get them out of that funk),

Or waiting till external events go the way you want them to

Unchain yourself from all of that,

Find happiness that is uncaused,

Just because …

You’re alive, and this moment seems to be unfolding all on it’s own, without interference or control from you.

Be happy and you might find you naturally tune into what you want and need to do,

Into what is wholesome for you in this moment.

Which is lovely, indeed.


Go well!



If you liked this, and want emails like this delivered directly to you?

Along with my snazzy free guide to not being overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, or thinking so much?

Head this way:

When Wife Doesn’t do What She Should

So I was holding the bubba -

AKA She who must be obeyed,

Simply because she screams louder than anyone else,

Because we’ve yet to educate her more than we placate her, and …

Through no fault of my own -

I promise there was no jiggling or excessive squashing involved,

The biggest amount of baby vomit I have ever seen gushed ALL over me.

You perhaps know this very well.

Perhaps if you have teenagers who turn up drunk on your doorstep at 3am you’re getting a reminder …?

Anyhoo ...

What did the lovely Sumati do?

1. Laugh - and not ONLY in surprise and with that rather coarse type of humour that comes from enjoying someone’s misfortune,

But in a “how do you like THEM apples?” type way.

2. Tells me not to move because she doesn’t want it spilling on the couch

(which is all fair enough so far, I admit, BUT … )

3. She then ran for her phone, on the other side of the room I may add, to take a photo.

4. After Whats App’ing it to her family and friends …

5. THEN, and only then, once the social media beast was fed, did she offer me assistance in my time of need.

I tell you, it’s hard to find a good wife these days.

But it’s OK because I’ve been practicing what I preach as a meditation teacher.

Everything I say in these emails I practice myself.

I stayed cool and calm, and clearly asked for help without getting too (and perhaps justifiably) upset at being stranded in a puddle of cooling baby cheese.

I laughed at myself, because taking anything seriously is a recipe for self induced misery.

And I stayed present, not referring in my head to the appointment that I had in 5 minutes time, and now had to change clothes for.

I also didn't constantly refer to her perceived short comings,

(Only 3 or 4 times)

All in all, a good result.

But if anyone is after a wife?

I have one for sale.

Needs a touch of training.

I sincerely hope your day is going better!

Go well,



If you’d like to get a phenomenally great practice for making the small (and not so small) disasters of your day a whole lot easier?

Here’s the best place to start, you’ll love this "how to" guide (and it's FREE):

Usain Bolt and all About Arrogance, Humility, Confidence, Doubt

I don’t know if you saw the documentary about Usain Bolt the other night on BBC1?

I didn’t.

ha - so much for that story.

No, there’s more than that.

Today is the day after Señor Bolt’s last 100m race, ever.

World Champs are on, and since I’m writing this early we don’t know if he will go out on top like he’s done for so long,

Or not quite make the great finish he wants.

His form this season hasn’t been world beating …

But I hope he gets that gold, that would make a nice fairy tale ending, wouldn’t it?

The reason I talk about him - and I am excited about watching the documentary is this:

He has a unique mixture of showy “I’m the greatest” without ever coming across as arrogant.

I saw a preview of the documentary,

The interviewer was rightly saying if anyone else did what he did, they would get slammed as being up themselves.

When Usain does his thing, the world laps it up and wants more.

That is fascinating to me, as well as the whole area of confidence and doubt and all that.

I’ve experienced the whole range from being completely arrogant to feeling like I am the lowest of the low, completely useless.

I know arrogance is awful, because it’s just low self-esteem in disguise.

It’s true what they say about the greatest people being willing to be the stupidest person in the room.

But that takes a lot of courage to step into a situation and show everyone that you don’t know.

Doesn’t it?

I know I’ve simply not done things because I didn’t want to appear as the slow one.

Not asked the questions that were burning in my head,

Not asked for help,

Sometimes simply stayed at home - even though I really wanted to get better at that thing.

Do you know that?

Being willing to put that self-doubt and image to one side and get a little uncomfortable is a magic thing.

In any sphere of life you can’t move forward without doing it.

I know it’s not easy, but you know what?

Being a teacher of some things, I LOVE it when people ask questions.

Simply because it makes my job so much easier.

I’ve learnt that I need to anticipate what people’s questions will be -

So I can help the shy ones.

However, it’s not so easy being a mind reader!

If you can jump up, it makes both our lives super simple.

Ascension meditation wise - the same thing occurs.

The same thing stops people showing up.

They really want to do it, but they’re nervous about it all.

They really want to ask a question, but don't want to seem stupid.

And rightly so - I still remember those teachers that slammed me in front of everyone at school.


Decades later and I still remember that!

That’s why I love our Ascension community.

It has so much support, you feel super comfortable, super quick.

It’s full of people who aren’t interested in pretending to be someone,

Or full of arrogance and bravado,

Just truly genuine, fun people wanting an end to stress, struggle and negativity,

And to step into what it’s like to be truly Alive,

All the time.

If you’d like to join us, you’d be so welcome.

Because it’s free to repeat the First Sphere course as many times as you like, you’ll meet them.

And if you are shy, no worries because they’ll probably ask the questions -

Or help you out themselves, if you get chatting.

If you'd like to know more, the best thing I personally would do is get on my email list.

It's full of emails like this one, so if you enjoyed this, you'll probably enjoy the rest.

To sign up, head this way:

Go well!



Oh - I have a FREE (in capitals!) guide - 108 ways of being mindful and present and living a truly Alive life.

Head the same way to get a copy,

(You can always unsubscribe after you get it)


I look at bubba - all 5 months of her,

And there’s zero self-doubt

It doesn’t exist.

She hasn’t learned it yet.

If you’ve learned it?

It can be unlearned.

It can.

Be Responsible or Be Free?

You may be aware that I love kayaking.

It is one of my favourite things to do in the whole wide world.

When I was a young fella I could pretty much go kayaking as much as I liked.

Being single or flexibly attached there was no one telling me I had to stay at home,

How wonderful.

Fast forward a few years and I find myself attached.

Sumati, the mega-awesome wife -

And Bubba, the little helpless creature that must be entertained and looked after.

Attached and with Responsibilities with a capital R.

Last night I was casually looking at the river flows on the internet,

My local river was at the perfect level.

Perfect - and it hasn’t been perfect for months now.

Given that I've been working all day long,

A nice reward would be to head out for a couple or three hours and kayak the evening away.

But -

There’s always a but isn’t there?

Bubba is teething and cranky and Sumati, by the end of the day, has had enough.

I can’t run off. I can’t just do what I want to do. I need to be Responsible.

Now - here is the point:

I can choose to resent my Responsibilities.

“Life was so much better when I was young and carefree …”

(I hear some of you say that too, so I know I’m not the only one with that thought)

“That time when I could do exactly what I wanted …”

(Which is a lie, you’ve rarely been able to exactly what you’ve wanted to.

The golden wave of nostalgia gives you selective memory as there’s ALWAYS been a tradeoff,

there’s always been some responsibilities - even if  they have a small “r”).

Or …

I can realise that my Responsibilities are there because I CHOSE them.

My choices in the past have led me right here to this moment in time.

I can get all pouty and grumpy and try and blame my lovely wife and daughter for ruining my freedom …

Or I can simply accept that life is different now.

And I chose it. No one else.

Instead of trying to maintain a nostalgic vision of a past version of me,

I can crack on and enjoy what I do actually have,

Who I am now.

Of course you can always backtrack,

Make different choices so you’re living that life without Responsibilities.

If you wish …

But freedom never exists externally.


You will always find a trade off.

I had a job as an outdoor instructor because that was my love, and I thought getting paid to do what I loved was an excellent idea.

Because of my poor attitude at the time all that happened was that my hobby and my passion became work.

I resented going kayaking because I wasn’t free to do what I wanted.

You see how it works?

Freedom is an internal state of being.

It stems from fluidity, from acceptance and allowance.

It’s not in resistance or resentment.

It gives you the conscious making of choices.

The best thing to gain internal freedom despite the circumstances of your life?

Meditation, specifically the form I teach and practice -

The Bright Path Ishayas’ Ascension.

Meditation at it’s simplest, most powerful, relaxing and enjoyable.

If you think stepping up into true freedom sounds like a good idea?

Head this way to get your FREE guide to doing and being just that:

Go well!



I know some of you are advanced meditators.

You do this a lot, every day even.

But you have to start bringing that conscious awareness you get from meditation into each and every moment.

Then your meditation practice starts to really fast track your life.

And that’s exactly what I teach you to do:

When things get on top of you

The last 5 or 6 days I’ve been busy …

What I’ve realised is actually -

“I’ve been busy”

Is my personal code for letting things get on top of me.

I’m sure you know what I mean:

It felt like I had a lot to do,

With not enough time to do it all in.

So I got stuck in, and certain things -

Like my Ascension meditation practice and exercise got “temporarily” suspended.

The result?

Although I wasn’t frazzled and stressed and grumpy like I would have done in the past -

(I have my eyes open Ascension meditation tools to thank for that)

I was rushing, I did start to make silly mistakes, I got run down, my throat started to get scratchy ...

Sometimes when you forget and stop doing the things that nurture your centre, your foundation -

It’s a good thing.

That contrast means you realise exactly how important it is to re-engage your rituals.

So you jump back in with renewed vigour.

The most interesting thing about all of this?

Amongst the busy-ness I still found enough time to stay up WAY later than usual reading my book.


Interesting huh?

Busy, but acting like I was on holiday …

What did I do?

Last night I went to bed early so I could do some Ascension and catch up on my sleep.

I certainly did read my book, but not for hours and hours, chasing that next chapter.

I set an alarm, woke up early and made sure I exercised and again practiced my eyes closed.

I can tell you, I certainly didn’t want to leap out of bed - but I managed to stagger out.

But now I feel great. Clear, relaxed, energised.

Ready to handle the busy day.

So I know you’re all busy - you are, and how wonderful.

But busy-ness can be handled in two different ways.

You can let it get on top of you, you can spin around faster and faster chasing the end of your to do list …

Like a hamster on a wheel …

Getting snappier and more frantic and with less effectiveness

Or you can take a fraction of your day and devote it to stabilising You.

Getting clear, content, calm, focussed, happy,

And go from there.

What a difference it makes.

So you know all this and have fallen off the wagon?

Hop back on.

Short term pain of committing yourself to a few small things,

Means pretty much instant and lasting rewards come your way.

From experience let me tell you -

It’s worth it.



Go well!



If you’re looking for something that will help soothe a frantic mind,

To get some deep rest, recovery, healing …

Gain a positive perspective and attitude …

Be a more considerate, nicer, happier, more fun partner, parent, friend and work mate?

(And who doesn’t want that?)

You’ll really like my FREE guide to doing just that.

You'll also get on my email list so I can remind you and inspire you and perhaps just give you some solid tips along the way:

The Search is … What The? (I messed up)

I am sorry.

Despite my best efforts I remain a little technically …

How shall we say?

Sometimes I'm a disaster area.

Yesterday - and I didn't even realise it until someone told me ...

I sent my email list the wrong email.

I hate spam, and I was spamming my heart out ... through ignorance of course, but nonetheless ...

You see, I have a list that give advice, tips, inspiration, know how, funny stories -

All about meditation and mindfulness,

About losing stress and struggle and confusion,

About mastering the mind and getting calm, focussed and happy,

And about discovering what it means to truly be alive.

(Sign up here if you like the idea of that:)

I invited everyone on that list to a live Facebook event

But unfortunately…

I sent it to the wrong email group.

You see -

If you haven’t learnt to Ascend, you can’t come.

It’s members only.


One of the perks of learning The Bright Path Ishayas' Ascension.

We as teachers provide all the help and support you want and need.

My way of doing it is live video so I can answer people's questions on a one to one basis,

But everyone wins because they usually have something similar going on.

All this support - for free - to me is amazing.

And I benefitted from enormously when I was learning the ins and outs of Ascension meditation.

I know I do it because I love it,

And there's nothing better than helping people make the most of what you've just taught them.

Seeing the light switch on in their eyes and stress fall away is ... priceless.

The most simplest and powerful techniques for mastering your worries, doubts and stresses?


The tools to stay present and focused and calm and content and alive no matter where you are or what you are involved in?


Person to person support as an ongoing additional to the initial course?


The ability to repeat the course for free, anywhere in the world, as many times as you like?

(Something I very much recommend, by the way …)


Very cool.

It’s like a lifetime membership so you can constantly and never-endingly learn and grow and be inspired …

It really is the end of stress and struggle and discovering what it is to truly be alive.

But I do apologise.

Without coming to the initial course ...

(Which actually you can do - and why not?)

I can only help you on a limited basis.

The best I can do is we can arrange a coaching call about some simple things you can do straight away -

Which is actually super cool in itself.

My recent ones have been really satisfying in that the guys I've talked to have been getting a lot in a short time.

It’s free - so if you’d like to take advantage of that, head this way:

Go well!



I do apologise, once again.

I don’t like to promise stuff and then take it away.

But …

since it’s out there,

If you are an Ascender?

On Thursday at 8pm UK time,

For an educational, entertaining and enlightening 45 minutes or so

Be here:

Apply early so I can add you before the event.

It *should* be recorded so you can watch it later,

Though given my propensity for technical disaster, we shall see ...

Star dust people

So your quirky, slightly out there friend had it right.

You ARE made of star dust.

Scientists have recently found that at least half of the atoms that make up our body have come from the other side of the galaxy.

That’s pretty cool.

But let me ask you something …

Do you LIVE as if you were made up of star dust?

Or do you live as if you were the dust of stars left under the couch by the cosmic cleaner?

Perspective is everything.

Your attitude changes everything.

Glass half-empty or half-full?

Changes the whole game.

It’s such a simple choice but it has huge knock on effects down stream, in all parts of your life.

I saw another serious science study -

If you thought you were anxious and overwhelmed by something then you performed badly,

But if you labelled the same physical symptoms as “excitement” -

You performed much better than when you told yourself you were anxious.

Cool huh?

Your mind filters and transforms everything you see.

It interprets it all and creates your reality.

Star dust or couch dust?

Up to you.

So being more positive is the first step -

Because it rearranges all that internal programming and filters of negativity and overwhelm and guilt.

The next step is to get in touch with that experience of presence and stillness beyond thinking.

Then you can experience life AS IT IS rather than as your mind tells you it is.

It’s not that hard to do, actually.

Be present to this moment.

Rather than tune into the things around you, or even your body,

Relax back into that sense of You -

That sense of awareness and presence that is the source of your senses.

The You that hasn't and won't change ever.

The core of your being.

There …

And if that DOES seem like hard work -

Or you can’t do it when and where you want,

I would start with my FREE guide to doing just that.

Get your copy right here:

Go well, star people!

(never thought I’d write that - heh heh)



The other option for you if you want to learn to master your mind?

You and me get on the phone and we talk some things you can do straight away through.

Simple, easy, fun and free too. 

Get stupid quick

That’s what my Bright Path Ishayas’ Ascension meditation teacher says.

It surprised me the first time I heard him say it.

Isn’t it best to get smarter?

Well - he’s right.

In that many many times in life, the more you think things over, the more likely you are to mess them up.

You see, if you have ever read Terry Pratchett you may well be aware that there’s first thoughts -

They’re kind of like your intuition, what you REALLY want or need to do or say …

And quite often if you’re speaking these thoughts when turned into words are really funny - even though you had no idea of their humour

Then there’s second, and third thoughts.

They’re the ones that come in soon after telling you why you shouldn’t, couldn’t or wouldn’t.

Where first thoughts are simple and quick, second and third (and fourth) thoughts go on forever.

You wake up the next day and you’re still on them.

They’re what lead to regret and guilt and worry and panic and all of that.

While John Lennon was well true when he said that life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans,

Life is what happens to you while you are busy having second and third thoughts.

Try and catch the first thoughts before they get swamped and you lose them.

Awareness and presence is key.

A meditation practice, such as the one I do, is the greatest thing for awareness of first thoughts.

It’s a great thing for getting stupid quick -

Rather than thinking things over so much you miss the pure simplicity and boldness, creativity and inspiration of those quiet first thoughts.

Or even being paralysed by indecision over which thoughts to follow.

Used to happen to me all the time.


Sound good to you?

If you’re ever interested in this stuff, and would just like to talk it through a bit more?

I’m available for a free coaching type call on meditation and mindfulness.

And we'll get you stress and struggle free, calm and centred in a jiffy.

Head this way: 

If you have any questions?

Just let me know, I’d love to help!

Go well,


The thing I’m not good at

Just bought me and the family a new second hand car.

I know nothing about cars,

And I have met some shady characters when I was looking.

So it’s already brought me lessons.

Which I'll tell you about:

But first, let me ask you something:

When someone does something obviously that adversely affects you, or will in the near future, do you:

a) get angry and in a loud voice tell them and everyone around you how much of an idiot they are, and spend the next 3 days stewing over that moron … ?

b) tell them immediately in a calm clear manner, expressing what you would like them to do?

c) think you might have misheard them, perhaps they aren’t being deliberately this way, maybe you did something wrong, and it doesn’t matter any way, I’ll just let it go … then spend the next 3 days rehearsing the conversation in your head the way you wished it had gone … ?

Which one are you?

Let me tell you something for free -

People who can pull off b) are very rare.

Very rare indeed.

Speaking up, not losing their cool and getting all dramatic but not being a walk over either.

That balance is a wonderful thing.

Now I’m by nature a classic c) -

Swallowing everything I have to respond and then regretting it for days after.

Bottling up what I really wanted to say because …

Well - because I, and if you’re like me you know this, don’t trust or value what we have to say -

And perhaps we don’t want to hurt anyone,

But basically it’s shying away from confrontation.

My foray into buying a car -

For a variety of reasons -

Has meant I’ve had to pull by big boy pants on and speak up.

It’s a fascinating thing actually:

Seeing where I need to say something -

And how my mind just squeaks and hates it.

It would rather I stay safe and not say a word.

Now - 

From experience I know it’s a bad way -

I just end up frustrated and angry and stewing,

It's so much better to let it out there and then.

Difficult conversations are best had when and where they come up.

Delaying and avoiding is not the way forward.

No sir-ree.

It’s an interested thing -

Because my Ishayas’ Ascension meditation practice has allowed me to see that I NEED to speak up.

Meditation isn’t - as some people think - avoiding action,

Or becoming a walk over -

It’s about being more truthful to yourself.

For sure you become less a) and more compassionate and patient and forgiving,

But when you need to say something you sure know it.

It becomes so clear.

And so you speak up.

So if you’re an a) and need to moderate your reactions

Or like me and a c) and need to speak up more often …

I think you’d really like Ascension.

It’ll give you the awareness and the clear mind and the boldness to start doing what you need to do.

But if you’re not ready to make all of life fun and effective and filled with peace just yet?

Just try and stay aware of what may appear difficult in the short term but will be long term excellent.

Don’t take the easy way out and fall into unconscious reaction.

Calmly and consciously choose your response.

This FREE guide will help enormously:

Go well



Or perhaps you would like a free coaching call and I can help you apply this stuff to your life immediately?

Watching car crash TV

I’m in the waiting room of my mechanic -

And there’s Jeremy Kyle on the TV.

I’ve never seen Mr Kyle’s show before,

What a treat!

If you haven’t seen it, or live outside the UK, how can I explain?

A talk show where family members, friends … people … get on and discuss a problem.

But of course it’s sensational .. people shout and argue, walk off, throw things, fight.

Many times it’s humanity at its worst.

I told the receptionist I’d never seen the show and she was all mock shock and surprise -

She loves it you see,

When she watches how terrible other humans are,

How bad some people’s lives are,

It makes her life seem alright.

It makes her appreciate her own life so much more.

I see what she means …

But what if you could appreciate and be grateful for your life without comparison?

You see, comparison can become the thief of joy -

Because if you’re comparing down in some sort of social strata -

You’ll be comparing up too.

And that can hurt.

Comparison can be great -

Having the perspective that you have a wonderful life sometimes comes from seeing others struggle.


What if appreciation and gratitude became your natural way of living life?

A choice for sure, but a choice that became automatic?

There are two ways you can make sure of that -

When you notice that you’re harsh on yourself,

When you’re focussed on what is wrong, on what is missing or lacking,

When you’re judging and condemning yourself or others,

Put in place the opposite, “upward spiralling” thought -

Find something to appreciate.

Find something to be grateful for.

Help someone out.

And …

Be present, be in the here and now.

Becoming more aware of your own presence in this moment,

Being more immersed in what is right in front of you,

Being in your body as opposed to being in your mind, thinking your life away …

This is the root of becoming automatically appreciative and grateful -

Without needing someone else to be doing worse than you.

Those people who Ascend and are reading this know what I’m talking about.

Because it makes that choice automatic.

It takes away the habits of judgement and focussing on what is wrong.

It's a super simple and yet powerful way of changing the foundation of your entire life.

If you have no idea of what I'm talking about?

Start right here with my free guide to being more present and positive:

or if you want me to guide you through with a quick,

And free coaching call about all this stuff,

head this way:

Go well!



One top tip for a happier life is ...

To limit the amount of trashy gossipy magazines and TV you get yourself exposed to.

Think of it like fast food for your soul,

Tastes good for about a second,

THEN you feel it.

Everyone loves a cheeky binge of junk food every now and then for sure,

But all the time? Not so good huh?

Feed yourself good stuff!

What’s my name again?

My Dad is a wonderful bloke,

I mean, he made me didn’t he?

heh heh

But for a while now he’s been over the top worried about losing his memory.

I laugh (a little, on the inside)

Because one of the things that happens when you detach from worry about the future and regret for the past …

When you get more and more present -

Any other moment becomes further and further away in terms of “reality”.

It seems like ancient history.

Which means sometimes I can hardly recall what I ate for breakfast this morning.

It’s all a bit funny - (and don’t worry, in many ways you have a BETTER memory simply cos there’s not so much stuff fighting for attention in your head)

But he was worried, getting more and more anxious when he can’t remember stuff …

Then I catch up with his sister, my aunty …

And she’s the same.

My cousin explained it all -

The reason for the almost paranoia is that there's a family history of dementia,

And my dad and aunt are looking for signs of it in their own heads,

So no wonder they’re going a little demented just with anxiety.

You know what I mean?

Anxiety - doesn’t help no one.

Least of all the things you want to avoid.

The anxiety about a thing possibly happening is far worse than the actual thing.

You know?

You spend your whole time in your head,

Thinking and planning and counter planning, predicting and counter predicting,

About something that MAY NOT even happen,

All the time unable to enjoy what’s going on right in front of you.

And here’s what I’ve realised:

Very little of what I’ve been worried about in the past has actually happened.


If it did happen, it was never as bad as my mind made it out to be.

There’s a fine line between doing what you can actually do right now,

And letting all the rest go.

Something like dementia?

What can you do?

I’m no expert, but stay active, eat your fish oil, challenge your brain, don’t eat out of aluminium …

Meditate for sure (Bright Path Ishayas’ Ascension is my practice)

The rest?

You gotta just stop thinking so much - let it go and enjoy what you do have.


Go well



My suggestion for the greatest thing to do to create the habit of being calm,

Of not being anxious and worried,

Of letting go the stuff you have no control over?

Is right here, and is FREE.

A free guide to being free of anxiety, calm and content.

The Question That Ends Stress and Misery

I was tapping into some of my sources of inspiration and “remindering” today -

And besides getting a touch sidetracked -

By footage of Michael Phelps the legend Olympic swimmer racing a shark

(That’s certainly a novelty event, is it not?)

I found a great question that I want to ask you, in a minute.

But first:


It’s not actually a word, no ...

As you may have guessed because likelihood is if you're reading this, you're pretty darn smart,

But it IS the art of putting yourself in the way of remembering what is important.

Part of making sure you keep peace, happiness and contentment as a priority in your day,

Is simply staying reminded.

That “oh yes - that IS important to me”

“The reason I work so hard is basically so I can be happy.”

“Let’s see if I can choose to be happy first and then I won’t NEED to work so hard … but may well WANT to”

“But I definitely won’t get so stressed trying to secure happiness only by getting something”

You see how it goes?

We live our lives in such a blur of activity, we lose track of life as it is, right now.

Our minds whisk us away to uncertain futures,

To happiness being caused and not chosen for, independent of external circumstances.

And those things cause us stress.

SO - in my remindering this morning,

I found a wonderful question you can ask yourself when you’re in the middle of that,

If you can get presence of mind enough to ask yourself it.

Especially before it all gets too blown up.

If you’re lucky, and you have someone who can ask you it when they notice you’re slipping into stress?

All the better.

It’s from a guy called Dax Moy who I’ve just found and seems to be very good if you’re a coach/teacher/mentor/parent of any sort.

He says why not ask yourself when you’re getting stressed,

Or know you’re headed to a challenging time:


“How can I enjoy this more?”


How wonderful …

Puts things into perspective, no?

It makes the baseline of this moment more joy.

And that is always a good thing, even in serious moments.

Dax talked about his family using it even at his relative’s funeral.

“How can we enjoy this more?”

A conscious and aware creation of each and every moment of your life, all wrapped up around more joy.

So - give it a go,

And go well!



Want a free guide to meditation and mindfulness?

A great place to start on practicing remindering yourself

or, even better:

A free coaching session with me on being stress free and joyful super quick?

Head this way:

Ordinary Heroes

Spent last week on a course with a bunch of awesome people.

Only on the night before we finished do I find out that:

One has an MBE

One was in the French Foreign Legion

One played rugby at a national finals at Twickenham, the home of English rugby

One had foiled a master (and rather nasty) criminal

One is a single mum with 5(!) kids and holds down a full time job to support them all

(she wants more but can’t find a car big enough to carry them all - haha!)

One was blown up and had to have his nose sown back on

One at 40 has just found out they have Parkinson’s

Wow, huh?

All had incredible stories that made us laugh and gasp and wonder …

And “nothing special” they all said.

Just a room full of ordinary people - shrugging their shoulders and living their lives.

The ups and the downs,

The wows and the whys.

Dealing with life and all it throws at them as best they can.

Heading towards what they want as best they can.

And that is the fact of life.

It’s full of ordinary heroes.

Nothing special - but really - actually - it is a bit special isn’t it?

We are a talented bunch, but we just don’t realise it.

Now - All of these awesome people were in that room because they wanted a way of getting on top of their minds.

So they can live a life of quality.

Because they all have realised that the single biggest handbrake in their life exists between their own ears.

Thoughts, reactions, attitudes, expectations, plans …

All of that stuff that goes on in your mind.

So no matter what your life has been like.

What HAS happened to you,

What IS happening to you,

You can learn to have a choice.

A choice in whether you struggle and fight and let yourself be swayed by bad habits,

Or are calm, centred, content and full of enjoyment.

And what a difference that choice makes in living a productive and profound life.


So if you'd like more?

If you’d like a way of dealing with life’s curve balls with more style?

If you’d like a platform of being the best version of you, always?

I have a free guide to doing just that.

Get it here:

Go well!


The great kind of reminder

You know what I love best about my daughter?

It’s being reminded by her constantly of what’s really important.

First thing in the morning I take the chance to Ascend when she has a nap -

Quiet bubba means I can get quiet time and spend some time nurturing me.

She wakes with a huge smile on her face.

She’s so happy, just to be awake, alive, to see me

(I guess - maybe she's laughing at me? ha!)

What a great start to the day you know?

Such a reminder that I want to live life with a huge fat inner smile.

Adults get caught up in all sorts of games and mind trickery -

They forget the things that really matter …

In the busy-ness of life and getting stuff done -

We forget … you forget.

And that’s the cause of all your stress and struggle and misery …

Because you don’t remember what is really important to you.

You don’t prioritise what is really crucial to you.

You know?

So in this game of life, staying reminded, staying inspired is everything.


What do you do to stay inspired?

How do you - yes you - stay motivated and reminded to do those things that make you come alive,

And live a life with a big fat inner smile?

It’s worth doing, isn’t it?

Here's a FREE guide on ways of staying reminded - and clear of stress and struggle:

Go well!



Perhaps that’s why grandparents love being grandparents so much?

They’ve got the perspective -

They’re not trying to survive,

They’ve got that half step back from it all,

And because of that can really enjoy their time