When you try hard to get it right, the only outcome is wrong.
You are not a cup of tea
What makes something spiritual?
Three things
Cake or Death?
Do you like shoes too?
Don’t wait for a later – there might not be one
If you had three wishes, what would you ask for?
There’s what you want, and then there’s what you need
Back From the Wilds
Lousy Lifeguards Ahoy!
Avoid the Grey Life and Have a One that's Worth Living
What gets you out of bed in the morning? What floats your boat, lifts your skirt, puts lead in your pencil?
One of the greatest things you can do for your life is nurture your sense of caring about something, anything.
It gives you a defence from apathy and sleep walking grey-ness, and it means your days have meaning, bringing everything Alive.
The rules of success, experts, and “doing it right”
How your mind defines and limits your life
Don't let the little kid drive
We are always choosing our response to life, truly we are.
The trouble is often you have no idea what you are choosing. You are asleep to the big picture. The little kid that exists inside each and every one of our brains is in the driving seat.
When the adult wakes up, often that’s where regret comes. Here’s all about waking up to freedom of choice.
What my mum taught me about goals, and life, via learning to touch my toes
I’d forgotten completely about this until recently. As a kid I was incredibly wise, and more the wiser for not knowing that I was so.
Experts will tell you that the fastest way to get anywhere is make the goal about what you can do every single day. And to make it fun … that any challenge can be fun, with the right attitude.
This is what I learnt from my mum and trying to touch my toes.
Why failure seems to be necessary
What can a Crossfit coach tell you about failure and the anxiety around making poor decisions in your life? Turns out, quite a lot.
If you’re afraid of making mistakes, you never do anything. Even making a simple decision can create anxiety and havoc within you. Yet, it seems risking failure is necessary to move forward in life. At the very least, it’s obvious that success, no matter how soothing to the ego it is, is actually a very poor teacher.
Here’s all about failure, courage, your mind, and dealing with it.
Stop reacting and make inner peace a habit
When people decide to go, and other things
How do you live your own truth and wisdom?
When there are so many opinions and so little examples of wisdom and truth out there, how do you know where to turn when there aren’t many true teachers, showing you what you truly need to know in life?
Who do you believe? Who do you follow? Who is truly wise?
What direction will ultimately give you the complete fulfilment that you crave from life?