When I talk to people about calm, just about everyone says, ‘Oh, I’d love more calm and peace in my life’. But here’s a question for you: Do you know why you don’t have all the calm you want, right now?
You need times of dark to appreciate the light. It’s a popular idea. That peace can only be known in relation to turmoil. But just because it’s popular, doesn’t make it true. Here’s why …
We're always choosing how we see the world – glass half-full or half-empty? Make a different choice and you change what you see, you change your life. But the wildest part is that the world responds to your choice too. How does it work? I have no idea, but …
People think meditation is hard because they think it’s about peace. “How can I find peace in the middle of all the noise and chaos and challenge of my life?”, they think. Here’s where they’re making things much harder than they need to be.
A true path of self-improvement isn’t about adding much to yourself. It’s dropping everything that’s holding you back. And that often involves the urge to constantly self-improve.
Our untrained brains focus on 9 negatives to every 1 positive. That’s why one of the most important things in life is to train your head so you flip that ratio. Then life transforms, and instantly.
Why are you alive? What’s truly important to you? These are critical questions. How can you get clear on these things, so you can stay on track to living the kind of life you want to live?
What if…?’ – it's such a powerful and visionary question. But what if you could learn to do life free of struggle and suffering? What if your life could be filled with mindfulness, curiosity and total aliveness? Here lies incredible potential – and it's already within you.
There are so many myths about, and poor teaching around, meditation, even experienced meditators can get tied up in knots. Here’s one of the central myths and how to avoid it.
Life is full of challenges. Some of these we choose, many we do not. But while we can’t choose the situation, we can always choose our attitude – and that makes all the difference.
We think we’re the only ones … when we see the lifestyle that everyone’s selling on social media, it can be simple arithmetic to think we’re the only ones not doing a very good job of life. Not true, and here’s why.