The Joy of Eggs

We’ve got a house full of kids for the Easter weekend. The fiancee's cousin's family are up. Easter bunny egg hunt has just been completed, and what fun that was.

Seeing life through a little person’s eyes is a great thing.

What I loved most was seeing their little faces all lit up at finding a ribbon tied to a tree. Wouldn’t it be nice to be that overjoyed at something so simple? I think when we grow up we forget too much of that joy of just living that a little guy has.

Of course there is the mayhem and the tantrums and all the rest - that is a definite something to outgrow.

But to retain the sense of innocence is something special - and rare.

Adults just seem to get stuck in the mundane, in the “to do” lists, they forget the purpose of life.

What is the purpose of life?

One thing I know, the purpose of life sure isn’t just survival.

Aristotle said it was to be happy.

And to be certain, this is a happiness based in living a life that is worth living.

Not finding a kind of happiness by attempting to hide away from the challenges of it - that’s hollow as an easter egg - but jumping in and giving it your best shot.

I honestly don’t know how I would even attempt living a life worth living without a solid internal foundation.

Where the mind becomes a faithful servant, and not a neurotic overlord.

Being mentally fit and flexible means you can thrive in all circumstances. And be innocent enough, fresh enough, to enjoy each and every moment of it.

You know what I’m going to say - and I’ll bang on about it until you find a way to learn or you unsubscribe (link is always below) - if you want the simplest, most powerful way of making your life better in all ways, you should avail yourself of learning Ascension meditation.

I give you everything you need to learn to meditate, and live, like a legend.

The next course is not that far away - 15-17 April - and knowing what I know now about the ability of this course to transform, I wouldn’t wait for the next one, I really wouldn’t.

Humans have an infinite ability for postponing. And by postponing here, you are postponing Happiness and Life (both capital letter jobs).

Sign up here:

It’s totally risk free too. If within 30 days you don’t think it’s worth the money, I’ll refund the course fee straight back to you.

Right here:

Take care, and as always, enjoy each and every moment. - Arjuna

A question of what you really want

I’m still sick. On the couch, feet up, lemon and honey at hand. Actually, I'm well on the road to recovery, but I've decided to take another day just to really kick this cold into touch.

I’ve done my restorative and healing Ascension meditation all morning so I thought a quick little email couldn’t hurt.

Today is all about priorities.

Peace - calm - happiness - clarity - fulfilment - whatever the thing is that you want can only come to you when you make it a priority.

The last course I taught over the weekend showed me that, again.

The people said they wanted the good qualities of life but were also saying they had no time to practice.

We have a dilemma.

Do you really want what you say you want?

If you did, surely it would be simple to set aside the small amount of time necessary to get what you want.


And these guys I was talking with are all people who have learnt Ascension meditation. It’s not like they don’t know what to do. They have the keys to the greatest, simplest, most powerful vehicles in the whole world - they just don't use them.

The hardest thing about Ascension meditation is just sitting down and making time. Which is great, because making time is simple when you are committed to what you want from it.

It is, as they say, a no brainer.

But, on the other hand, getting what you want - say peace and clarity, or living a completely stress-free life - is almost impossible if there is not at least a small sense of prioritising those things.

It always comes back to what you really want. What you are truly committed to always is reflected back at you, in your life.

Make living a life of ease and joy a priority and everything is straightforward from there.

You ready to do that?

I’m ready to teach you what you need:

Peace is a piece of cake when you have the right priorities and the right tools. Without one of those ingredients it’s a bit trickier.

Up to you though - completely up to you.

If I were you, I would make it so.

That’s the view from the couch. Take it easy. - Arjuna

Man flu strikes

I think my trip to Ikea I told you all about yesterday must have taxed me to the limit of my endurance. I woke this morning with a sore throat. Now I don’t like being sick, but what can you do?

Moan and whine a bit? Man flu can do that to a man.

But looks like I might just have to go for the plain old acceptance route, let go, park the “to do list”, and put my feet up.

Be nice to get some more time in with the Ascension meditation techniques. I saw a study once that said that meditation during a flu or cold meant whatever was ailing you healed quicker and more completely than your average non-meditating person.

Of course I didn’t keep the reference because I’m dozy like that, but closing my eyes is worth a shot anyway.

It might be something you could remember next time you are coming down with something.

Instead of pushing through, take a little more time to rest - if at all possible - and let the body heal up.

I’ve learnt the hard way that unless I listen to my body and give it what it requires, it just whacks me later, stronger and for longer. I’d rather have a quick cold than a lingering monster of one.

So to lemon and honey all round!

If you’d like to join me on the coolest meditation course since meditation was invented, one that may possibly help accelerate the healing process (scientific references depending), one that is enjoyable and so straightforward even a baboon could (possibly) learn it and practice in ease, then I have the thing for you:

Ascension meditation weekend course, 15-17 April (we begin 7pm on the Friday)

Any questions? Fire away. I’ll get to you as soon as, but you can understand if it’s not as speedily as usual.

Take it easy Arjuna

What I learned in Ikea about relationships and life

I went to Ikea for the first time yesterday. Somehow I have avoided it for so long, but what a joy it was! Like a kid in a sweet shop I “helped” my fiancee design a kitchen, picking bench tops and doors and handles and soft closures and colours and textures and oh, I do hope I was helpful.

The suggestion of a zen water “feature” in one of the corners was one of my better, more helpful ideas, I thought. Apparently Ikea don’t do those so the idea was scrapped. They’re missing a trick there, for sure.

I have a friend who says going to Ikea with a prospective loved one is the best way of knowing if the prospect will be able to stay the distance.

She insists that countless heart break would be avoided if all potentials are vetted via this “Ikea process”.

The fiancee and I certainly walked out still talking to each other, so I think that is a good sign.

What I learnt, and here perhaps is the critical point of this musing, is that happiness is far greater than trying to be right.

Sometimes you want to be right, and you need to be right, and yet happiness doesn’t care if your water feature idea is taken up or not.

Sometimes being right is important. But not as often as people would think. You can also still be right in your own heart, and not need the other to know just how right you are.

I learnt that people will insist on being unhappy just for the sake of purple (sorry, “aubergine”) over grey (“taupe”).

It’s as if their ideas and beliefs on what makes a greater cooking environment are actually who they are.

Perhaps they are. Perhaps if we open you up we would find purple or grey insides, and we would know your taste in kitchens.

But regardless, I think being right should give way to being happy a lot more. Because being happy is so much more than being right.

It would also mean many more people are happy more often, don’t you think?

I do. But I think zen water gardens are a good idea, so what do I know?

You may know that I have a meditation weekend course coming up (15-17 April). I think it is a wonderful tool for greater happiness, I think it is the single greatest thing you might ever do.

It brings so much happiness, and great relationships, and great calm, and is incredibly simple to do.

If you’re interested in more, if you want to book a seat, sign up here:

Have a great day. If you need anything, just ask.

Keep the Peace! - Arjuna

What to do when your past keeps coming back

When I started meditation I wanted my past to go away. I haven’t had a bad life in comparison to many, but that doesn’t matter.

When it’s you and your mind, comparison to others is useless.

When the mind bites, it bites. When the head starts to fear or get anxious about something, it can be torture.

What I found through Ascension meditation was not the ability to make my past go away.

Instead of forgetting about it, it gave me the means to come to terms with it, as it was.

If you’re willing to accept and allow and learn and use the past as a springboard for the future then you are golden, and unbeatable, no matter what life throws at you.

And you can help others directly through your own experience.

If you aren’t willing to accept and allow and learn, if you see yourself as a victim to the circumstances and situations, if you think you have no choice because of your past, if you hide and sedate in an attempt to ignore, then everything is going to hit you hard.

In coming to terms with it, it means any past becomes like an intense movie you just saw.

You remember it, you may shudder even, but it’s somehow now separate from you. It doesn’t affect your being, now.

The fact is no past need define your present.

You get to decide who you are and what you do next. No one can take away your hopes and dreams for life.

It’s never the cards you are dealt, it is always how you play them.

And all of that simply takes the right tools and the right understanding, and the right practice.

All of the above is what I wanted when I started meditation, and that’s what I got through Ascension meditation.

I don’t really care what you do, as long as you have something to help you through.

A vehicle to rely on when the mind gets intense makes all of this so much easier, so much simpler.

And having a community and guidance where you know they know what you’re talking about so you can get help.

I wouldn’t be here today doing this if it wasn’t for other people I could rely on for help.

Life is short, it really is. Make the most of each and every moment. Squeeze it dry.

That all comes from within. It all starts with your attitude and mindset.

If you want to learn Ascension meditation with me, I would be honoured to have you along. It’s happening 15-17 April.

Click here for details, or email me:

Need anything? Just email moi.

Take care - Arjuna

Headless chicken versus Usain Bolt

Headless chicken mode? Is when you are running around like a headless chicken - all over the place, but without direction.

I’ve worked in many different workplaces, and met many different people, actually in a few different countries, and the curious thing is how fast some people can get.

Some people are faster than Usain Bolt when it comes to getting stuff done.

Except without the accuracy of the man. They try and do everything, at the same time.

He does ONE thing, and is completely focussed on it.

It takes a certain vision to sprint, stay in your lane, AND make it to the finish line.

Nothing more embarrassing than finishing a race in someone else’s lane.

Or entering the stadium and running in the opposite direction from where you need to be.

Done both of those things, in both swimming and running. I just got confused along the way.

But you don’t need to!

Having, and maintaining, a clear vision is essential no matter what you do and where you are.

Trouble is when things get busy, humans tend to get busier.

It’s counter intuitive to stop.

But you need to know that it’s counter productive to get stressed.

You just get tunnel vision, and lose sight, and start going in smaller and smaller circles.

All productivity and enjoyment and clarity decreases the more stressed you get.

In times when there is lots to do, it becomes even more important that you stop and take time to see what is most important.

Less haste, more speed, as my gran would say.

You need to have balance, baby.

Then you can really fire on all cylinders AND head in the direction you need to go AND enjoy yourself ALL at the same time.

The only way you’ll know is by trying it.

Best way in the world of resting the body and increasing clarity is meditation.

You will be more productive, stress less, and enjoy yourself way more.

Imagine if life could be so much simpler…

Have a great day - Arjuna

He was a right pain in the arsk

I once worked with a guy who was always late, always getting into arguments, always a sloppy worker. It was a construction firm and he was always being called back to redo his work.

He had what is technically known in the trade as a “bad attitude”.

Funny thing was, I got on really well with him. He used to give me a lift to work every now and then and found his company genial.

He just hated work. He hated the bosses, he hated the systems and the processes, he hated his pay, he hated the building, he hated everything about it.

And it showed. He really was a awful worker.

One Friday on the way home from work we went out for a beer, and he grilled me about meditation.

I talked and talked at length about learning to be the boss of your mind rather than letting the mind be the boss of you.

I said happiness comes from being able to focus and be present.

But I also said that happiness and calm comes from focusing on what you want, not what you don’t want.

Everything good comes from the ability to choose what you put your attention on.

Critically for him, I think, I said happiness and fulfilment comes from your attitude. From how you approach what you do.

Things don’t make you feel a certain way, you choose your response to things.

Why choose to hate what you do, when you do it every day?

If you can’t get out and do something different, why not choose to focus on the things you like about it?

You can choose to “have” to go to work, or you can choose to have a sense of “play” about it.

How can you make what you do a game?

Small choice, huge difference.

It’s the same tasks, the same people - you may have the most serious job in the world - but your approach will define how you feel about it - and how you perform in it - completely.

And so it was with my friend.

The very next Monday he picked me up and he was a different person.

Gone was his “bad attitude”. I swear I saw him whistling through his day, a tune on his lips.

He still didn’t like where he was, but he changed his attitude to it all.

That in turn changed him and his work.

It wasn’t something he suffered through, it actually became something he could enjoy.

It was the most remarkable turn around I have ever seen.

All because he really saw what his choice was, and he jumped in and made the most of his choice.

Why don’t you give it a go?

If you're interested in something that will give you both a better attitude and mindset, AND the ability to focus and be present, then Ascension meditation is for you:

Remember, if you want to repeat the course - which will always be free - send me an email to book a seat.

If you’re learning for the first time, you’re in for a treat.

But don’t wait too long, there aren’t an infinite amount of seats. I keep numbers relatively low so I can make sure you get everything you need.

Jump in here:

Enjoy yourself - you'll always have that choice, - Arjuna

My worst clients … and my best clients …

This isn’t an expose or anything saucy like that. I’m just preparing for a course I have next week with the British Army.

They are my best clients, simply because I ask them to do something and they do it.

Occasionally someone will ask for clarification, and then we go.

The dream client is the one that just follows the plan.

A good coach or teacher will give you the precise plan you need to take you where you want, and all you have to do is follow the instructions and reap the rewards.

Such a simple system, yet when did simplicity ever get in the way of self-sabotage? Not often enough!

They are also great clients because they laugh, a lot.

I have never laughed so hard as having dinner with those guys.

I said they were also my worst clients?

Well, that was only because I didn’t know how to teach them in the beginning.

You see, they have such excellent poker faces.

Often times I just can’t tell if it’s making sense or not.

I guess (and I’m guessing) years of training and being yelled at by someone looking for a reaction will shut down those reactions pretty quick.

Which is all good - I’ve had to adjust my teaching style and not rely on “reading” people, but creating a means where I can get feedback.

So it is all good.

I think your worst clients are the ones that make you a better teacher.

You could probably apply that to everything you do, if you think about it.

The worst people can be a chance to bring out the best in you.

The lightening bolt I got was that sometimes the best help you can give anyone is simply to say no.

It’s been very difficult for me to say no to anyone, but I have gotten used to it.

The best help is to decline to help them in the way they want to be helped.

If that makes sense …

The best teachers I have ever had have been so because they made themselves unnecessary.

In other words, they help you stand on your own two feet.

That’s what I want to help people to do.

Sometimes clients don’t want that, and hence the power of “no”. We’re not a good match.

And so there you go.

Lessons a plenty for you.

If you want a simple plan that you just follow that brings you ever increasing levels of focus, calm and happiness …

That give you a tool to stop worry, doubt, anxiety, all of those loops in your head in their tracks …

That you can use with your eyes open so you enjoy each and every moment …

Then I fully recommend this one:

Ascension meditation is the one thing I have done every single day since 2003.

I think that is impressive in itself.

It’s easy and simple, fits into your life with a minimum of jostling, and it just works.

You want to get on the course.

Book your seat here:

Have a great day, be a good human.

- Arjuna

Dropping the story that is holding you back

Someone wise once said that the result of meditation is the letting go of what you don’t need and what you are not. What happens when what you don’t need and what you are not gets dropped?

You’ll have to tell me.

It will be individual to you.

For me what I don’t need has been always been wrapped up around doubt and worry.

The ability to have a quiet mind is incredible.

The ability to be present and really enjoy this moment has become natural, something that happens by default. Which is such a blessing.

Whatever happens for you it will be like realising that all this time you’ve been trying to move forward and your handbrake has been on.

Life without a handbrake is something to behold.

Now taking the handbrake off means dealing with your story.

Drop all the stories, even the ones that seem “real” and “valid”.

What is real and valid anyway?

What you parents told you? What other people believe? What is important to someone else?

What is true for you? For the life you want to live?

Just for a moment, ask yourself:

What if everything your mind told you was a story, an excuse?

What would happen then?

What would that mean for your experience of this moment in time?

What would that mean for future choices, for future plans?

Ahhh... so many questions.

It comes down to this:

There are two “you”s.

One is based on what you don’t need and what you are not. In other words, it is based on stress and stories.

The other is centred around on who you really are, the authentic true best version of you.

One is like driving with the handbrake on.

The other is like flying, free as a bird.

All that is required to fly is the willingness to drop everything that you don’t need and that isn’t you.

See clearly.

You don’t have to change in any other way.

I promise. I promise.

I've been doing this a long long time, and you just have to drop the story.

Easier said than done, but I know a way:

If you’d like the tools to drop everything that limits you, that really honestly works, come and get them:

It’ll be a lot of fun, and super powerful too. You won’t regret it.

Have a grand day, and keep flying. - Arjuna

What is better than being able to walk on water?

I practice Ascension meditation for the sole reason of becoming greater than the sum of the ups and downs of my mind. I’ve always wanted to be better than before.

I’ve always wanted to see what is around the corner - literally and figuratively.

“What If …?”

“Can I …?” I am not religious but stories of humans like Jesus …

… Quick joke - Did you hear that Jesus was killed the other day walking to work? Yeah, he was hit by a water skier…

OK, maybe not my best, but tales of extraordinary feats such as walking on water have always fascinated me.

What would it take to do that?

I have discovered that what is more extraordinary than even walking on water is rising above fear.

Buddha said as much. He said the greatest hero is that person who can conquer their own minds.

Teaching Ascension meditation means I’ve gotten to meet people from all over the world, from all different backgrounds, all who want more from life.

And some of them have had horrendous pasts.

A guy who spent his childhood in a war, pulling out skulls from the sand at the beach.

A former soldier who was haunted nightly by the ghosts of people he had killed.

A girl in a wheelchair whose body is slowly closing down.

People whose parents have physically and sexually abused them, tales of addiction, sorrow, and pain.

I didn’t mean to get too heavy on you.

But I only talk about this because there is always a way out - no matter how deep a hole you think you are in.

It is never the situation or the circumstances or the events that we have lived through, it is always our relationship to these. It is always our attitude that counts.

These guys that I have met have all had an unstoppable attitude.

They have proven that your past need not define your future.

Because they have been willing to close their eyes and do their simple practice of Ascension meditation, the practice has allowed them to carry an ever increasingly lighter load.

No matter where you find yourself, there is a way out.

There is always a way out.


So keep the hope alive, and go and do something, whatever it is just something, about that.

Get started.

If you’d like to learn Ascension meditation with me and a bunch of cool people, then come along.

These the are tools to mean you can have the foundation to a truly excellent life, no matter your past.

You can see what indeed is possible for you.

For more details, or to book a seat, go here:

Take it easy, till next time - Arjuna

A time for honesty versus a time for self-abuse

Yesterday I wrote about being honest and clear about the areas of life where you "suck" at. My idea is that it's good to know what you aren't so good at so you can get better at it.

A reader wrote and pointed out that for many people that's all they get from their heads - constant self criticism.

And I understand that.

I know sometimes even for the most gentle of heads it will give you a long list of reasons why you are no good.

Living with that day in, day out is exhausting. Demoralising.

I know because I've lived through periods of my life where it is just misery to be left alone with my thoughts.

Like last thing at night when all you want to do is rest but your head just provides a list of what you haven't done right and "what's the point anyway?”

Success for me, at one time, was just being able to get out of bed in the morning.

Meditation is an excellent refuge from those negative patterns. It really is.

Ultimately, if you continue to practice, it is a source of great healing where the root of those beliefs and judgements about yourself can simply be evaporated.

They honestly get lighter and lighter and stop coming.

It's a process for sure, but meditation is a means of a) coming to terms with your own mind, b) resetting all those limiting and destructive, self sabotaging programmes.

That's why it's called Ascension meditation. It is a practice to rise beyond whatever is limiting you from experiencing everything life has to offer.

That is regardless if you've had a sweet easy straightforward life, or a not so smooth ride. Regardless of what your mind tells you.

If all you have is hope that you can even have a slightly better life you are blessed.

So many people don't even have hope.

And I think that's where honesty and clarity still has its part to play.

Not to indulge in some self abuse, but to take stock and provide some impetus to do something about what you find.

Where you want more?

Are you really living the life you want?

Indeed, does your mind "suck"?

Do you know what to do about it, apart from sedating and trying to avoid it?

Do you have a dream, a suspicion even, that somehow someday it might be easier just to walk this Earth?

Do you need help doing this?

In honesty you'll be able to come to terms with the fact that perhaps something needs to be done, something different.

It might give you the impetus to not settle for less.

So take heart, take refuge in the fact that there is a way out of even the most difficult of circumstances.

There really is. But there might have to be a reckoning:  What will you do about it?

Because if you're prepared to do something about it, then I can help you.

One of these things is teaching you Ascension meditation:

Take it easy - it’s a fine balance between achieving your goals and being absolutely content with exactly where you are.

Talk more tomorrow, Arjuna

Time for some honesty

The best thing you can do for yourself is to take an honest evaluation of where you are at. Everyone has at least one area where they’re not fully firing. Where they’re not very good at.

There are places (to be brutal) in your life where you down right suck at.

Take some time and see where this is for you.

Be honest with yourself, there is no point hiding.

There is no point in covering it up, or ignoring it in the hope that it will go away or get better by itself.

It won’t get better by itself.

I thought that ^^^

And so I lived half-arsed for a long time.

What areas of your life can you improve in?

For me, it’s business. I am a complete novice in all matters of business.

The other big area of growth for me is relationships. Learning “what women want”, and how to give that to my fiancee.

In both those areas I have been guilty of hiding, head in the sand approach.

But my strength now is that I know where I suck.

I’m honest and upfront with myself about that, and therefore I can get the help I need to get better.

So it’s straightforward.

In business for example, I’ve put a plan in place, signed up to two great programmes, paid people to help me.

And for the first time in my life I’m getting better.

I’m learning and growing and moving forward. I’m getting clearer and clearer.

It’s not a coincidence.

It took some courage to take an honest look to begin with, and the determination to do something about it.

But it's worth it. The temporary pain of seeing where you lie to yourself means you can move forward.

A weakness isn’t something to be shy about. If you know it, you can overcome it.

So take a moment, what do you suck at?

If you can’t find a place, ask your loved ones. They know!

And then … Who can help you get better?

If it’s to be a better human that you want, with more calm and clarity, less stress, more happiness, purpose and fulfilment, then you might be interested in my Ascension meditation course.

It’ll give you a precise plan to follow so you can get better. And all the support you should need as well.

Take a look:

I coach one on one too, with a much higher degree of access and accountability for you so you can meet your goals faster and simply. It’s expensive, but people tell me it’s worth it.

If you’re interested or just have a question, just ask. I really am so happy to help. This is what I do, and I love to do.

Whatever you end up doing today, remember to enjoy each and every moment. - Arjuna

The simple and secret trick that means Muggles become Magical

Before I discovered the power, ease and simplicity of Ascension meditation … Was that a blatant pitch in the first line?

Seems like it.

You have to realise that I am so biased …

I am so friggin passionate (sorry dad, got carried away there) about making things easy for you who say you want to live the best life possible …

There is such relentless drive to make sure you know that the way your mind uses you means it is your worst enemy …

I will keep raving on until you take up my offer of the complete treasure map (complete with compass and shovel) to an exceptional life in all aspects…

Or you get sick of me and unsubscribe (the link is always there, at the bottom) to settle into mediocrity.


But I do believe I’m not alone.

Here’s Julia who wrote to me the other day on Ascension meditation: ___________

“I'm like a different person, well the same but what is left is the best version of myself. It's the ONLY thing that allowed me to drop the anxiety and depression I'd been carrying with me throughout my life! I didn't even have to deal with it anymore, it's like gone!! Weird to think how consumed my life was by that before- like some weird nightmare.

Now I'm living a life I could never have dreamt of! So full, content and amazing!! And it's all a choice, I have an actual choice to live my life that way with the techniques you taught. I'm one for adventure, and this opens up that sense of wonder and amazement in the most 'mundane' of tasks. Life is just amazing now!!”


One happy bunny. I didn’t pay her, promise.

You ever read Harry Potter?

My life (and Julia’s) before Ascension? Mugglez 4 Life

I didn’t realise that. You don’t know what you don’t know. Though there were hints of something else …

… Moments and snippets of “Yes! This is what life should be about!”

But what if every single moment could be filled with that?

Filled with contentment, clarity, calm, focus, happiness, peace, potential and purpose?

What if magic was hiding, just around the corner of your being?

How about if magic was always there, always within you, you just needed reminding how to access it?

What if you were the finest wizard pretending to be a muggle?

Superman pretending to be Clark Kent?

Thor without his hammer?

Dude - there isn’t a moment to waste.

You don’t have to settle for less. You can if you want, but why would you?

So my answer is: Ascension meditation weekend, 15-17 April: the beginning of the rest of your life.

£200 - get complete blueprint with money back guarantee, and all the support you need/want for the rest of your life, have magic.

Bargain: click here to book seat:

Remember, no matter what you do, the magic is within you, always, no matter what.


- Arjuna

HOW to get the meditation six pack abs and be the envy of all your friends

Dave, my friend from yesterday, also asks: How do I know I am meditating right? Good question.

If you go to the gym you kinda know what to expect if you have a good programme and you follow it.

You do the programme and get the six pack abs. Or whatever it is that you want.

Meditation is slightly different, but only because it’s likely you haven’t done it much.

“How should it feel, how should it be, what am I doing?”

Do worry if you’re doing it right or not, because…

The answer is found in consistency.

Consistency will show you everything.

You have to do it every day for a while to see what happens, to see what the results are.

You can’t just pick up a piano and expect to play Beethoven. Or Elton John for that matter.

You can’t just wander into a gym and bench press your body weight.

You can’t just swing into a car and drive like Nigel Mansell.

You need to practice.

And the practice gives you the results.

And the results give you the motivation to practice.

So here is the plan - the challenge:

1. just do it, right now, before things get painful, or just so things can be even better

2. do it every day, for ten minutes. Set an alarm/reminder and do it, regardless. If you’re a tough guy/girl do it twice every day. Rah!

3. set a calendar - do it every day for 30 days

4. tell people you’re going to do it. Facebook your mum and tell her too. They all won’t understand, but you aren’t doing it so they can understand, you’re doing it to be mentally awesome. And you’re telling them so you don’t sneakily give up - so you’re accountable!

5. reap the rewards. Be calm and focussed like a laser. Be happier than ever, for no reason. Develop a meditation “six pack” that every one will envy.

As my friend (I wish) Bruce Lee once said: “The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus”.

Focus is a simple by-product of meditating every day.

So is happiness. Uncaused happiness. Is great, you should try it.

So is a sense of utter calm.

Work is mad, you are behind, there is no time, home is the kids running up the walls, there are bills to pay, meals to cook, you got to get to the gym or go for a run …

And you just don’t care. Well, you care, you just aren’t caught up in it all. You just deal with it, simply and as is required. Boom, boom, boom. Job done, next one.

Bottomless calm and clarity. Which is awesome too.

As always, if you need help in any of this meditating business, if you want a programme that just works without you thinking about it, you might be interested in jumping on the course I have coming up:

It’s going to be a hoot, and will be of immense value to you.

I’m so convinced of the fact I will give you your money back if, after doing the course, you think I’m delusional.

Prove me wrong, I dare you:

Take care - keep the peace! - Arjuna

Will it get better if I do it every day?

My friend Dave wrote and asked me if meditation would help him at the moment. He’s been down a bit lately, his business is going slowly, and his head is full of anxiety and worries. He’s just not generally in a good space.

I said something to the effect of “heavens to murgatroid, yes!”.

Meditation helps everyone, no matter who they are and where they’re at.

But often it takes an event, or a pit, perhaps a chasm, to open beneath someone before they do anything about it.

First thing I want to say, and most of you will probably ignore this, don’t wait to get down and into a hell puddle before you do something about the renegade nature of your own mind.

Don’t wait for things to turn sticky and painful before you get mentally in shape.

It’s so much easier to turn around than when you’re suffering.

You know the other day I was talking about my moths eating my underwears?

How the need to overcome the inconvenience of doing something about it wasn’t that great, yet, but how stupid it was of me to wait until my beautiful bespoke suit got holes?

Don’t wait till the pain of doing something (meditating) is greater than the pain of not doing something (the ticking time bomb that is your head creating havoc).

I don’t care who you think you are - your head has a trojan, a worm, a nasty little queen moth that will pop out when you least expect it and bite holes in your happiness and your goals.

No matter who you are, no matter if you are the happiest person in the world right now, you can be even greater with a solid mental foundation.

I promise you that.

Meditation is like flossing.

Not everyone does it, but they should. Ha!

Make a plan to do it, everyday.

How? Just sit down, and close your eyes. If you know Ascension meditation, do that (obviously!).

If you don’t, just close your eyes and notice your breath coming in and out. Don’t look for anything to do, or to get, just sit.

Doing nothing is a wonderful cure all for doing everything.

But say you are in a little sticky puddle at the moment?

It’s super important you notice how you are talking to yourself in each and every moment.

Be vigilant.

Notice what you are mentally dwelling on. Don't go there.

Be as present as you can, in this moment.

Don’t worry a jot for what just happened or what you were just thinking about, become super alive here and now.

Everything will get better, simpler, more fun.

If you want help with this, if you want a fool proof plan to follow, tools that meditate for you (you just have to use them), if you want all the support you want and need for the rest of your life, then Ascension meditation might be for you:

It's a beautiful course but it's not for everyone.

It's not a magic pill - you have to do the work.

Though if you're committed to being mentally "fit" ...

AND you will do the small amount of enjoyable practice after the course,

AND you're happy to ask for help when you need it,

then you are welcome.

Here's the link:

Have a great day. If you need anything just email, ok?

- Arjuna



Holes in my prized underpants

I have holes! So many holes, holes everywhere.

I have a bad case of moths, and they are eating my prized underwear.

It’s not funny, I tell you, at all.

If you’re an outdoor type at all you’ll appreciate how good silky smooth, warm as toast, merino wool is against the skin. How much better it is than smelly old synthetics.

And how expensive that stuff is.

So you’ll also appreciate when the moths move in and munch my fine undergarments, how mad it makes me.

How much heart break it causes.

How much ranting away to my fiancee, cursing little flying creatures I might have been guilty of doing.

But here’s the interesting thing:

I have done nothing about it.

In my wardrobe I have a fine, measured to fit, woollen suit.

I’ve left it in there. But if I found holes in that, that would really make me mad.

It would probably make me so mad I would actually do something about them moths.

A bit late, though … right?

But that is exactly what humanity does.

Most of us won't do anything until the pain of doing it is less than the pain of not doing it.

We don’t do anything different until a problem has created sufficient pain.

There is such inertia to the comfortable path, and that comfortable path is rarely the path that brings us what we say we want.

I see it with my underwear. I am obviously happier whining and complaining about moths than actually doing something about them.

So how often do you do that in your life?

How often do you say this is important to me, but do nothing about it?

In your business, in your relationships, in your health?

Getting what you want requires overcoming inertia. It requires often times doing something a little different.

And some people never gain the necessary momentum to actually live the life they want, ever.

Is that how you want to live your life?

Don’t be happy with compromise, with being so comfortable you never do the things you say you want to do.

If you know you can be better in the head, in terms of being mentally fitter or more flexible, you may well be interested in coming to the Ascension meditation course I have planned.

All the details are here:

It is the one thing that you will do every day that makes everything else simpler.

You can, and should, book on here:

You won’t regret it.

If you’re wanting to repeat the course, send me an email for a seat. It’ll be great to have you back.

Let me know if I can do anything for you, otherwise have a fine old day.

- Arjuna

Who Else Wants Freedom?

Every one wants freedom. Everyone. What do you want freedom from?

I think it’s an excellent question to ask yourself.

Try it now.

Because, if you are honest, there is very very likely to be something there that means you don’t feel quite free.

I’m not talking about agreements and compromises and giving that is walked into fully conscious, that you want to do because, at least on some level, it brings you joy.

Like getting married for example.

Some talk about marriage as an end of freedom.

I’m not ashamed to say I cried like a baby when I asked my lady to marry me.

Because it meant so much to me.

So I’m not talking about things you freely agree to do, or things you set in place because they’re actually of benefit to you …

I’m talking about everything else. Stuff that you don’t want, or things that make you feel constrained.

So ask yourself, what do you want freedom from?

You know the answer to this - it's the stuff that bugs you constantly.

OK, so, my take is this:

Freedom begins in the mind.

Your negative mental patterns and resistances and fears are the first place you can free yourself.

By seeing them clearly, by letting them go, by not going around and around in them. By not indulging in doubt and worry and fear.

From there you can make different choices, make change in life.

A free mind is a foundation for the best possible life.

But often, so so so often, by finding freedom internally you don’t need to make any change.

You will find that the problem was in your head to begin with. You change your mind and everything changes with it.

Plato once said something similar:

"One cannot make a slave of a free man, for a free man is free even in prison”.

Inner freedom always comes first.

Want freedom?

Try my Ascension meditation course. 15-17 April:

It is the greatest thing you have never done for experiencing inner and outer freedom.

Questions? Try me!

Have a great day, - Arjuna

Did you hear about the guy who worked himself to death?

The people that I admire in this world seem to have a perfect balance. They are efficient and focussed. They get in to their work, do the things, make the decisions, have a laugh, and then they get out.

They leave it totally behind and are fully with their partners or families.

They take time to do the things that they love, that nourish their souls.

They are committed to being healthy, setting aside time to make quality food and exercise well.

But these people are super rare.

Maybe I’m too romantic in my notions, but I don’t see my ideal often. But when I do I sit up and take notice.

So many people are imbalanced. They typically push and push in one area of their lives to the detriment of everything else.

And it’s all about security, or proving something to someone, or caring too much. I know this because I’ve been through it myself.

Fear that I can’t let go of work because I need to provide. If I don’t look after my family, my retirement etc etc, who will … ?

Or, if I don’t do it, who will look after x, y or z? Muggins here will do it.

Or, I’m not in a place where I can cut back my working hours just yet. But soon I will be able to. I’ll get things in a place where they can run themselves and I can let go …

Or the old chestnut of doing it because everyone else seems to be doing it. Working so hard their eyeballs are bleeding, and after all, I can handle it.

Or, I’m a success and I’ll show the world (but through pushing so hard actually you’re beginning an obsession).

It’s a horrible little hamster wheel, but when you see it, you can get off.

I was talking about this on an Ascension meditation course the other day and they were connecting the dots.

One guy said he started to realise something was way out of balance when he sent an email at 2am and received a reply.

They were all working 16 and 18 hour days, with families and hobbies they are busy ignoring.

Maybe you can push for a few months, maybe years, but what is inevitable is that you will snap. Or your relationship will fail. Or you get so overweight it’s difficult to play with your kids.

You need balance. You can’t do anything without balance.

Making this kind of change takes courage, it takes seeing your mind and behaviours clearly.

And it means going beyond the fears of your mind.

It takes prioritising what is important to you.

This is your life and you need to decide how you want to live it.

The choice is in your hands, ok?

If you want help living a balanced and fulfilling life I know of a course that will help.

You can, and should, book on here:

Ascension meditation makes everything simpler and clearer. Honest, been doing it for a long time, and it works.

To save yourself a seat go here:

Any questions, fire away, I would love to help.

Keep the Peace! - Arjuna

Coffee is the devil’s drink

Sitting in my office this morning, back to a warm radiator with a great cup of coffee in hand. The fiancee has nabbed a bargain on eBay buying one of these fancy pants coffee machines that do it all for you, grind the beans, heat the cup, I think it will even drink it for you if you’re in a hurry.

Love it. Coffee fuels industry.

There was a time when I thought coffee was the devil’s drink. Not quite the devil, but you know what I mean - I thought it wasn’t a good thing.

I thought it was bad because everything I had read regarding meditation and yoga and all things spiritual and all the people on the internet who were the same said “herbal tea”.

Herbal tea this, goji berries that, gluten free everything.

And herbal tea is alright, actually. But I won’t go near those berries.

The point is: I wonder how many people don’t meditate because of the herbal tea idea?

The idea that they have to change something about themselves in order to be involved or to get it.

The truth is that the giving up of anything isn’t necessary, at all.

Sure, you make changes and arrangements to practice, but whatever you do needs to work for you.

Meditation should be a simple practice to reveal the best version of yourself to yourself.

To allow you to be mentally “fitter”, more resilient, more fluid, more able to focus and let go when required.

How much simpler can I make it?

Great efficiency and effectiveness comes from that. Great peace and happiness too.

You may make changes in your life - but only because you want to, not cos you “have” to.

Make sense?

In fact, the only thing you need to be willing to give up is limitation itself.

ie: The ideas and concepts and beliefs that you hold in your head that stop you from fully enjoying each and every moment.

OK? So don’t hold onto an idea that meditation needs to involve anything else.

You don’t need to drink herbal tea if you don’t want to.

You don’t need to chant or burn incense or sit on the floor.

I personally make myself a little nest on the couch with my blankie.

It’s got to be something that’s enjoyable, something that you look forward to doing.

For me sitting on the floor meant meditation was something I was glad was over … but you may be different.

So enjoy - enjoy each and every moment.

Of course my meditation weekend will be extremely enjoyable.

We’ll cut through the nonsense and get to the heart of the matter for you, giving you the exact tools and understanding you need to rise above all limitation and stress.

15-17 April, £200, all support after the course is included.

Email me for a seat.

Talk mo later - Arjuna

ps. another cup of coffee? I know a great little place...

FREE ebook and email coaching on meditation and mindset for ending stress and self-sabotage, and living an exceptional life:

My confession (nothing big, but a little embarrassing anyway)

I run my own business, and I do it because I love it, I love the freedom to sit on my floor with my back to the radiator and create something that helps people.

It’s a challenge for sure, but I love challenge, I love seeing what happens when I take a step outside my comfort zones.

Aptly enough, everything that I write about is for own education and growth.

The reason I teach meditation is because I need it. I need to constantly let go.

I love the challenge of my work, but sometimes it takes over.

Yesterday and this morning has been a case in point.

I’ve been obsessing over a minor point, constantly.

It’s a bit embarrassing to admit - since my job, and my business, is about not obsessing, not getting caught up in stuff.

And that is exactly what I was doing.

You see, and you’ll know this whether you’re self-employed or not…

You’re sitting there with your fiancee, having some quality time, and you’re actually thinking about work, and not hearing a single word she said.


You’re in bed, trying to sleep, and she turns to you and says “are you still thinking? Stop it, I can hear you”.


I wake in the morning and the problem is still there, and I’m teasing it through in my head, over and over again.

The fiancee gets exasperated and slaps me on the head (figuratively).


Then I realise what I’m doing. And that I don’t need to. That constant working it through is just creating stress, pointless stress, for me and for her.

It took that reminder to walk my own talk and actually use the tools I teach:

  • to detach, to stop obsessing, to be present again, to come back to balance.

When I actually sit down and use the Ascension meditation techniques, they work, beautifully. The turmoil I’ve been creating begins to settle down.

I’m actually clearer, even though I still don’t know what to do. But the answer will come, in clarity not from stress.

Seems like there is no end to the lessons I learn, or no end to the reminder to get out of my head and be alive to now.

And actually, honestly: long may it continue.

Long may I see the times when I’m “asleep”, or making choices that aren’t useful - to clarity, to my stress levels, to my relationship.

Just gotta get back on the horse, again and again. No matter what you’re doing.

There you go. A little story for you. Surround yourself with people who can remind you!

If you want to learn great techniques that work to stop stress and obsession, when you use them, come along to my course:

15-17 April. £200. All support, and reminders should you ever need them, for free for your lifetime.

Email me for a seat.

Have a great day - and take it easy!

- Arjuna

FREE ebook and email coaching on meditation and mindset for ending stress and self-sabotage, and living an exceptional life: