Our minds will cause us un-needed suffering with disastrous guess-work, stories and fears. Your sanity depends on learning not to entertain the mind; to live from what is truly unchanging and certain.
One of the most powerful life choices we can make is also the smallest, and most over-looked. Fully embrace this choice though, and nothing can stop you.
We think freedom is having unlimited choices. Turns out that just stresses our poor little brains out. True freedom is not unlimited; it’s carefully sculpted and achieved.
There is no perfect time, you will never be ready, you will never be free of doubt. All magic comes from boldness, from deciding. That’s when it all can begin.
We all have struggles, we all have monsters we’re afraid of. Given the state of mental health in the world, we don’t deal with them very well, not at all. So, what can you do?
I totally lost it at my daughter – and my anger was righteously justified. Yet when I calmed down, I saw how wrong I was. How could I be so right, and yet so wrong?
Living an inspired life isn’t difficult, but it is rare. Here’s a quick exercise to find your own guidance system to living better, free of stress and confusion.
What used to scare me the most was not living the life I was born to live. The heroic pursuit of something “more” has since become a guiding principle, and the people I admire are very clear on this. How about you?