I’m not on holiday and I should be. Yet there’s a valuable lesson there about things that just won’t happen no matter how hard I push, try, or control.
Our minds directly shape our lives. Changing the mind is one thing to change our life; but when you go beyond the mind, you find a different level of living altogether.
The spiritual attainments of a Buddha may seem frivolities in the modern world; but undistracted focus and deep understanding are possibly even more valuable today than thousands of years ago.
What are the rules that you can follow and be guaranteed of success in life? There’s no shortage of books and programmes suggesting various options. Ah, if only life was that simple.
We say we’d love to do this and that, to go there and experience that, to make a change somehow … but how often do we actually get down and put something into the calendar? Here’s an invitation to stop sleepwalking into a rut.
From an early age, we’re led to believe that more effort means more rewards. But in meditation and mindfulness it’s the direct opposite – more effort means less. Here’s how to get what you want from your practice completely effortlessly.
If you follow the latest news, it can be easy to think life has never been so bad, that the world has never been in a worse way. But is it? And how can you help?
We prize our intellects and thinking over and over again. Yet given the mess of our world, the conflict and suffering and seeming lack of wisdom being shown, perhaps there’s another way, a better way, a simpler way?
The transformational power of giving away the highest thing you know cannot be overstated. Do this one thing for an incredible amount of satisfaction in your life.
Attempting to hold yourself to a higher standard is a powerful way to live a life that satisfies and feels full of meaning and purpose. But be careful. All standards can be taken to extremes.
There is a purpose to suffering. It’s the rumble strip on the edge of the motorway of life – an invitation to head back where the road is smooth and easy
We can certainly fall into a rut of thinking we know, but we never do. We never can. Our story is being told as we live it, and anticipating it as such makes a world of difference.