Go first, take the lead, don’t wait for others to bring to life what you value. Then you’re free from disappointment and being let down – because you know only you can fulfil your ideals.
Normality is our society’s commonly accepted path to find stability and ultimately success and happiness. But it’s insanely flawed. There is no stability in anything our society promotes.
Don't make the mistake that so many do. Every step on your journey can be a joyful movement to more. It never needs to be a painful grind through hell.
Being able to change your world is an admirable trait, but on equal footing is the ability to accept what you have no control over. When an emotional past comes back to revisit, resistance only causes more problems. Acceptance and going with is the very thing you need.
Doing something out of the ordinary more often gives you so much more Life; life has more love in it, more energy and creativity, more sense of humour. You ride the storms easier. So, don’t forget the love!
It’s said that you are the sum of the people you hang out with the most. Good people are so valuable in so many different ways. But how can you best be such a person of Quality?
Beauty, magic, grace, energy and ease … make them the foundation for your life. Take time to stop and smell the roses. Your missions in life will be so much better for it.
What gets you out of bed in the morning? What floats your boat, lifts your skirt, puts lead in your pencil? What do you care deeply about? What makes you come alive, truly Alive? These things are more important than you might realise.
Completely attached to making life the way you want it to, forcing and pushing and controlling? Or flowing with, waiting until, moving at the perfect time with ease and grace and flow? The choice, as they say, is yours.
‘You are made of the finest stuff’ … strong words you may not believe. But in living a Good life, you have to distrust what your mind says in this matter. It’s a fine servant but a terrible master.
Intentionally creating your day as you go is so much wiser and such an easier way of living than crashing through it hoping for the best. Here’s some things to remember as you do that.