
Soldiers Riding Dolphins!

dolphinSo the wife and I are on holiday - wandering around Nice, France - and we came across an old mosaic - two dolphins with soldiers on their backs. If that's not badass I don't know what is.

Riding your personal dolphin into battle would be quite something. And I know I'd run a mile if I saw a fleet of angry sea mammals headed my way.

Anyhow … this may tie in, or not, we'll see how I go ... All I know about life, and living it well (as opposed to merely surviving and getting by) is all based on your perspective.

In other words, your mindset or your attitude.

That right there changes everything.

It’s the difference between whether you love life, or whether its a bit of a drag, or downright misery.

It’s the difference between being getting sucked into drama and stress, and being able to shrug it off and do the best with what you have.

Because you can’t always change the situations you’re faced with.

But you can change your attitude to them.

And stress and drama and misery and all that stuff isn’t so much caused by what happens.

It’s caused by how you deal with it.

How you respond, how you react - that is the one thing you have control over.

It may take some practice, but you do.

It's the one thing everyone forgets.

So walk through through today with your eyes wide open to your reactions and responses to life.

Notice how you respond.

The quicker you notice, the quicker you can choose to have a different response.

You see, the longer a particular response goes on - say anger or worry - the more momentum it builds up.

Like a stampeding pod of dolphins it becomes harder to turn it around.

And then you do or say stuff you regret later on. It definitely not much fun.

You can turn it around - but it’s easier to nip it in the bud earlier on.

So for today - be super aware, and notice where you can make a different choice.

And make it.

One of the benefits of this Mountain Mindset programme that I need volunteers to help test is that your automatic response starts being one of positivity not negativity.

You start being more “teflon” to events that would usually cause foaming at the mouth.

It just slips by you - you just don't automatically react anymore.

This programme means you have real choice in how you want to act and be and live.

Which, I don’t know about you, but for me is worth its weight in gold.

It’s the freedom to choose how you live. It's the freedom to be independent of the random events (and people) of life.

So if you’d like some of that, then get on the email list to find out more: Have a great day. Keep an eye on the horizon for them dolphins. Arjuna

PS. This stuff isn’t for everyone. Some are more than happy to stay where they are.

And I get that.

It’s easier to blame other people and what’s going on in your life for how you feel and what you do.

It takes a certain responsibility - and a certain boldness - to take the steering wheel of your own life and declare this is up to me!

(But at the end of the day - the only way to live).

If that’s you?

Go here, and live well:

Fear versus doing what you want to do

fearI have the privilege to be surrounded by some amazing people. Some of them I see every morning for coffee, some of them I’ve never met - they are their words on a screen.

Nonetheless they never fail to inspire me.

The one thing they have in common is that they don’t let their heads get in the way of what they want to do.

Everyone has a horrible, fearful voice in their head.

Everyone. I don’t care who you are, everyone has doubt.

Man - I'm actually surprised humanity does anything with the heads we have on our shoulders.

The whole game of life can be boiled down to the balance between fear and what we want to do.

When you feed fear, it wins.

When you acknowledge that you’re afraid, that you don’t know, that you’re worried of what other people will think...

... and you do what you want to do ANYWAY …

The little fearful voice shrinks. Freedom grows.

This is the whole game of life, isn't it?

Fear versus what we want to do.

The courage it takes sometimes not to listen to your head and keep moving forward is huge, and I don't think many people have that.

For me I just don't want that little whiny grey voice to win.

Even if it comes up time and time and time again.

So well done, well done for having the courage to do the things you want to do, to live the life you want to live.

Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

I love quotes, and here are a couple that I remind myself with often to help me do just that:


“All you have to do is follow through. Never give an inch to fear. Focus on what is real - never doubt, never turn from the One. Then, when you master that, life is simple." - MSI

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.” - Ambrose Redmoon _____________________

If you want help conquering fear and self-doubt my “mental fitness” guinea pig trial programme can definitely assist you.

I can’t say it takes away that voice, but it will make your options clearer.

It takes away the sheer intensity and the paralysis that sometimes comes when you’re in the grip of the grey voice of doom.

You have space to breathe and do what you want to do, not what the voice says.

It gives you very real choice in terms of what voice you listen to, and what you ultimately end up doing.

I can’t take away fear, and in fact I don’t think it’s possible - fear means whatever it is, it's important to you.

Your job is not to let it win. And that gets easier.

The whole game of life - right there.

Fear versus what you want to do.

If you need help with that I can.

So consider my programme - it won’t just you any money, but it won’t come cheaply - if that makes sense.

I need you to do some things ...

- so read the terms and conditions closely -

But I think you’ll find the pay off for your investment of time and energy to be well worth while.

Any questions? Hit me up.

Have a great weekend! Arjuna


Places are limited. I’m not just saying that.

I can only take 8 men who are serious about upping their mental game.

The tools are amazing (and simple) and the ongoing support from me and the rest of the fellas will blow you away.

It's going to be transformative, and a lot of fun too.

If you want a seat at the table, don’t delay.

You can apply here:

Bad day? What to do about it before you make it worse

bad dayI woke up this morning nice and early to do some exercise. It was tough - waking up that is, because I didn’t want to be awake and get out of bed early. But I did, being a dedicated sort of fellow.

Perhaps I should’ve stayed in bed. You see, warming up I tweaked my back. Not much, but in that sort of way to let me know that if I did more movement of a vigorous nature I would regret it later.

So being smart - actually I think I’m finally starting to learn after repeated examples of ignorance - instead of pushing through, I quit. Some light stretching and a walk for me.

That wasn’t at all in my plan for this morning.

Was it a bad thing that I didn’t get my way?

Who knows?

The point I want to neatly segue into is that bad days don't just happen.

A bad day begins when things don't go the way you planned them.  A bad day simply is that reality hasn't met your expectations of what "should" have occurred.

But then the degree to which it is a bad day, ranging from merely difficult to complete disaster, depends on how much you were fixed on sticking with your plan - i.e. how much you resist what is.

Life isn't good or bad, it isn't out to get you sometimes, it just is what it is. Life is constant change. Can you be fluid enough and adapt?

How flexible and fluid you are with what is happening will determine how much freedom you will experience. If you can cultivate an attitude of "how fascinating!" to everything that happens to you, life will become an absolute adventure and never ever "bad".

The end of bad days is all in your attitude.

You can step out the door with a plan, but surrender it to an attitude of adventure: "OK! what is going to happen today? Bring it on! I'm ready. And if I'm not ready, I'll just be surprised".

Do this and you'll never have a bad day ever again. I promise you.

And you’ll be much more present to this moment too.

Have a great day, and a superb weekend - Arjuna

The world champions who sweep the floor

So after the other day’s little whine about a certain football player of Portuguese origin - I still don’t know how to spell his first name, and I’m not that interested in learning. oooooh! I'm such a ... I thought I would back it up with another little story, a good story about the value of humility and putting others first.

I’m actually not really a team sports guy. I tried when I was young and I didn’t like letting people down. If I made a mistake I took it pretty hard.

It’s different now that I meditate. I’m nowhere near as hard on myself as I used to be.

I’ve learned to love the team. I like what I have in kayaking - it’s individual, totally up to me whether I do or don’t, but it’s also undeniably a team supportive thing.

If I run a rapid and I mess up then a) I rely on my team who will try and save my sorry arse (hopefully - if they like me), but also there is the fact that b) if I die, I’m fine - it’s the guys who are left behind that have to cope.

I can’t be selfish. If my game is off, I owe it to others to take an easier option, even though my pride might suffer. I learnt that the hard way by seeing a buddy do something he wasn't ready for.

Anyhow - read an article about the All Blacks. World Champion rugby players.

Back in the old days when professionalism was just coming in quite a few players started to get an ego, a very high opinion of themselves.

Don’t know about you but the people I remember, always, are the ones that are the complete opposite of arrogant.

These are the guys that inspire, stay in my head and motivate me to not only be a better kayaker but to be a better person.

Nothing worse than someone who has so much natural and hard earned talent, who is totally up his own arse.

The All Blacks coaching and management saw heads starting to crawl up butts and decided to do something about it.

You see, the All Blacks aren’t just a team. In a small country they are owed by the country.

It’s kinda like what I see in football here in the UK but more so.

The chances of meeting an All Black down the street is huge in New Zealand. I went to university with several.

Back when I was a swimming instructor I even taught one how to swim (like teaching a 7 foot 110 kg brick to float).

And so in a small place if the All Blacks started to get arrogant, it shows pretty quickly in the kids. And if the kids and the up and comers are arrogant, it changes the whole feel of the game and, believe it or not, the country.

So they started making changes.

One of the things they did was start introducing chores to the players.

Sweeping the changing room floor or collecting the jerseys after a match in a bag so they could be taken to the laundry, that kind of thing.

Purposely menial jobs that every single player, no matter who, was rostered to do.

Imagine Ronaldo picking up the boys’ jerseys after a match? Nope.

But it was all about service and humility and about giving to a larger picture than just yourself.

The foundation for all these changes in the team was, and still is:

“Better people make better All Blacks”.

And these changes shows in the team and in the players - their winning percentage has risen from 84% to 93% in the last 5 years - and I would say it shows in the country too.

I mean, isn't that awesome? The most dominant team in the world - 93% of their matches are wins - and they sweep their own changing room floor.

Awesome. And true.

Better people are better at everything.

Now how does this relate to meditation?

Meditation shows you any blindspots. It makes blind reaction obvious.

It shows you where you can make better choices. And it makes making better choices easier and natural. By making better choices you become a better person.

By being a better person, by overcoming your own internal limitations, every part of your life blossoms - it doesn’t matter if you are a rugby player or a dad, a rock climber or an office worker, or indeed, all four.

You win, your partner and family win, your friends win, your community wins.

Meditation gives you choice. And in choice there is freedom; freedom to do what you want to do and be who you want to be.

So practice. Close your eyes. Get some clarity and calm before you launch into action. You won’t regret it.

A long story for the weekend, but one hopefully you get something from.

If you want to learn the Ishayas’ Ascension meditation, the next course is next weekend - starting Friday night so don’t dilly dally.

Book here:

Enjoy! Arjuna “sports mad lately”

Is one of the best athletes in the world the worst sportsman?

OK, so one thing first - I’m not a big football fan, being from New Zealand rugby’s more in my blood, but I love sports, especially when the underdog does good.

To catch you up if you didn’t know - as I write, tiny little Iceland just drew against Portugal. Awesome. Love that.

Ronaldo had a little hissy fit after the match …

I’m not a big fan of Ronaldo anyway (I attempted to spell his first name and gave up in laziness), he’s a bit too shiny and well manicured for my liking.

If we’re talking football players, Messi is more my cup of tea. He is amazing and yet seems so modest and humble.

And I guess when you’re in the public eye every moment, every word, every action is out there, you can’t hide, everything is up for misinterpretation.

And it’s so easy to point fingers from my little coffee table office.

But Ronaldo man showed me again why he’s not my personal number one guy.

He had a little whine and a moan, said the Icelanders played a small game. From what I read he said they didn’t play properly.

In other words “I couldn’t win, because they didn’t play the way I wanted them to”.

One of the greatest players in the world, and he says, like a victim, I couldn’t win because of what they did.

Passing the buck.

The biggest lesson the Ishayas’ Ascension meditation has given me is to know when I’m passing the buck, and blaming other people or my life situation or my head or my mood or whatever for why something didn’t happen.

To be clearer on this point: it’s given me the experience that life works better when I take full responsibility for every single thing that happens.

Try it.

When you assume responsibility for everything that happens, you’re in control. Destiny isn’t forced upon you, it becomes about you making the most of what you’ve got.

You live life, rather than life lives you.

It cuts the whining, it cuts the inaction, it cuts through so much rubbish so many people have going around in their heads.

If you want to have a better life the fastest way is to take responsibility for your results.

Then you can’t point the finger and blame and whine.

It’s a big choice, but huge in that it sets you free. And whining is so comfortable sometimes…

Perhaps Ronaldo didn’t mean it the way he said it, perhaps he was just grumpy in that moment, but it certainly was a nice reminder for me this morning.

And for you?

The next Ishayas’ Ascension course begins in just over a week. Don’t delay: Get in before you put it off for the next next time.

Have a great day now

- Arjuna “I don’t want problems, Ronaldo, I want solutions” Ishaya

My mother in law's attitude

This won’t be your typical mother in law joke email. Sorry about that.

It's just that I can't complain. Quite the opposite, actually.

I’ve got the excellent good luck (is it luck?) to have amazing parents in law.

They both teach the Ishayas’ Ascension meditation. Which makes things super easy, and fun, and loving between us.

It’s my wife’s mum’s birthday today.

She is truly an inspiration. I’ve known her for longer than I’ve known my wife, so I have a lot to thank her for in that department.

She has also taught me so much about life, and the difference an attitude makes.

The fundamental thing that I’ve learnt from her comes from her approach that nothing is wrong.

Nothing is wrong - only an attitude makes it so.

She lives her whole life as if the whole of creation wants to show her how to have a better life.

When something happens that is unexpected, it isn’t wrong, it’s just that she doesn’t see the good in it yet.

She’ll exclaim “how fascinating!” rather than get down in the dumps that things aren’t working out they way she expected them to.

She’ll stay so present, because only the future will be uncertain. The present moment is the only certainty.

Of course she makes decisions and plans - but it always based around excitement and possibility rather than fear and worry.

Isn’t that an amazing attitude?

And it really works for her - she’s had some serious health issues to really test the strength of that attitude.

Living with cancer for over ten years and staying away from fear is a marvellous example to me.

It’s one thing to say this stuff, it’s a completely different one to live it. And she lives it supremely well.

Puts my little troubles in perspective when my whiney little head kicks off.

Your attitude makes an incredible difference: You can see the glass as half full or half empty.

One perspective creates fear and worry and stress, one creates hope and possibility and joy.

Life is going to happen in mysterious ways anyway, you might as well enjoy it.

Anyway - that’s my little tribute to my mother in law, an inspiration and a guide in so many ways.

Now an attitude like that doesn’t happen over night - it takes persistence to be present and see the good in this moment.

Your limiting attitude habits will be the opposite of that so it takes a little practice to overcome those habits.

Simple though … just replace one with another.

Simple, but perhaps not easy ...?

Learning the Ishayas’ Ascension makes making a solid attitude so straight forward.

Honestly - having a practice like this makes life super simple, an obvious choice.

You want that too?

I can't recommend strongly joining us to learn: Have a great day out there. Make it so. Arjuna

p.s. Learning to be present and have the greatest attitude is not only simple, you get to repeat the course as many times as you like for free.

This means you have a lifetime of support.

Not bad huh? Jump in!

The one thing you can stop doing that makes all of life better - for everyone

Here I am in my home office, coffee in hand, Ishayas’ Ascension meditation done for the morning.

I feel great. I feel set up, ready for my to do list, ready for all the stuff the day will present.

I love feeling this way, you know? Switched on, clear - not foggy, present and alive - not worried or scattered in the head. Makes the day super simple, and so much more enjoyable.

The thing I have noticed about people is some people you want to be around. You really enjoy their company. They lift you up and inspire you while relaxing you at the same time.

It’s a curious feeling, but its of complete contentment, acceptance and yet also of possibility. Good people are great to be around. Then, of course, there is the others that you don’t want to be around.

To make sure you are the type of person other people like to be around, in fact that help other people without saying a word, is pretty straightforward …

…though like all things needs just a little persistence.

And doing this one thing means you also create more peace, clarity and happiness in your own life.

This one thing I would say without a doubt is to stop complaining completely.

Even if you think you’re a pretty positive person, see where you are overly dwelling on what you think is wrong.

You see complaining is useless. Whining and moaning and whinging just creates more of the same.

If you can do or say something to fix a problem, go ahead and do that. But above all things, see if you can give up complaining about it.

Instant better life, instant better person.

Enjoy your day!

  • Arjuna

PS. If you’re interested in joining us for a weekend to learn the Ishayas’ Ascension meditation, there is a weekend here at Ascension HQ coming up.

The best tools to become more aware of your blindspots, more relaxed, more clear and present, more alive.

Come - it’s the one thing that will help every part of your life.

Who is your hero?

Muhammad Ali died, of course - unless you’ve been under a rock you know. That news is every where.

The guy was hugely inspiring, and to so many people. I didn’t realise how much though until I read all the words written about him.

Who is your hero?

Who do you admire and respect?

I think having heroes is a wonderful thing. As I said the other day, inspiration is gold to me.

Other people can fire such inspiration within you - whether you meet them or not.

Though it’s important to regularly connect with bright lights that keep that fire burning within you, sometimes the idea of living heroically from a role model is enough.

But none of your heroes happened by mistake. It takes work, and awareness, and to keep going.

One huge thing the Ishayas’ Ascension meditation has given me is this.

Life is your choice. And… Don’t matter if you think you've done well or bad in the past, you are only as good as your next choice.

The past need not define you anymore.

It makes you who you are today, but if you are aware you are free to choose what to do next.

You are free to define yourself, free to define the circumstances and situations you find yourself in, rather than let them define you.

A constant reset button. You get to go again go again. And always getting bigger and better. Constant improvement.

So commitment to being the best you can be is not about how hard you go at it, but about tenacity of purpose.

All your heroes have that tenacity.

Tenacity is what you keep doing to make sure you are the person you want to be and you live the life you want to live.

So how about it?

What will you do today that will make the most of not only this moment, but set you up for the future?

For me one thing, as you may well know, is the practice of closing my eyes and meditating.

It’s essential.

If you want to know the simplest and most powerful method going, or if you want a reminder, there’s a course here at HQ:

I’m not teaching but I will be around. I would love to say hello, so tell me if you’re coming.

Have a wonderful day.

  • Arjuna

PS. a wise man once said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

And so true is that.

What’s your single step for this moment?

Easily offended? Look away!

The other day I mentioned a guy called Paul Mort, who is awesome. He sent me an email about “body shaming”, and I wanted to reiterate what he said.

A way back there was an advert for a weight loss company and it created such a big outcry. Apparently there is another one.

I’m not interested in going into the details simply because they don’t matter.

What I want to talk about is that people got offended over an image, and a message.

I do get it - I do get the power of the media to create an environment where you start to see the world in a certain way.

I realise there are certain pressures in regard to well, everything.

There are so many images and ideals of perfection, and you will always fall short.

Now I’m not saying don’t try and create change in the world.

Please don’t get me wrong - this is not what I want to talk about.

I want to talk about your own reactions to the things of the world.

If you’re getting sucked in and find you’re having your buttons pushed regularly by adverts or events or what he said/she said…

…even if it is the most noble thing…

…even if you think you are morally in the right…

If you’re losing your cool…

and blaming someone else for it…

There is definitely something there for you, in your own choices.

You see, it’s like this:

In order to stop the hurts as you walk across the world you can:

Attempt to carpet the whole thing…

…or you can take a small piece of padding and secure it to your own feet.

The most efficient way of dealing with stuff you don’t like is to take responsibility for your own thoughts and feelings and actions.

If you’re getting triggered by stuff, surely the fastest way to get around that is to work out how not to be triggered by it…?

There lies freedom.

You can try and change the world all you like, but if you don’t change yourself you will just keep hitting things that trigger you.

You’ll always hit up against something that will offend or bewitch or ensnare you.

They will find you!

If you see that trigger point and are able to make another choice it won’t matter what people say, what the adverts say, what happened, you are free from that knee jerk reaction, free of that chain.

You are able to be self-contained - in you. Needing nothing. Approval or condemnation? Uh-huh, thanks.

And in that you will have such a different (and more powerful!) leverage over the things you do want to change.

Because it’s not personal anymore.

Interesting huh?

Start with yourself, and then work outwards.

Try it out.

The fastest and easiest way I know of changing reaction into free action is meditation.

The regular practice of an effective technique such as Ascension meditation brings great rewards.

And it just so happens I have some personal coaching spots opening up. If you want one:

Have a great day, a free day. - Arjuna

PS. I only got a few places, and when they're filled there's no more. Get in there:

Everybody wants to be somebody else

I’m on the coaching program of a guy called Paul Mort  - he’s a genius: about so many different things. And he’s 100% himself. Totally loud, a little obnoxious - but always in a happy way, always with a huge heart. That’s him.

He's also super open about his struggles. He makes no apologies for laying everything out. He doesn’t hide and pretend everything is perfect, that he’s somehow mastered everything - but all so people can learn from his mistakes.

That is so refreshing in this age of media “perfection”.

I gotta say, I love him and his style to bits. It’s not me, but it’s so welcome when someone is just themselves.

“Here I am!”

No apologies or hiding, just authenticity.

It’s really great when you have a conversation with someone who is 100% content in themselves.

I remember when I was younger, starting to meet people who had nothing to prove.

It was so obvious. There was something about them. And I loved it. I wanted to be around them more, you know?

It meant I could rest, let go, and just be me too.

The conversation is then more intimate, if that’s the right word.

There’s more connection there, no trying, no attempting to impress.

It’s a wonderful way to live, really it is. Simply being you means you take such a load off.

And you know what - authenticity is the biggest thing Ascension meditation has given me.

The ability to be myself.

To not hide behind masks and projected images and guessing what other people want to see.

It’s so rare; and it was something I really wanted, but it honestly wasn’t until I started a regular meditation practice that meant I could.

I had a tool to erase all the beliefs and habits of wanting to be like someone else.

And ever since I learnt this practice, I started meeting many many different people - all whom were super open and real. Coincidence?


If you want authenticity - to just be you, in all your warty amazing glory, I say learn Ascension meditation.

It makes things super simple, super fast. It really does.

If you want to be a part of that - I have a few one on one personal coaching spots opening up.

Fill in the application form here if you’re interested in working with me closely:

Have a great day! Arjuna

PS. There is a new group program I have brewing, but since I’m organising a wedding and a honeymoon (so taxing I know…), you’ll have to stay tuned until my personal life settles down (haha- who really wants that?)

Til then, if you want personal meditation coaching, get in here:

Getting more peace in your day

Everyone says they want peace. But not everyone has it. How about you?

Have you got more peace than you know what to do with?

Peace doesn't need to randomly happen to you. The amount of peace you experience in your day is down to one thing, and one thing only:

How much you prioritise it.

How much you make your own peace the most important thing.

Not later, when you’ve gotten through the things to do, but now - right now - in each and every moment.

It involves taking active steps to keep the peace.

It involves effort in as much as you need to dedicate parts of your day to closing your eyes.

It involves sacrifice in that you have to give up drama, as well as the addiction to the past and the future.

But it gives so much.

It means you’re running on full - you can operate from the best place possible.

You can do the things you want to do from a place of clarity and calm. All things might not become easy, but they do become straight forward. There’s no fuzzy thinking, just this, then that, then this. One thing at a time.

You get more creative - you have more headspace to come up with better solutions.

You have more energy, you are more relaxed. You notice the things around you, your senses come into focus.

You can have a quality interactions with the people you love, not just fitting them in around the thoughts in your busy head. You can truly nurture them, and be nurtured by them in return.

You smile more, you take yourself seriously less. Life is given perspective.

What I would do is take a look and see how you want to live your life.

The HOW is way more in important than the WHAT.

And it’s more in your control. The how you approach things is all about your attitude. And there you have choice.

But choice comes easier when it’s prioritised, when it’s practiced.

Cos that’s how you get rock solid - by practicing.

So if I were you, I would prioritise your choices for peace. Just do it and do it and do it until it becomes second nature.

Won’t take long, promise.

Have a great day - Arjuna ___________________________ How to be mentally fit, fluid and free

What you focus on, grows

I have a friend who is in Rwanda and the Congo teaching Ascension meditation to genocide survivors.

She was telling me some incredible stories, full of heart ache and pain, that these guys have been through - and because of that - how much they embrace the simple goodness of being alive.

Humans are amazing, in so many different ways.

What we focus on, grows.

When we focus on the important things, humanity really shines.

And I believe that’s the key - keeping what is important in perspective.

You have so much, and yet it is so easy to fall into a rut and a trap of focussing on what you don’t have. On what is wrong.

Compared to someone who has lived through war and genocide, you are golden.

If anything your only problem is that you don’t realise how much you have to be grateful about.

The trick is having a rock solid way of remembering and seeing clearly everything that is decent and great.

Of celebrating the goodness, the small miracles, of staying aloft of the negativity.

It’s not easy - because of the habits of your mind.

But it can be simple. It can become a choice.

A practice, a technique that you use to rise above all of the negativity - I would say - is essential.

But then I know what life was like for me before Ascension meditation, and I know what life is like for me now.

I am the same person - but I have a way of consistently focussing on what I want to grow in my life.

I have a practice that means the ability to remain positive and focus on the good has become second nature.

It is simple to remain present and alive to the life that is right in front of me.

I can hand on heart say that worry and doubt and fear is a choice.

Wouldn’t that be a nice foundation from which to live your life?


I’m not special - if I can, so can you.

If you want that, what you might like to do is join me on this weekend’s Ascension meditation course.

We begin at 7pm Friday and it’s going to be an awesome course.

The house is full but there is room for a couple more.

It will be my last course like this for some time - I’m not stopping teaching Ascension, no way, it’s too much fun, too transformative, but the audience is going to be a lot more niche, specific.

If you want in, click here:

Have a great day, okay?

  • Arjuna


Go on - if there is one thing you should do in this life, it is learn to meditate properly.

Don’t dabble, don't be doing with books, learn a solid technique, properly structured so you have it easy.

You want it easy, and it can be:

What's worse than cancer?

It seems like everywhere I turn at the moment someone is getting a cancer diagnosis. Two people on this email list in the last week alone have written and told me they have come back from the doctor with bad news.

It’s something that’s in my world a lot.

My mother in law to be, an awesome lady who lives right next door, has been living with cancer on and off ever since I’ve known her.

Here’s the thing that she shows me every time I see her:

She lives knowing that there is something worse than cancer by far, and that is worry.

The power of your own mind is incredible. Worry will eat you alive far quicker than anything else.

And so she goes in the opposite direction. She goes over the top to be grateful and positive and have as much fun as she can.

Of course she has moments, but over the years, and along with her Ascension meditation practice, she's gotten really expert at staying on the right side of the line.

Worry can be a great lesson, actually.

Whatever you worry about - regardless of whether it’s cancer or money or security or your loved ones, it can show you what the mind does to you.

It projects fear into the future so much you miss out on the reality of this moment.

And it never helps -

It only paralyses you, meaning you do nothing but spin around in little circles in your head.

You end up missing out on life; a grey, anxious filter comes down and affects your whole world.

However - if you can see this happening, you can see you still have a choice.

You always have a choice.

You can focus on what is wrong - which has one set of results;

Or, like my mum in law to be, you can focus on what is right - which has another set of results.

Choose to stay present and be positive and grateful and remember to enjoy what you do have, right in front of you.

And then from that mental state your body has a far better chance of dealing with the problem.

I can’t say it enough times - your inner outlook changes everything.

In life by far the biggest game is in your own head.

Winning the inner game makes the outer game simple.

If you need help with this - come and learn Ascension meditation:

I give you the tools and the understandings to become the master of your own mind to such a degree you never knew was possible…

and there is a community of constant support for you to plug into if you wish for times like cancer when the mind goes crazy on you.

The next course is 15-17 April, only a few weeks away now.

I don’t know when the next one will be, simply because I’m getting hitched and then running away on honeymoon.

Get in before the fiancee does!

As always, if you’ve already learnt you are so welcome to come back to resit all or part of the course. It would be great to have you here again.

Take it easy out there, and if you need anything just write, - Arjuna

Resurrection time

So Easter - almost done and dusted. I’m almost recovered from man flu. The nieces and nephews have almost finished eating all their chocolate and almost finished destroying the house. It’s all good, actually. I really like having them around. Perhaps it's time to get some? I know the fiancee is keen. How hard can it possibly be? (heh heh).


At the core of the old story is resurrection. Of coming alive again. A come back. I think sometimes we can get down, and just stop doing the things that take us where we want to go. We make one small mistake or have one set back and it causes us to stop doing anything.

You know that?

I know I've been feeling distinctly unmotivated the last few days. Flu and what not doesn't help either.

But being unmotivated is okay. I know from past experience that it won't last forever.

The thing that used to get me most is thinking in this path of becoming the best version of myself that there would be certain hurdles only in the beginning.

You know - resistances and complaints, inner sabotage of a type that unless you’re aware to it, it just comes and gets you, simply because you are unaware of that controlling voice, that controlling story that throws the brakes on whatever you want to do.

But these hurdles, these voices and resistances aren’t only there in the beginning. It appears that they will be there constantly.

So the trick to getting around them is expecting them.

Instead of barricading yourself in as they bang and push on your door, you simply swing the door wide open on them and watch them fall on their faces as you step over them to a brighter future.

A mistake or a set back isn’t proof that you can’t do the thing you set out to do or that you're "useless", it can be just something that happened.

If anything, getting too wrapped up in mistakes and setbacks are just proof that you are too hard on yourself.

Don't beat yourself up.

Let the ebbs and flows of life come and go.

If you're feeling great, well great, full steam ahead.

If you're not feeling so great, no worries my friend. Take a moment. Take two.

Take the time you need to regroup - and you will regroup - so you can then sally forth once again.

Resurrect and live again! Huzzah!

All it’ll take is a little awareness - so you can be sensitive to what this moment needs, to what you require now. And a little determination, so you don't just give up.

Want more of both?


And here’s how:

Have a great day, and keep on trucking - in all ways - Arjuna

The Joy of Eggs

We’ve got a house full of kids for the Easter weekend. The fiancee's cousin's family are up. Easter bunny egg hunt has just been completed, and what fun that was.

Seeing life through a little person’s eyes is a great thing.

What I loved most was seeing their little faces all lit up at finding a ribbon tied to a tree. Wouldn’t it be nice to be that overjoyed at something so simple? I think when we grow up we forget too much of that joy of just living that a little guy has.

Of course there is the mayhem and the tantrums and all the rest - that is a definite something to outgrow.

But to retain the sense of innocence is something special - and rare.

Adults just seem to get stuck in the mundane, in the “to do” lists, they forget the purpose of life.

What is the purpose of life?

One thing I know, the purpose of life sure isn’t just survival.

Aristotle said it was to be happy.

And to be certain, this is a happiness based in living a life that is worth living.

Not finding a kind of happiness by attempting to hide away from the challenges of it - that’s hollow as an easter egg - but jumping in and giving it your best shot.

I honestly don’t know how I would even attempt living a life worth living without a solid internal foundation.

Where the mind becomes a faithful servant, and not a neurotic overlord.

Being mentally fit and flexible means you can thrive in all circumstances. And be innocent enough, fresh enough, to enjoy each and every moment of it.

You know what I’m going to say - and I’ll bang on about it until you find a way to learn or you unsubscribe (link is always below) - if you want the simplest, most powerful way of making your life better in all ways, you should avail yourself of learning Ascension meditation.

I give you everything you need to learn to meditate, and live, like a legend.

The next course is not that far away - 15-17 April - and knowing what I know now about the ability of this course to transform, I wouldn’t wait for the next one, I really wouldn’t.

Humans have an infinite ability for postponing. And by postponing here, you are postponing Happiness and Life (both capital letter jobs).

Sign up here:

It’s totally risk free too. If within 30 days you don’t think it’s worth the money, I’ll refund the course fee straight back to you.

Right here:

Take care, and as always, enjoy each and every moment. - Arjuna

A question of what you really want

I’m still sick. On the couch, feet up, lemon and honey at hand. Actually, I'm well on the road to recovery, but I've decided to take another day just to really kick this cold into touch.

I’ve done my restorative and healing Ascension meditation all morning so I thought a quick little email couldn’t hurt.

Today is all about priorities.

Peace - calm - happiness - clarity - fulfilment - whatever the thing is that you want can only come to you when you make it a priority.

The last course I taught over the weekend showed me that, again.

The people said they wanted the good qualities of life but were also saying they had no time to practice.

We have a dilemma.

Do you really want what you say you want?

If you did, surely it would be simple to set aside the small amount of time necessary to get what you want.


And these guys I was talking with are all people who have learnt Ascension meditation. It’s not like they don’t know what to do. They have the keys to the greatest, simplest, most powerful vehicles in the whole world - they just don't use them.

The hardest thing about Ascension meditation is just sitting down and making time. Which is great, because making time is simple when you are committed to what you want from it.

It is, as they say, a no brainer.

But, on the other hand, getting what you want - say peace and clarity, or living a completely stress-free life - is almost impossible if there is not at least a small sense of prioritising those things.

It always comes back to what you really want. What you are truly committed to always is reflected back at you, in your life.

Make living a life of ease and joy a priority and everything is straightforward from there.

You ready to do that?

I’m ready to teach you what you need:

Peace is a piece of cake when you have the right priorities and the right tools. Without one of those ingredients it’s a bit trickier.

Up to you though - completely up to you.

If I were you, I would make it so.

That’s the view from the couch. Take it easy. - Arjuna

What I learned in Ikea about relationships and life

I went to Ikea for the first time yesterday. Somehow I have avoided it for so long, but what a joy it was! Like a kid in a sweet shop I “helped” my fiancee design a kitchen, picking bench tops and doors and handles and soft closures and colours and textures and oh, I do hope I was helpful.

The suggestion of a zen water “feature” in one of the corners was one of my better, more helpful ideas, I thought. Apparently Ikea don’t do those so the idea was scrapped. They’re missing a trick there, for sure.

I have a friend who says going to Ikea with a prospective loved one is the best way of knowing if the prospect will be able to stay the distance.

She insists that countless heart break would be avoided if all potentials are vetted via this “Ikea process”.

The fiancee and I certainly walked out still talking to each other, so I think that is a good sign.

What I learnt, and here perhaps is the critical point of this musing, is that happiness is far greater than trying to be right.

Sometimes you want to be right, and you need to be right, and yet happiness doesn’t care if your water feature idea is taken up or not.

Sometimes being right is important. But not as often as people would think. You can also still be right in your own heart, and not need the other to know just how right you are.

I learnt that people will insist on being unhappy just for the sake of purple (sorry, “aubergine”) over grey (“taupe”).

It’s as if their ideas and beliefs on what makes a greater cooking environment are actually who they are.

Perhaps they are. Perhaps if we open you up we would find purple or grey insides, and we would know your taste in kitchens.

But regardless, I think being right should give way to being happy a lot more. Because being happy is so much more than being right.

It would also mean many more people are happy more often, don’t you think?

I do. But I think zen water gardens are a good idea, so what do I know?

You may know that I have a meditation weekend course coming up (15-17 April). I think it is a wonderful tool for greater happiness, I think it is the single greatest thing you might ever do.

It brings so much happiness, and great relationships, and great calm, and is incredibly simple to do.

If you’re interested in more, if you want to book a seat, sign up here:

Have a great day. If you need anything, just ask.

Keep the Peace! - Arjuna

He was a right pain in the arsk

I once worked with a guy who was always late, always getting into arguments, always a sloppy worker. It was a construction firm and he was always being called back to redo his work.

He had what is technically known in the trade as a “bad attitude”.

Funny thing was, I got on really well with him. He used to give me a lift to work every now and then and found his company genial.

He just hated work. He hated the bosses, he hated the systems and the processes, he hated his pay, he hated the building, he hated everything about it.

And it showed. He really was a awful worker.

One Friday on the way home from work we went out for a beer, and he grilled me about meditation.

I talked and talked at length about learning to be the boss of your mind rather than letting the mind be the boss of you.

I said happiness comes from being able to focus and be present.

But I also said that happiness and calm comes from focusing on what you want, not what you don’t want.

Everything good comes from the ability to choose what you put your attention on.

Critically for him, I think, I said happiness and fulfilment comes from your attitude. From how you approach what you do.

Things don’t make you feel a certain way, you choose your response to things.

Why choose to hate what you do, when you do it every day?

If you can’t get out and do something different, why not choose to focus on the things you like about it?

You can choose to “have” to go to work, or you can choose to have a sense of “play” about it.

How can you make what you do a game?

Small choice, huge difference.

It’s the same tasks, the same people - you may have the most serious job in the world - but your approach will define how you feel about it - and how you perform in it - completely.

And so it was with my friend.

The very next Monday he picked me up and he was a different person.

Gone was his “bad attitude”. I swear I saw him whistling through his day, a tune on his lips.

He still didn’t like where he was, but he changed his attitude to it all.

That in turn changed him and his work.

It wasn’t something he suffered through, it actually became something he could enjoy.

It was the most remarkable turn around I have ever seen.

All because he really saw what his choice was, and he jumped in and made the most of his choice.

Why don’t you give it a go?

If you're interested in something that will give you both a better attitude and mindset, AND the ability to focus and be present, then Ascension meditation is for you:

Remember, if you want to repeat the course - which will always be free - send me an email to book a seat.

If you’re learning for the first time, you’re in for a treat.

But don’t wait too long, there aren’t an infinite amount of seats. I keep numbers relatively low so I can make sure you get everything you need.

Jump in here:

Enjoy yourself - you'll always have that choice, - Arjuna

What is better than being able to walk on water?

I practice Ascension meditation for the sole reason of becoming greater than the sum of the ups and downs of my mind. I’ve always wanted to be better than before.

I’ve always wanted to see what is around the corner - literally and figuratively.

“What If …?”

“Can I …?” I am not religious but stories of humans like Jesus …

… Quick joke - Did you hear that Jesus was killed the other day walking to work? Yeah, he was hit by a water skier…

OK, maybe not my best, but tales of extraordinary feats such as walking on water have always fascinated me.

What would it take to do that?

I have discovered that what is more extraordinary than even walking on water is rising above fear.

Buddha said as much. He said the greatest hero is that person who can conquer their own minds.

Teaching Ascension meditation means I’ve gotten to meet people from all over the world, from all different backgrounds, all who want more from life.

And some of them have had horrendous pasts.

A guy who spent his childhood in a war, pulling out skulls from the sand at the beach.

A former soldier who was haunted nightly by the ghosts of people he had killed.

A girl in a wheelchair whose body is slowly closing down.

People whose parents have physically and sexually abused them, tales of addiction, sorrow, and pain.

I didn’t mean to get too heavy on you.

But I only talk about this because there is always a way out - no matter how deep a hole you think you are in.

It is never the situation or the circumstances or the events that we have lived through, it is always our relationship to these. It is always our attitude that counts.

These guys that I have met have all had an unstoppable attitude.

They have proven that your past need not define your future.

Because they have been willing to close their eyes and do their simple practice of Ascension meditation, the practice has allowed them to carry an ever increasingly lighter load.

No matter where you find yourself, there is a way out.

There is always a way out.


So keep the hope alive, and go and do something, whatever it is just something, about that.

Get started.

If you’d like to learn Ascension meditation with me and a bunch of cool people, then come along.

These the are tools to mean you can have the foundation to a truly excellent life, no matter your past.

You can see what indeed is possible for you.

For more details, or to book a seat, go here:

Take it easy, till next time - Arjuna

A time for honesty versus a time for self-abuse

Yesterday I wrote about being honest and clear about the areas of life where you "suck" at. My idea is that it's good to know what you aren't so good at so you can get better at it.

A reader wrote and pointed out that for many people that's all they get from their heads - constant self criticism.

And I understand that.

I know sometimes even for the most gentle of heads it will give you a long list of reasons why you are no good.

Living with that day in, day out is exhausting. Demoralising.

I know because I've lived through periods of my life where it is just misery to be left alone with my thoughts.

Like last thing at night when all you want to do is rest but your head just provides a list of what you haven't done right and "what's the point anyway?”

Success for me, at one time, was just being able to get out of bed in the morning.

Meditation is an excellent refuge from those negative patterns. It really is.

Ultimately, if you continue to practice, it is a source of great healing where the root of those beliefs and judgements about yourself can simply be evaporated.

They honestly get lighter and lighter and stop coming.

It's a process for sure, but meditation is a means of a) coming to terms with your own mind, b) resetting all those limiting and destructive, self sabotaging programmes.

That's why it's called Ascension meditation. It is a practice to rise beyond whatever is limiting you from experiencing everything life has to offer.

That is regardless if you've had a sweet easy straightforward life, or a not so smooth ride. Regardless of what your mind tells you.

If all you have is hope that you can even have a slightly better life you are blessed.

So many people don't even have hope.

And I think that's where honesty and clarity still has its part to play.

Not to indulge in some self abuse, but to take stock and provide some impetus to do something about what you find.

Where you want more?

Are you really living the life you want?

Indeed, does your mind "suck"?

Do you know what to do about it, apart from sedating and trying to avoid it?

Do you have a dream, a suspicion even, that somehow someday it might be easier just to walk this Earth?

Do you need help doing this?

In honesty you'll be able to come to terms with the fact that perhaps something needs to be done, something different.

It might give you the impetus to not settle for less.

So take heart, take refuge in the fact that there is a way out of even the most difficult of circumstances.

There really is. But there might have to be a reckoning:  What will you do about it?

Because if you're prepared to do something about it, then I can help you.

One of these things is teaching you Ascension meditation:

Take it easy - it’s a fine balance between achieving your goals and being absolutely content with exactly where you are.

Talk more tomorrow, Arjuna