How do you make your mind a force for good in your life, not negativity and chaos? Learn how to change the game so you’re the master of your mind, not it the master of you.
Three particular bits of wisdom were once thought powerful enough to carve in stone so all the bright lights of the Ancient world has a chance to reflect on them. Maybe they’re still relevant to us today.
Life will change. It won’t be this way forever. But there is something within you that never changes. When you find that place, you have the ultimate refuge from all the storms of life.
Perhaps the fundamental lesson of life isn’t in how to remove challenges from life – but how to deal with the unexpected and unwelcome in a more and more skillful way. Here’s how.
We live busy lives, all of us. We don’t have a lot of time. But – you can make sure it’s Quality time. And I say you need to, otherwise life will just pass you by before you know it.
Walking in the mountains is a physical act that is also strangely philosophical and spiritual. Here’s what I learnt about life from climbing some big hills.
We see stress and struggle and problems as an inevitable part of being human. But what if we’re just settling for so much less than we could have from life? What if you could have so much more peace and clarity and fun, all the time?
All challenges only become trouble when we get lost in time. The solution to ending all troubles and suffering – every single last one – is to stop time-travelling.
We can get so stuck in anticipating an ideal future, we miss out on enjoying the reality of the moment we find ourselves in. If you want the good life, learn to enjoy now – whatever it may contain. This is the fastest path to a life of more.